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27 Cards in this Set

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CD4 Cells

type of T cells attacked by the human immunodeficiency virus

Cardiac Arrest

sudden and unexpected complete cessation of the heartbeat


general term for any weakening or change in myocardium often associated with inadequate heart pumping

Celiac disease

sensitivity to gluten resulting in diarrhea, fatigue, flatulence, bloating and dermatitis


localized skin infection that may occur in edematous area



Client with gallstones

may feel pain in the middle back and right shoulder


inflammation of the gallbladder

Chronic Fatigue syndrome

characterized by prolonged and severe tiredness and disabling fatigue, frequently accompanied by flu-like symptoms. Treatment plan for client with chronic fatigue syndrome - consistent from session to session

Chronic obstruction pulmonary disease

group of pulmonary disorder characterized by persistent or recurring obstruction of airflow that worsens with exertion-examples of this disorder include Asthma, emphysema and chronic bronchitis


progressive liver disease with liver cells destroyed and replaced with fibrous scar tissue, giving the liver a yellow-orange color


direction of pressure when massaging the abdomen to relieve constipation

Colostomy bag treatment

recommend not eating for 2-3 hours before the session, do not apply lubricant on or near the bag opening, in the even of a bag spillage, ask the clients if they prefer to clean it themselves or if they want assistance

Congestive heart failure

refers to the inability of the heart to pump blood to meet the body's demands


describes infrequent or difficult passing of stools

Coronary artery disease

most common form of heart disease

Crohn Disease

chronic inflammatory bowel disease that affects any part of the GI tract and can extend through all of its layers-normal segments are separated by diseased segments-massage avoid the abdomen

Cystic fibrosis

genetic disorder causing hypersecretion of cells that produce mucus, saliva and digestive juice


frequent passing of unformed, loose watery stools


pressure against arterial walls during ventricular relaxation

Discoid Lupus Erythematosis

type of lupus that affects only the skin


infection or inflammation of diverticula of the colon


presence of herniations in the colon wall


abnormal accumulation of fluids from a sluggish or overloaded lymph transport system, whic causes swelling-Superficial gliding, clearing strokes, lymphatic drainage-techniques recommended for a client with edema


embolus occludes a blood vessel, cutting off circulation-floating matter carried by blood that occludes a blood vessel


floating mass carried by blood


results from destruction of the alveolar walls due to long term exposure to irritants such as cigarette smoke or air pollution - people with this disorder often develop barrel chest because of the added exertion of expiration - permanent enlargement of lower airways accompanied by destruction of alveolar walls, affecting elasticity