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36 Cards in this Set

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Collateral circulation
Provides some back flow, develops w/age and exceersize
Atrial Kick
Helps C/O, atrium provide 10% of C/O, Sterlings law, Increased Stretch increases contractility. A-fib decreases Atrial kick which reduces BP
HR X Stroke Vol.
4-6l/min @ 60-70 BPM, 70ml/beat
Increased HR does what?
Decreases Diastole which decreases fill time, decreased stretched, therefor decreased contractility, (CO) decreased Coronary atr. fill time.
Coronary arteries fill when?
During Diastole, shorten this phase>>>>Ischemia of Myocardium
Volume in heart precontraction
How much resistanct to pushing during contraction, increased afterload or preload increases work load, or increased O2 need.
Sterlings Law....
"Clap Law" "Stretch law"
Increased stretch increases contractlity.
Sympathetic innervation of heart
Fast-flight or fight
Parasympathetic innervation of heart
Heart muscle characteristics
Pulsis paradoxus
- is an exaggeration of the normal variation in the pulse during the inspiratory phase of respiration, in which the pulse becomes weaker as one inhales and stronger as one exhales
Pulsus Alternans..
-Pressure Alternans is a sign of a failing ventricle. It can be seen in Left Ventricular pressure tracing or arterial waveform (shown above) where it represents severe left ventricular dysfunction. In severe Right ventricular dysfunction, Pulsus or Pressure Alternans can be seen in the Right ventricular pressure tracing recored from a Swan-Ganz catheter
Heart Failure Define..
-Continula emerging symptoms and deterioration
-Caused by Ischemic heart diseas, HPT, Cardiomyopathy, Hyperthyroidism
-Not able to pump enough blood
-Mostly chronic progressive, (MI is rapid change)
-Impaired myocard. contractil., LV empting problem
-Pulmonary congestion may be there, rails not often noted (20% have them)
Only cardiac condition that is continuing to grow
Heart Failure
-affects 4.7 mill. americans
Systolic Dysfunction...
Impaired ejection of blood during systole
-Decr. contractility and EF
-Volume overload
-Pressure overload
Increased EDV, ventricular dilation, formation of scar tissue and fibrosis
Heart Failure defined...
LV systolic dysfunction
-ischemia to heart musclw
Types of Heart failure
-Systolic f.
-right sided f.(Rght becomes high pressure, unable to pump blood to left)
-left sided failure (ventical not functioning)
diastolic failure
Decreased EF due to decreased diastolic filling and stiffening of the LV
-40 % of cases
Ventircular hypertrophy, wall thickening with reduced chamber size, and ventricular stiffening
-Mitral stemosis, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, aging, ischemic heart disease
Stage A Heart failure..
-Comorbid conditions that are strongly associated with HF.
-No signs or symptoms of HF and have never manifested s&s of HF.
-No structural or functional abnormalities of valves or ventricles.
-Examples: pts with systemic hypertension, CAD, or diabetes mellitus
Stage B...
-structural heart disease is developed, ass. w/HF w/os/sof HF and have never had them
-ex. LVH, enlarged dilated ventricles, previous MI
Stage C...
-current and prior symptoms of HF ass. w/ structural heart disease.
Class D...
-Marked symptoms of HF at rest despite max. medical therapy and who require specialized interventions.
Examples: Pts who cannot be safely discharged from hospital, are recurrently hospitalized, are in the hospital waiting a heart transplant, are in a hospice setting, are home receiving continuous intravenous support for symptom relief or are being supported with mechanical circulator assist devices.
Class 1 NYHA Classification..
Cardiac disease w/o S/s with activity, no objective evidence of disease
Class II NYHA Classification..
-Card Disease with minimal limit w/Physical act. Comfortable at rest.
Systolic Heart Failure (S3 gallop
Most common 2/3 of cases
Heart is unable to contract effectively
Decrease in CO and ejection fraction
LV is the main problem
Hemodynamic profile
Low CO and decreased ejection fx (< 40%)
Elevated LV pressures (preload)
Elevated systemic vascular resistance (afterload)
Vasodilators, arterial dilators, diuretics, inotropic
LV Failure
Decreased CO
Increased pressure in LV, LA, and pulmonary vasculature.
Increased hydrostatic press = accumulation of intracellular fluid in pulmonary capillary bed = pulmonary edema.
Congestion in the pulmonary veins, capillaries
Dyspnea and fatigue
RV Failure
Typically follows LV failure
Pressure increases in right side of heart
Hydrostatic pressures force more blood into systemic venous circulation
Neck vein distention
Peripheral edema (weight gain)
Engorgement of hepatic and gastric vessels.
Diastolic heart failure (S4 gallop)
-Ventricles cannot fill properly
-LV hypertrophy
-Systemic hypertension
-Both ventricles become stiff & noncompliant
-Contractility may or may not be effected EJ > 40%.
-Ventricles are unable to relax to fill
-More common in women
The Cycle, TRIGGERS to Myocardial dysfuction..
-Valve disease, infection, alcohol and drugs
-Heart Fails
-The body tries to compensate for impaired circulation
Sympathetic nervous system stimulation leading to increase in circulating neurohormones.
Activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system
Ventricular remodeling
Initially preserves CO & B/P but if untreated !
Valve Disease types..(2)
-Stenosis, valve tightens down
annulus (ring hardens with Ca+)-increases pressure build back pressure.
-Growth on the valves themselves, (Bacterial from parental, dental introduction, systemic infection)
-causes sloppy valve closure.
-leaky valves (incompetant) due to hardening, causing regurge.
-papillary.cord. tendonea can be disrupted
Stenotic sounds are
Systolic murmurs
Incompetant valves are..
Diastolic murmurs
SA Node fires at
60-100 pulses /min
AV node fires @
30? pulses/min
Bundle branches, pukingi fibers fire @