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31 Cards in this Set

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What is the sonographic appearance of the testis?
The normal testis will have a homogenous medium-level echo texture.
What is the tunica albuginea?
The fibrous capsule that surrounds the testicle.
What forms the Mediastinum Testis?
Multiple septations arise from the tunica albuginea.
Sonographically what does the mediastinum appear as?
Sonographically seen as a linear band extending longitudinally within the testis.
What is the Rete Testis.
The tubuli recti enter the mediastinum testis forming a network of channels
What is the epididymis composed of?
A head. body, and tail.
What is the sonographic appearance of the epididymis?
Sonographically, the epididymis is normally isoechogenic, or slightly hyperechoic that the testis.
What is the appendix testis?
A remnant of the Mullerian duct, it is a small oviod structure located beneath the head of the epididymis.
What is the Tunica Vaginalis?
It is a saccular extension of the peritoneum into the scrotal chambers.
Testicular blood flow is supplied by the what?
The Deferential artery, Cremasteric (eternal spermatic) artery, and the Testicular artery
What does the Spermatic Cord consist of?
The Vas Deferens, Cremasteric, Deferential, Testicular arteries; Pampiniform plexus of veins, Lymphatics, and Nerves.
Are the majority of extratesticular masses benign or malignant?
Are the majority of intratesticular lesions malignant or benign?
Testicular neoplasms are the most common malignancy in men from ___ to ___ years of age.
15 to 35 years old
What is the most common testicular cancer?
Germ cell tumor.
What is a hydrocele?
Serious fluid that accumulates within the tunica vaginalis or between the layers of the tunica vaginalis.
When is a hematocele seen?
When blood fills the scrotal chamber, associated with trauma.
What is a varicocele?
Dilatation of the pampiniform venous plexus of the testicular veins which drain the testicle.
90% of the varicoceles are on what side?
Left side.
When should a varicocele distend?
When the patient is standing, with Valsalva, or with abdominal compression.
Varicoceles are the most common correctable cause of what?
Male Infertility.
What is the most common extratesticular tumor?
Adenomatoid Tumor/
Do extratesticuar tumors usually involve the epididymis?
What is the most common condition that causes acute scrotal pain?
Acute Epididymis.
What is usually the cause of acute Epididymitis?
In men under 35 years old it is usually from sexually transmitted diseases and in men over 35 years old is usually from urinary tract infection.
Sonographically epididymitis is associated with what?
Enlarged hypoechoic epididymis, Hypoechoic testicle, Increased blood flow (hyperemia), Reactive Hydrocele, and Scrotal wall thickening.
Sonographically what does Orchitis appear as?
Orchitis is seen as an enlarged and hypoechoic testicle with increased blood flow.
What is Cryptorchidism?
Generally refers to an undescended testicle.
What are some of the complications with Cryptorchidism?
Infertility and Cancer.
What is the most common location of the cryptorchid testis?
The Inguinal Canal.
What is Anorchia?
Congenital absence of both testicles.