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53 Cards in this Set

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Where are Ab make for blood?
peyer's patches; both A/B ag from food trapped by M cells near the B lymphoctes-->dev Ab against Ag but only those that we don't have an ag to, which is why O has both a/B
What cell traps A/B ag?
M cells
peyer's patches; both A/B from food trapped by M cells near the B lymphoctes-->dev Ab against Ag but only those that we don't have an ag to, which is why O has both a/B
O group ag?
universal donor b/c no ag of A/B but there are A/B ab so can't recieve anything but O. have IgM and IgG Ab so the IgG can gross the placenta to cause HDN
duodenal ulcers
O group has a high incidence in this disease?
duodenal ulcers
Group A?
have anti-B IgM; can receive A/O blood
common in gastric adenocarcinoma
what disease is common in Group A blood?
gastric (A)denocarcinomas
Agents that cause agglutination of red blood cells. They include antibodies, blood group antigens, lectins, autoimmune factors, bacterial, viral, or parasitic blood agglutinins, etc.
elderly and newborns are similar how (blood)
NB-no Ab (IgM); IgG from mom
elderly-lose Ab so imparied humoral/cellular immunity; prob no hemolytic transfusion rxn; dec CD8T cells
forward type blood test
pt RBC + Ab; ID blood gp

If B blood group the B agglutinates
backward type blood test
pt RBC w/ RBC;
if type A then no rxt w/ type A yes w/ type B
Ab against an Ag not ont he RBC like D, Kell, Duffy (Fy), I/i (atypical Ab)
sensitized if Ab is preent; can lead to HTR if blood is given
IgG Ab best in warm temp
warm temp induce what Ab?

Duffy ag does what?
area where P. vivax binds; most blacks lack Fy so protect against malaria
name 3 diseases that protect aginst P Falciparum
G6PD, B thal, sickle cell
Anti-i hemolytic anemia
IgM for infectious mono

Anti-I hemolytic anemia
for M. pneumonia

autologous transfusion
collect pt own blood for future
donor tests and screens
indirect coomb's (ab screen for atypical Ab) also infectious disease like syphilis, HBV/HCV/HIV/HTLV/CMV
most common infection in blood
CMV on donor lymphoctyes; need to irridate blood to destroy lymphoctes to prevent dissemination in newborn
what is the mc transfusion hepatitis
allergic transfusion rxn
MC T1HS w/ IgE; a neg coombs; prot in donor blood causes urticaria w/ pruitis; fever, t4ach, wheezing and poss anaphylactic shock; mild case treat w/ antihistamine
febrile transfusion rxn
anti-HLA; Ab against foreign ag on donor leukocyte;
fever, chils, HA, flush
tx w/ antipyretics comes from previous blood expsure like prego or blood transfusion; no + coombs; 1-6 hrs after transfusion
intravascular HTR
acute!! medical emergency; within mins; caused usually by clerical error uncommon; ABO blood incompatable; T2HS; gave the wrong blood
back pain; fever hypotension DIC acute RF

extravascular HTR
acute!! atypical Ab rxn w/ foreign ag on donor RBC; splenic macs phagocytose the donor RBC as a T2HS; dec Hb; delayed hemolytic w/ + coombs
3-10 days
commonly because it was neg
jaundice; fever, backpain hpotension, DIC, actue RF (pyruria)
what to do if there is a hemolytic transfusion rxn?
stop transfusion but keep IV in place w/ saline; sent back to blood bank for transfusion rxn workup
MC IgG-->fetus ~20% from O mom and A/B fetus; mild anemia w/ UCB extravasc hemolysis which is disposed of in liver; 1st child will not get the disease; juadice; sm risk kernicerus; normocytic anemia or none; prob no transfusion; +coombs on cord; spherocytes; T2HS; UCB; ABO protects mother form Rh sensitization b/c it is destroyed before sensitizaiton
Rh- mom and fetus Rh+; 1st expose mom to fetus blood in last trimester or childbirth b/c cytotrophoblast is absent-->dev anti-D IgG in mom; 2nd extravasc hemolytic anemia T2HS-->highout put cardiac failure-->hydrops fetalis (L/RHF w/ ascites and edema0 + EMH-->death; UCB in mothers liver; more sever anemia w/ ajundice; inc risk of kernicterus b/c more unbound-->basal ganglia to damage neurons in brain w/ severe dysfunction; + coombs; no spheroctes b/c macs phagocytose entire RBC; exchange transfusion
prevent Rh HDn by?
anti-D globulin in 28th wk which can't corss placenta; protect mother from sensitization so only prevnets; lasts 3 mo in mothers blood so must give after each delivery if baby is Rh+; test made to det how much is needed; it eithe rmasks the sit or destroys the fetal rC
if woman is sensitized to Rh?
get sequential Ab titers and periodic amniocentesis via spectrophotometric analysis to ID bilirubin pigment at 450nm blue; delta OD 450 on a Liley charge det deg of severity and if fetus needs a transfusion
photoisomerization does what?
converts UCM to water-soluble dipyrrole (luminirubin)
what has a greater viral load? HBV, HCV, HIV?
Apt test does what?
tests mothers blood vs fetal blood
periotoneal lavage detects what?
intraabdominal bleed
Epo does?
inc RBCs from the kidney intersitial cells of the peirtubular cap bed via hypoxia (low o2)
supravial stain shows?
RNA filaments
Reticulocyte equation
HCT/45 x retic/2 w/ polychromasia
extramedulllary hematopoisis
outside BM; in the bone marrow is myelofibrosis; teardrop cells; collagen in the spleen, HSM, accel epo; expand BM in newborns w/ hair on end appearance, prom forhead and zygomatic chipmunk cheeks
can be in SSd or RH hemolytic or B thal
size variation
normo, micro, macro; when inc is not normocytic
Hb in RBC; less w/ big pallow; sperical is inc MCHC; hypochromasia
Newborn RBC
has higher RBC w/ HbF L shift inc EPO
dec the Hb
children RBC
dec but have more 2,3 BPG so right shift to inc the O2
males/female RBC
males have more Hb-13.5 b/c of testosterone and females have 12.5 because of estrogen and menorragia
Prego RBC
lower Hb b/c of dissolution b/c in PV and RBCs <11 anemia
mature RBCs differences b/n immature and other cells
no mitochondria so no B ox, no ketons or ALa or CAC
2,3 BPG-Luebering-Rapaport pathway, pentose phosphate shunt (G6P glutithione)
LA anaerobic glycolysis gluconeogenesis...cori cycle
Met Hb reductase cycle
pentose phosphate shunt does what?
makes glutitione GASh binds H2O2 enut oxdative metab for G6P
what is the cori cycle
what RBCs use for glucose anaerobic glycosis in liver LA-->glc via gluconeognesis
dec Hb does what to O2?
dec O2 content but not PaO2; you are dysp, fatique, dizzy apllor
Luebering Rapaport pathway does what?
2,3 BPG in RBC
How do you resorb iron and how much is stored and where
resorb via ascorbic acid in stomach acid; 1000mg in males and 400 in females in macrophagesw
premature baby iron deficient from what?
inc venipunture or loss form mother can poss high output failure b/c of dec V; palmar creases, pallor, P flow murmor SEVERE; also pale sclera
plummer vinson syndrome
spoon nails (koilonykia)
esophageal web (dysphagia)
meckel's diverticulum
iron def in a kid; + stool guiac