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53 Cards in this Set

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Systemic HTN is categorized by a BP reading of greater than ___ on 2 occasions. Only ___% of americans are adequately treated for their HTN.
140/90, 30%
HTN is more common in _____ and is a major risk factor for...

Greater than 95% of cases of HTN are ______, occurring with familial incidence.
essential HTN
In essential HTN, there is an incr _____ activity, and an overproduction of _____.
SNS activity,
overprod. of Na-retaining hormones and vasoconstrictors, renin
Essential HTN pts often have deficiencies of endogenous ______ such as ____.
vasodilators, NO
____ and ____ are often seen comorbidities in essential HTN pts.
DM and obesity
The final common pathway of essential HTN is _______ Retention, leading to .....
salt and water retention,
incr vol and BP
Essential HTN can also be caused by _____ abuse and obstructive ______.
etoh and tobacco abuse, OSA
Metabolic syndrome is comprise of...
HTN, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, obesity
What are the long term effects of poor BP control?
Less than 5% of cases are considered secondary HTN, and the usual cause is...
renal artery stenosis
Other possible causes of secondary HTN besides renal artery stenosis include...
hyperaldosteronism, pheochromocytoma, cushing's syndrome, pregnancy-induced HTN,, aortic coarctation, aging-associated
Treatment of HTN includes ____ modification
lifestyle mod.,
____ are the first line of drug therapy in HTN
thiazide diuretics
HTN crisis is classified as a BP greater than ____, and is better tolerated in pts with ____.
chronic HTN
Hypertensive emergency can lead to target organ damage, including...
- encephalopathy
- pulm edema
- angina
- aortic dissection
- in pregs, DBP over 109 is an emergency
When treating HTN crises, you should avoid _____ drops in BP, and lower BP by ___% in the first hour.
precipitous, 20%
This condition has no target organ damage in HTN, but the pt may experience headache, epistaxis or anxiety, and is treatable in some cases with oral meds.
HTN urgency
In HTN crisis, how is encephalopathy treated?
nitroprusside (Very potent, narrow margin of safety), nicardipine, fenoldopam, labetalol
In HTN crisis, how is cardiac ischemia treated?
NTG (venodilator, dilates coronary arteries)
In HTN crisis, how is pulm edema treated?
nitroprusside, NTG, fenoldopam
In HTN crisis, how is renal insufficiency treated?
fenoldopam, nicardipine
In HTN crisis, how is preeclampsia treated?
methyldopa (direct acting vasodilator), hydralazine, mag sulfate, labetalol, nicardipine
In HTN crisis, how are pheochromocytoma pts treated?
phentolamine, phenoxybenzamine, propranolol
In HTN crisis, how are cocaine ingestion pts treated?
NTG, nitropruside, phentolamine
What are anesthesia strategies for pts with HTN?
- control BP prior to surgery
- no evidence that complications incr w DBP up to 110 mmHg
- "White Coat syndrome"- exaggerated BP response to laryngoscopy or periop myocardial ischemia
- HTN pts presumed to have CAD until proven otherwise
Hypotension after induction is more common in pts taking what kind of drugs?
- ace inhibitors or ARBs

risk of hypotension reduced if meds discontinued day prior to OR
______ is the essential action of hypovolemia.
hemodynamic instability
Preop eval of HTN pts should include
- determine adequacy of pre op BP control
- review meds
- eval for evidence of end organ damage
- continue BP meds periop.
Induction and maintenance techniques for HTN pts include...
- anticipate exaggerated response
- quick laryngoscopy
- balanced anesthetic technique
- monitor leads 2 and 5 for myocardial ischemia
Post op mgmt of HTN pts should anticipate ____ and continue _____. It is important to monitor for ____ function.
HTN, continue BP meds, monitor end-organ fcn
If meds that affect ANS (B blockers and Clonidine) are abruptly discontinued, then _____ can occur. However _____ meds are not assoc w rebound HTN.
rebound HTN, ace inhibitors
What are the 3 BP control systems?
SNS, vasopressin system, RAAS
After induction of anesthesia, pts on ace inhibitors rely on their ____ system. ____ is key to maintaining BP.
vasopressin system, intravascular volume
Why is it a good idea to discontinue ACE inhibitors 24-48 hrs prior to OR?
less intraop hypotension, risk of loss of BP control
What is normal PA pressure?
18-25/6-10 mmHg
What is normal PA MAP?
12-16 mmHg
In primary pulmonary HTN, PA mean pressure is >
25 mmHg
Idiopathic primary pulm artery HTN occurs in ___ Cases per million, and it has ____ inheritance in 10% of cases.
1-2, autosomal dominant
What are the s/s of primary PA HTN?
dyspnea, fatigue, low CO, abdominal distension (Due to RV failure, ascites), "like aortic stenosis of the RV"
How is primary PA HTN diagnosed?
- pulm catheterization
- vasodilator test (prostacyclin)
- echocardiography
In primary PA HTN, there is increased RV Wall stress, leading to ___ and ___, with decreased RV ____.
hypertrophy, dilatation, stroke volume
In primary PA HTN, annular dilatation of the ____ valve leads to regurg, and pulmonary insufficiency from ____ dilation.
tricuspid, pulmonary artery
Right to left shunting through a patent ____ occurs because tricuspid regurg increases _____ pressures, shunting blood across heart without first oxygenating it.
foramen ovale, R atrial pressures
Why does hypoxemia occur as a result of PA HTN?
fixed cardiac output leads to inr O2 extraction w exertion, incr VQ mismatch
The baseline hypoxemia that occurs with PA HTN is made even worse during episodes of hypoxia and hypercarbia, because...
these both cause vasoconstriction, making RV performance worse
What are the treatment strategies for primary PA HTN?
- O2
- anticoagulation (due to risk of mural thrombi formation in RV)
- diuretics
- Ca channel blockers
- Phosphodiesterase inhibitors (sildenafil, rivashio)
- inhaled NO (dilates pulm vasculature)
- prostacyclins
- endothelin receptor antagonists (Bosentan)
What are the anesthesia considerations for a pt with primary PA HTN?
- incr risk of periop morbidity and mortality due to RV failure, dysrhythmia, and embolism
- avoid hypoxia, acidosis, hypercarbia!!
- maintain intravasc. volume
- maintain sinus rhythm (avoid bradycardia)
- avoid negative inotropes (propofol can cause acute RV failure - use etomidate instead!)
- avoid hypotension and optimize preload
- use controlled ventillation to avoid hyperCO2 (spontaneous modes blunt hypercarbic response to stimulate blowing off CO2)
- PEEP incr pulm vascular resistance (use 5)
For treatment of HTN _______ are used in patients with CHF?
ACE inhibitors
For treatment of HTN _______ are added in patients with CAD
beta blockers
For treatment of HTN _______ are added in patients with CHF, DM, Renal disease
angiotensin receptors blockers (ARBs)
For treatment of HTN _______ are useful in patients with post MI and CHF
aldosterone agonists
For treatment of HTN _______ are used in patients with CAD and DM
calcium channel blockers