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19 Cards in this Set

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Platelets are derived from?
Characteristic changes from Pronormoblast to Red Cell
-loss of nucleus
-shrink in size
-gain hemoglobin
At what stage are Red blood cells released into the bone marrow? normal %? characteristics?
Reticulocytes - 1-2% in periph blood, residual RNA present
what is wrong with this peripheral blood smear?
increased reticulocytes (polychromatophils)
RPI (reticulocyte production index) takes what values into account?
reticulocyte %
maturation time
RPI value for a production and a destruction issue

why this would occure?
RPI<2 production issue

RPI>2 Destruction issue
RPI<2: ineffective erythropoiesis, Fe deficiency, anemia

RPI>2: impaired hemolysis
The images represent bone marrow biopsies. What is different between the two?
The right image displays an absence of sideroblasts- normoblasts with iron- due to anemia
Normal or abnormal?
Abnormal iron in a sideroblast- caused by lead/zinc poisoning, ethanol toxicity, INH treatment, copper or pyridoxine deficiency or MDS
Why renal disease may lead to anemia
decreased Epo production
MCV definition
Mean Cell Volume --> microcytic vs normocytic vs macrocytic anemia
How to approximate Hematocrit?
multiply Hb by 3
MCH definition
mean cell hemoglobin
if a pt has low MCV and low MCH they are classified as having...
microscopic hypochromic anemia
normal MCV and normal MCH is classified as...
normocytic normochromic anemia
Classify the anemia:
Fe Deficiency
microcytic hypochromic
Classify the anemia:
anemia of chronic disease (ACD)
Normocytic normochromic
Classify the anemia:
Folate defieciency
macrocytic anemia
Classify the anemia:
Microcytic hypochromic
Classify the anemia:
B12 deficiency
Macrocytic anemia