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11 Cards in this Set

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what are the 3 categories of benign epithelial lesions? how are the grouped?
nonproliferative change
proliferative change
atypical hyperplasia
grouped according to the risk of dev BC
describe fibrocystic change grossly
"lumpy bumpy breast" on palpation; ill-defined, diffuse incr in consistency
very common
presents with pain; my mimic CA
ceases with menopause
sx tx with oral contraceptives
from where do cysts arise?
what are 3 patterns of fibrocystic change?
cyst formation (w/ apocrine metaplasia)
adenosis (incr # of acini per lobule)
how do cysts form? how do they appear grossly?
dilation and unfolding of lobules
lobules coalesce to form lg cysts
unopened cysts= blue-dome cyst
describe apocrine change in a cyst
dilated area/cyst lined with metaplastic epithelial cells (eosinophilic b/c of incr mt)
secretory debris oftens contains calcifications
what is adenosis?
incr number of glands per unit area
what is synonymous with atypia?
proliferative breast disease without atypia: which types have increased risk of invasive cncer
- hyperplasia of ductal epithelium
(can be mild or florid)
- sclerosing adenosis
(sclerosing adenosis and florid incr riskk of invasive CA)
describe mild epithelial hyperplasia
lumen filled with heterogenous population of cells: luminal and myoepithelial types
slit-like fenestrations at periphery
indiv cells still look relatively normal
how is sclerosing adenosis different from invasive carcinoma?
unlike carcinomas, acini are in swirling pattern with well circumscribed outer border
also, have both myoepithelial and glandular cells