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42 Cards in this Set

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A complication not likely to be experienced by a patient w/ chronic uncontrolled type 2 diabetes is:a-peripheral vascular disease b-orthostatic hypotension c-thickened capillary membranes d-increased glomerlular filtration rate
d GFR decreases as a result of destruction of the nephrons and thickening of the filtration barrier.
Which of the following is a true statement regarding diabetic ketoacidosis? a-Increase in insulinb-decrease in catecholamines c-peak in older adults d-increased fat mobilization
d increased fat mobilization
a male IV drug user develops hepatitis. He presents to his physician complaining of jaundice, fatigue, anorexia, noausea, and vomiting. Which of the following stages is he experiencing? a-Prodromal phase b-icteric phase c-recovery phase d-chronic active hepatitis
a patient is diagnosed with portal hypertension due to liver disease. Which of the following is the most common clinical manifestation of portal hypertension? a-bleeding from varices b-abdominal pain from splenomegaly c-ascites d-altered mental status
a bleeding from varices
A patient has been exposed to a contaminated cooling system. A large number of people in the same building have developed pneumonia. The most likely pathogen is which of the following? a-Legionella pneumophila b-streptococcus pneumoniae c-Mycoplasma pneumoniae d-Klebsiella pneumoniae
a-contaminated water
which of the following is true regarding chronic bronchitis? a-Hypersecretion of mucus b-chronic productive cough that occurs for at least 6 mo. c--occurs at least for 5 consecutive years d-decreased in smokers
A hypresecretion of mucus
a patient is born w/ a alpha-antitripsin deficiency. Which of the following conditions will most likely manifest? A-Asthma b-emphysema c-pulmonary fibrosis d-ARDS
b emphysema
how it TB spread from person to person? a-Sexual contact b-air droplet c-direct contact d-it is not transmitted person to person
b air droplet
a patient is being transferred from another medical facility w/ a diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction. Which of the following ins not a typical symptoms of acute myocardial infarction? A-Cough b-fever c-absence of pain d-crushing pain
a cough
Which of the following complications occurs secondary to hypertension? a-Cardiovascular muscle atrophy b-hypoglycemia c-congestive heart failure d-decreased demand for coronary perfusion
c congestive heart failure
which of the following is a true statement regarding PBH? a-10% of men will have it by age 80. b-It is an uncommon condition c-The prostate is largest at birth and continues to shrink d-It may be problematic if urethral compression occurs.
D urethral compression
which of the following is not one of the possible causes of prostate cancer? A-Androgens b-toxic carcinogens c-obesity d-alterations in growth factor
c obesity
which of the following is not a frequent site for distant metastasis for prostate cancer? A-Brain b-lymph nodes c-liver d-bones
A brain
which is not a symptom of endometriosis? A-Dysmenorrhea b-Dysparenunia – c-Infertility d-Anmenorrhea
which of the following increase the risk of cervical cancer? a-Intercourse before 16 b-multiple partners poor nutrition c-HIV positive d-all of the above
d all of the above
which of these is one of the fasting growing STD's in America? A-Chlamydia b-Condylomata-warts c-Syphilis d-Genital Herpes
Symptom of chlamydia? A) Burning and itching during urination b)Yellow drainage c) No symptoms d)fever, pelvic pain
A) Burning and itching during urination
When does endometriosis cause the most pain? A) Estrogen hormones b)Ovulation c) Menstruation d)Intercourse
Mom took DES during pregnancy, what would you teach her daughter to do? A)Pap smear b)Do not have children c)Annual pelvic exam d) Check CEA levels annually
c)Annual pelvic exam
Which patient is most likely to have BPH? A)86 yr. old man b)56 yr. old man who smokes c)76 yr. old man who eats high fat d)a woman
A)86 yr. old man
A pt. with tertiary symptoms of syphilis will exhibit? A)Blindness and confusion b) Asymptomatic c)Chancres d)Yellow discharge
? A)Blindness and confusion
Teach the pt. with HPV what? A) Annual psa levels b)Annual pap smears c)Annual digital pelvic exam d) Annual CEA levels
b)Annual pap smears
During heart failure: a)Cardiac contractility increases b)Preload increases c)System vascular decreases d)Pulmonary resistance decreases
b)Preload increases
Why does untreated hypertension lead to heart failure? A)The RAAS is inhibitedb) Adrenergic function is altered c)Left ventricular wall becomes thin and dilated d) Left ventricle becomes hypertrophic and heart undergoes remodeling
d) Left ventricle becomes hypertrophic and heart undergoes remodeling
The most common cause of right-sided heart failure is a-COPD b-MI c-Left sided heart failure d-Untreated hypertension
c-Left sided heart failure
Symptoms of right-sided heart failure are: a-Pulmonary congestion w/ bilateral crackles b-4+ edema of legs and feet c-PND d-Dyspnea upon exertion
b-4+ edema of legs and feet
DKA is caused by the breakdown of a-Ketones b-Protein c-Carbohydrates d-Fatty acids
d-Fatty acids
Delayed healing in diabetes is secondary to: a-Depressed immune function b-Somogyi effect c-Inability to absorb vitamins and minerals d-Microvascular disease
d-Microvascular disease
HgbA1C levels are drawn to:a-Measure fasting blood glucose b-Test glucose tolerance c-Determine capillary blood glucose d-To measure fluctuations of blood sugar over time
d-To measure fluctuations of blood sugar over time
A pt. with esophageal bleeding is most likely to have: a-Peptic ulcer disease b-Portal hypertension c-duodenal ulcers d-Cor pulmonale
b-Portal hypertension
A pt. with cirrhosis of the liver is most at risk for a-Coma and death secondary to high potassium levels b-Fluid volume deficit secondary to hypoalbumenia c-Esophageal varices secondary to portal hypertension d-All of the above
c-Esophageal varices secondary to portal hypertension
Expect the pt. with hepatitis A to: a-Have constipation and bloating b-Have portal hypertension c-Have acute onset of fever d-Have abdominal pain and gas
c-Have acute onset of fever
A pt. who is in the icteric phase of hepatitis is expected to experience: a-Hepatorneal syndrome b-Resolution of jaundice c-Jaundice, dark urine, enlarged liver d-Fatigue malaise vomiting
c-Jaundice, dark urine, enlarged liver
Intrahepatic obstructive jaundice will produce: a-Bilirubin b-Conjugated bilirubin c-unconjugated and conjugated bilirubin d-Unconjugated bilirubin
c-unconjugated and conjugated bilirubin
Mild sunburn is: a-First degree b-Superficial partial thickness c-Deep partial thickness d-Second degree
a-First degree
Pt. is admitted with burns to the anterior chest and anterior right leg what % is burned? A-27 b-36 c-40.5 d-19
25 year old has chronic bronchitis what is the most likely cause? A-Air pollution b-Cigarette smoking c-Asthma d-Infection
b-Cigarette smoking
What produces airway obstruction in COPD?
Air trapping
A pt. with increased A-P diameter most likely has; a-Air trapping secondary to emphysema b-Alveolar destruction
a-Air trapping secondary to emphysema
TB is caused by: a-fungus b-Virus c-Bacteria d-Parasite
Nurse on burn unit has 4 pts. With pain, who gets meds 1st ? a-1st degree b-sup part thick c-deep full thickness d-3rd degree
b-sup part thick
The pt. MOST at risk for skin cancer is the pt. who: a-Large amnt. After 50 b-High lifetime, c-Young age d-Lives in area with high ozone levels
c-Young age