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100 Cards in this Set

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Dang gui si ni tang
Variation of which formula?
Gui zhi tang variation (-sheng jiang, +dang gui, mu tong, xi xin, dang gui)
Huang qi gui zhi wu wu tang
Variation of which formula?
Gui zhi tang variation (- gan cao, + huang qi)
Li zhong wan
Basic formula for what?
SP yang def
Wu zhu yu tang
What is the diagnosis and differentiation?
What organs are involved?
Vomiting caused by def cold in the ST/mid jiao
LV, ST and KI involved in the vomiting
Xiao jian zhong tang
Variation of which formula?
What is the ratio of gui zhi to bai shao?
What is the chief complaint and pattern?
Gui zhi tang variation (+ yi tang, x2 bai shao)
Gu zhi: bai shao = 1:2
Spasmodic abd pain from middle jiao def
Da jian zhong tang
Which two herbs in this formula contain relatively dosages?
Compare with xiao jian zhong tang
Contains yi tang and gan jiang in a large dose

More severe pain than xiao jian zhong tang
Gan cao gan jiang tang
What is the chief complaint and pattern?
Cold extremities from def cold in LU and ST (LU yang def)
Si ni tang
What is the chief complaint and pattern?
Extremely cold extremities
Yang collapse with increased int cold
Shen fu tang
What two herbs are in this formula?
What is the pattern?
ren shen and fu zi

Yang qi collapse
What three formulas can treat spasmodic abd pain due to blood def?
Xiao jian zhong tang, shao yao gan cao tang and dang gui shao yao san
Si jun zi tang
What are the variations?
- Yi gong san
- Liu jun zi tang
- Xiang sha liu jun zi tang
- Xiang sha yang wei tang
- Liu shen wan
- Gu zhen tang
- Bao yuan tang
Shen ling bai zhu san
What is the chief complaint and pattern?
More diarrhea due to SP qi def leading to dampness (with more dampness)
Bu zhong yi qi san
What is the indications?
Intermittent def low-grade fever (that worsens upon exertion), spontaneous sweating, aversion to cold, a thirst for warm beverages, shortness of breath, laconic speech, a tendency to curl up, weak limbs, shiny pale complex, chronic loose and watery stools, T= pale with a thin, white coating P+ flooding, def in general or def, rootless at the middle position on the right They also may have red face and be thirsty, but prefer to drink warm beverages
Sheng mai san
What is the pattern?
LU and HT qi and yin def with dry chronic cough
Si wu tang
What are the ingredients?
What are the variations?
shu di huang, bai shao, dang gui, chuan xiong

- Sheng yu tang
- Tao hong si wu tang
- Wen qin yin
- Bu gan tang (LV blood def)
Dang gui bu xue tang
What is the ratio of huang qi to dang gui in this formula?
Huang qi: dang gui =- 5:1
Which two tonifying formulas treat low grade fever? What is the difference?
Dang gui bu xue tang (more blood def)
Bu zhong yi qi tang (more qi def)
Zhi gan cao tang
What are the chief complaints and pattern?
Irregular pulse and palpitations from HT qi and blood def (also some slight yin and yang def- but mainly qi and blood def)
Shi quan da bu tang
What two formulas is this a variation off of?
Ba zhen tang and si wu tang variation (contains them both)
Liu wei di huang wan
What is the main action of this formula?
What are the variations?
Tonifies KI yin

Jia wei liu wei di huang wan
Ba wei di huang wan
Qi ju di huang wan
Du qi wan
Er long zuo ci wan
Zhi bai di huang wan
Ba xian chang shou wan
Yi guan jian
What is the chief complaint and pattern?
Pain in hypochondrium from LV and KI yin def with qi stag
Er zhi wan
What two herbs are in this formula?
nu zhen zi and han lian cao
Er xian tang
What are the indications?
What differentiates this formula from da bu yin wan or zhi bai di huang wan?
Hot flash, night sweats, hypertension, menstrual disturbances such as amenorrhea, sweating, nervousness, fatigue, lassitude, depression, irritability, insomnia, palpitations, urinary frequency. May also be used for other chronic disorders which present with signs and symptoms of KI yin and yang def and flaring up of fire from def.
Red cheeks, with dizziness and vertigo T= red with a dry coating P= slippery

Da bu yin wan or zhi dai di huang wan are mainly just for hot flashes, but this formula can treat dizziness and vertigo
What is the basic symptom that indicates KI yang def?
Low back pain with cold
What is the basic symptom that indicates KI yin def?
Low back pain with heat
Yue ju wan
This is the 5 herbs for 6 stagnations formula. What are the herbs and their corresponding stagnation?
5 herbs for 6 stag
Cang zhu= damp, chuan xiong= blood, xiang fu= qi, shan zhi zi= fire, shen qu= food.
Phlegm is also treated with this formula, but there is no specific herb just for this, rather just phlegm clearing properties of the other herbs in this formula
Ban xia hou po tang
What are the ingredients?
What are the indications?
ban xia, hou po, fu ling, sheng jiang, zi su ye

