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45 Cards in this Set

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what are the components of breast milk
Clostrum: first milk. high in protein and IgA

Second Milk: lots of fat and calories, source of complete nutrition, IgA, lactoferrin- antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, PMN, macro, lymphs, cytokines, fibronectin, lysozyme
what are all of the goodies in second milk
1. high fat, calories. complete nutrition
2. IgA
3. PMN, macro, ly,phs
4. cytokines, fibronectin, lysozyme
5. lactoferrin- bacteriacidal, anti-inflammatory
whats colostrum
its the first milk, its lots of protein and lots of IgA

**the second milk is higher in fat adn calories and is more complete nutrition
why is breast best
1. decreased SIDS, more likely to live in general
2. less likely to become obese as kid. less DM, less HTN, less total cholesterol
3. better immune fx, even after you stop breast feeding
4. better tolerance to foods, less allergies
4. decreased AI/allergice diseases (DM I, asthma, celiac, chrons)
5. decreased infections
what does breast feeding as an infant do to lipid levels in adult
less likely to become obese when breast fed
less DMII, less HTN, less cholesterol when given the breast
what diseases are less likely in adults who were breast fed as infants
autoimmune / allergic

DM i
what 3 infections are less common in breast fed babies
1. diarreha to all infectious causes
2. NEC- necrotizing enterocolotis (super common in premies)
3. otitis media- protection for ~3 years!!!
ok so a baby who is breast fed is...

1. less likley to be obese
2. better immune system *less AI/allergic diseases. less likely to have infection
3. more likley to survive as infants (less SIDS)

is there any benefit for mom
1. Less Breast cncaer
2. make uterus smaller faster
3. suppression of ovulation- no period so you can recover lost Fe stores, promotes optimim spacing or pregnancy
there are TONS pf great reasons to breast feed. what are some CI

what are disadvantages

Disadvantage: more neonatal jaundice, if mom is malnourished so is babe (vit D and Fe esp)
pros and cons of breast feedign
1. better for baby- increased survivability, less obseity, less allergies, less AI disease, less infections etc etc

2. Good for mom : less breast cancer, shirnk uterus, suppress ovulation to prevent preggo and recover lost Fe

increased neonatal jaundice, if mom is malnourished (vit D and Fe) so is babe
what are the developmental disorders and locations of milkline remnants
milkline remnants- nipple or breast anywhere from axilla to groin
what is the ddx of inverted nipples
1. congenital failure of eversion at puberty
2. cancer
what are the disorders of breast size

2. UL failure of development
1. macromastia- due to virginal hypertrophy, response to hormones in puberty

2. Congenital Hypoplasia
ok so a girl has one boob bigger than the ohter, it happened at puberty. what is this called

what is the other way it can present
macromastia, can also he HUGE BOOBS
what is jevenile virginal hypertrophy
its when you have giant boob(s) bc of hormonal response at puberty
whats on teh DDX for palpable breast mass

which masses need to be biopsied
1. invasive carcinoma
2. fibroadenoma
3. cysts
4. fat necrosis

**ALL Must be biopsied
ut oh, i found a lump... DDX?
1. cancer
2. fibroadenoma
3. cyst
4. fat necrosis
what causes nipple discharge that is BL and milky
1. stim of nipple
2. prolactin pit adenoma
3. hypothyroidism
4. drugs: OCT, TCA, methyldopa, phenothiazides

**NOT ASSOCIATED with cancer
what kind of nipple discharge is concerning, what is not
Concern: spontaneous UL

Not concerning: BL milky bc of stimulation, prolatcin/pit adenoma, hypothyridism, drugs
why might a preggo have bloody nipple discharge
bc of really fast lobe growth
whats on the ddx of bloody, serous nipple discharge
1. in preggo bc of rapid lobe growth
2. benign solitary large duct papilloma
3. cancers
a solitary large duct papilloma cuases what sx
serous/bloody nipple disharge
whats breast pain called? what can cause non cyclic breast pain

