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21 Cards in this Set

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Liver Disease.
BM core
Target Cell / Codocyte

Extra membrane (obese belly pudges out)

Manifests with microcytic anemias caused by:
Iron deficieny
Decreased heme production (sideroblastic)
Severe anemia of chronic disease
Teardrop cell / Dacrocytes

Myelophthisic anemia
Sickle Cell / Drepanocytes
Burr cell / Echinocyte
Anemia of renal failure. Rare.
Ovalocyte / Elliptocytes

Hereditary elliptocytosis

Impaired hemoglobin synthesis will result in microcytic anemia.
Hemoglobin gives RBC its color -> hypochromic

Remember acronym FLATS
Lead poisoning
Anemia of chronic disease
BM aspirate
Polychromasia: RBCs that are able to be stained with more than one stain (acids or bases)
Polychromasia: RBCs that are able to be stained with more than one stain (acids or bases)
Seen in hemolytic anemia

Too little membrane (anorexic)
Little red cells with no central pallor. Sometimes seen in immune hemolytic anemias or Hereditary Spherocytosis caused by decreased spectrin. RBC has normal volume but each time cell passes through spleen some membrane is taken away. "Hyperchromic" with increased MCHC is seldom seen in other forms of anemia.
Microcytic, hypochromic

Decreased hemoglobin (hypochromic)
Greater area of pallor

Microcytic: Impaired hemoglobin synthesis will result in microcytic anemia.

Remember acronym FLAT:
Lead poisoning
Anemia of chronic disease

Decreased hemoglobin
Greater area of pallor
Impaired DNA synthesis results in enlarged cells because cells can't divide. Common causes are folate and B12 deficiency. Also caused by MDS, drugs, hypothyroidism. Macroovalocytes are large, oval-shaped RBCs that are well filled with Hgb and pathognomonic features of Megaloblastic Anemia!
Impaired DNA synthesis results in enlarged cells because cells can't divide. Common causes are folate and B12 deficiency. Also caused by MDS, drugs, hypothyroidism.
Impaired DNA synthesis results in enlarged cells because cells can't divide. Common causes are folate and B12 deficiency. Also caused by MDS, drugs, hypothyroidism.
Polysegmented Neutrophil (greater than 5): seen in Macrocytic (Megaloblastic) Anemia.

Impaired DNA synthesis results in enlarged cells because cells can't divide. Common causes are folate and B12 deficiency.
Normocytic, Normochromic

Common causes of this morphology of anemia: decreased RBC production, hemolysis, acute blood loss. There are no platelets in this smear. It happens to be aplastic anemia which shows pancytopenia. GET RETIC COUNT! Decreased count = aplastic or myelophthistic. Common cause = idiopathic, drugs, or cancer. Treat with immunosuppressive agents!
BM biopsy showing aplastic anemia:

All 3 cell lineages fail to develop leading to pancytopenia.

Different from Pure Red Cell Aplasia, which will only cause decreased numbers of RBCs.

Produces a normocytic, normochromic anemia.