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52 Cards in this Set

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2 critical processes of atherosclerosis
accumulation of lipid
smooth muscle proliferation
Treatment for CAD
b-blockers reduce O2 demand
nitrates and Ca blockers improve blood flow
Cor pulmonale
related to HTN
increased pressure in lungs enlarges right side of heart
Pressure overload hypertrophy
caused by valvular stenosis (pump at higher pressure)
walls thicken, chamber size normal
Eccentric hypertrophy
caused by valvular insufficiency (more blood/min)
enlarged volume
Aortic stenosis
most common valve disease
causes angina, syncope and heart failure
Mitral stenosis
caused mostly by rheumatic disease
causes cardiac dyspnea
Mitral insufficiency
second most common valve disease
acutely is a medical emergency because it causes rapid cardiac dyspnea
Systolic murmurs
Diastolic murmurs
Ventral septal defect
causes loud murmurs
Cyanotic heart disease
right to left shunt
non-oxygenated blood pumped into systemic circulation
Cardiac tamponade
caused by pericardial effusion if there is too much pressure on the heart for it to fill
dilated cardiomyopathy
failure of myocytes
enlargement d/t overstimulation of renin-angiotensin system
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
autosomal dominant
small thick rapid heart
Restrictive cardiomyopathy
amyloid between myocytes
heart doesn't relax between beats
Treatment of heart failure
ace/angiotensin slow down fibrosis
b-blockers inhibit stimulation
digoxin increases efficiency
Glomerular injury
protein and RBCs
Interstitial disease
WBCs and protein
Tubular injury
brown casts, RBCs, protein
Hyperacute rejection
by preformed ABO/IgG antibodies
Acute rejection
cellular- t cell mediated
vascular- antibody/humoral
causes decreased GFR and increased systemic BP
usually bacterial
P fimbrae= virulent
Autosomal dominant/adult polycystic
bilateral enlarged
PKD genes
Autosomal recessive/childhood polycystic
bilateral elongated cysts
PKDH gene, liver involved too
Renal cystic dysplagia/multicystic
uni or bilateral
enlarged and irregular
Acquired (dialysis) cystic
small fibrotic kidneys
causes increased angiotensin and parathyroid which causes osteodystrophy
Chronic rejection
characterized by interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy
Preventing acute rejection
cyclosporine- immunosuppressant
corticosteroid- reduces inflammation
Anterior pituitary/adenohypophysis
makes ACTH, prolactin, GH, TSH, FSH/LH
Posterior pituitary/neurohypophysis
stores oxytocin and vasopressin
vasopressin deficiency causes diabetes insipidus
causes bradycardia, constipation, cold intolerance, dry skin
Grave's disease (autoimmune stimulation of TSH)
low calcium, seizures, cramping, stridor
high calcium
stones, groans, abdominal moans
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
can't make cortisol so overproduction of ACTH causes excess androgens
Addison's disease
adrenal insufficiency
causes hypoglycemia and shock
medical emergency!
Cushing syndrome
overproduction of cortisol
Pemphigus vulgaris
autoimmune destruction of skin
Staphyococcal scalded skin
bacterial sloughage of skin
Toxic epidermal necrolysis
drug reaction sloughage of skin
Systemic lupus
photosensitivity, butterfly rash
overproduction of squamous cells
lactating women
Granulomatous mastitis
feels like lump, may be infectious
Squamous metaplasia of ducts
associated with smoking
well circumscribed, firm, immobile mass
Ductal carcinoma in situ
precursor lesion
Lobular carcinoma in situ
marker of increased risk
Invasive carcinoma
stage more important than grade
Treat with anti-estrogens and herceptin