*ruptures cyst/infection
*angina referred to rbeast
* uncommon cancer
your pt has calcifications on mammography, wahts the ddx
1. benign clustered calcifications can be fibrocystic change, or fat necrosis

2. small irregular linear or branching clusters can be ductal carcinoma in situ
whats a more concerning calcification on mammography

irregular linear, branching
clustered: benign, fibrocystic change or fat necrosis

linear or branching: ductal carcinoma in situ
what info does US give for breast lump
cystic v solid. ALWAYS FNA
what are the causes and clinical circumstances of acute mastitis
its when staph aureus or strep gets into a cracked nipple that has just started lactating. aureus more likely to abcess, strep more likely to spread

tx w/AB and milk drainiage
what are the pathogenesis and clinical features of periductal mastitis
not assocaited with lactation, recurrent subareolar abcess.

sq metaplasia of lactiferous ducts

males get it too, common in smokers
what breast lesion is common in males, femals who smoke. its NOT associated with lactation
periductal mastitis

recurrent subareolar abcess, get sq metaplasia of lacteriferous ducts, sq epithelium extends into sinuses and rupture with inflammation
ok so I have a keratin plug in a lacterifierous sinus, the duct is plugged bc of sq metaplasia. whats teh deal
periductal mastitis

**get a subaerolar abcess. tends to recurr, seen in men. assoicated with smoking
what are associations with mammary duct ectasia
seen in 40-60
poorly defined, palpable
resembels cancer but its of no clinical concern
what are assocaitions of fat necrosis
seen after trauma, radiation, surgery

**necrosis is chalky white

presents like cacner
what are assocaitions with lymphocytic lobulitis
breast mass in person with DM I, AU thyroiditis,
what are associations with granulomatous mastitis
seen with systemic granulomatous disease
lactation sensitization
foerign body- piercing
what mass presents like cancer but its seen in 40-60 yo. poorly defined, secretions, little clinical sig
mammary duct ectasia
what breast disease is associated with DMI, AI thyroiditis,
sclerosing lymphocytic lobilitis
benign breast epithelial lesion, whats the liklihood it will become cancer

1. nonproliforative
2. proliforative
3. atypical hyperplasia
4. carcinoma in situ
1. non proliforative has no risk for cancer
2. proliforative- some risk for cacner
3. atypical hyperplasia- high risk for cacner
4. carcinoma in situ: 10x increase in risk of low grade ductal carcinoma in stiu
what are the clinical features of fibrocystic breast change
its non proliforative, not associated with cancer. common, lumpy breasts, many cases are clinically insignificant
what does fibrocystic breast change look like, what is the significance of it
lumpy bumpy breasts, firm lesion
nipple discharge
the cysts associated with fibrocystic change look like what
Fibro: 2 to cyst rupture, secretions are released into breast and make them firm

CYSTIC: brown/blue color externally, internal its a green turbid fluid at micro the cyst is apocrine metaplastic cells

NO INCREASE IN risk of cancer
tell me about the cyctic and fibrotic part of fibrocystic changes in breast
fibro: bc of cyst rupture

cyst: blue/brown color with apocrine metaplastic cells

**not associated with and increased risk of cancer
apocrine metaplasia is associated with what
cyst in fibrocystic breast

at gross its a blue dome cyst
other than fibrous parts nad cyctic parts in fibrocystic breasts, what else is going on
1. adenosis: icnreased number of acini
2 ductal hyperplasia
3. lactational adenoma: palpable mass in preggo
what are all of the proliforative breast disease that are NOT associated with atypia
1. epithelial duct hyperplasia
2. sclerosing adenosis
3. complex sclerosing lesion
4. papillomas:
-large duct: usually solitary lesion in lacteriferous dict, presents with nipple discharge
-small duct: multiple lesion, progression of hyperplasia

**none of these have atypia
what are some proliforative breast diseases that are associated with atypia
4-5 x risk of developing cancer

1. atypical ductal/lobar hyperplasia