A feeling of something caught in the throat that can neither be swallowed nor ejected, a stifling sensation in the chest and hypochondria, T= moist or greasy, white coating P= wiry, slow or wiry, slippery. There may also be coughing and vomiting.
Gua lou xie bai bai jiu tang
What is the pattern?
chest bi from cold phlegm that’s blocking the yang qi
Liang fu wan
What two herbs does this contain?
gao liang jiang and xiang fu
Jing ling zi san
What two herbs does this contain?
chuan lian zi and yan hu suo
Tian tai wu yao san
What are the indications?
hernia, lower abdominal pain radiating to the testicles or to the groin area if female, T= pale with a white coating P= submerged and slow or wiry
Nuan gan jian
What are the indications?
lower abdominal pain that is sharp, localized and is aggravated by the local application of cold, accompanied by a pale tongue (especially on the sides and root) and a submerged, tight pulse. Also for swelling, distention and pain of the scrotum
Su zi jiang qi tang
What are the indications?
What is the pattern?
Coughing and wheezing with watery, copious sputum, a stifling sensation ib the chest and diaphragm, shortness of breath marked by relatively labored inhalation and smooth exhalation, T= white coating that is either slippery or greasy. May also be pain and weakness of the low back and legs, edema of the extremities and/or fatigue.

Excess above (phlegm cold obstructing the LU) and def below (KIs unable to grasp qi)
Ding chuan tang
What are the indications?
What is the pattern?
Coughing and wheezing with copious, think and yellow sputum, labored breathing, T= greasy yellow coating P= slippery rapid. There may also be simultaneous fever and chills.

Asthma from phlegm heat
Xuan fu dai zhe tang
What are the actions?
directs rebellious qi downward, transforms phlegm, augments the qi and harmonizes the stomach
Tao he cheng qi tang
What is this formula a variation of?
What is the pattern?
Tao wei cheng qi tang

Blood amassment/buildup
Xue fu zhu yu tang
What are the variations of this formula and what is the difference between them?
- Tongue/head/face/upper part of body: tong qiao huo xue tang
- Whole body pain/fibromyalgia: shen tong zhu yu tang
- Blood stasis and qi stag below the diaphragm/cirrhosis: ge xia zhu yu tang
- Blood in the lower abdomen/menses pain: shao fu zhu yu tang
Shi xiao san
What two herbs are contained in this formula?
What is the chief complaint?
wu ling zhi and pu huang
Menstrual pain
Dan shen yin
What are the actions?
What is the pattern?
Invigorates the blood, dispels blood stasis, promotes the movement of qi, alleviates pain

For the mid jiao/chest/abd blood stasis and qi stag
Bu yang huan wu tang
What herb in this formula is largest?
What are the indications?
huang qi

Sequelae of wind-stroke including hemiplegia, paralysis and atrophy of the lower limbs, facial paralysis, slurred speech, drooling, dry stools, frequent urination or urinary incontinence, a white tongue coating and a moderate pulse
Gui zhi fu ling wan
What are the indications?
mild persistent uterine bleeding of purple or dark blood during pregnancy accompanied by abdominal pain that increases with pressure. Also for such problems as immobile masses in the lower abdomen with pain and tenderness, abdominal distension and pain, dysmenorrhea, and retention of the lochia. All of these problems are accompanied by a choppy pulse
Sheng hua tang
What are the herbs in this formula?
What are the actions?
What are the indications?
What is the pattern?
Which herb in this formula is largest?
Dang gui, chuan xiong, tao ren, pao jiang, zhi gan cao

Invigorates the blood, transforms and dispels blood stasis, warms the menses and alleviates pain

Retention of the lochia accompanied by cold and pain in the lower abdomen, T= pale, purple or pale with purple spots P= thin, submerged and choppy

Blood stasis in the womb

dang gui (24 g)
Wen jing tang
What is the chief complaint?
What is the pattern?
mild, persistent uterine bleeding
Uterine bleeding due to def and cold of the chong and ren channels with blood stag
Fu yuan huo xue tang
What is the pattern?
Traumatic physical injury which results in blood leaving the vessels
What formulas can treat bleeding due to blood heat?
What is the difference?
Si sheng wan, shi hui san, ke xue fang and xiao ji yin zi

Shi hui san: strongest, for emergency
Si sheng wan: more mild and upper body
Ke xue fang: coughing of sputum that is bloody
Xiao ji yin zi: blood in urine
Xiao ji yin zi
What two things does this treat?
Which herb has the largest dosage?
Treats both blood lin and blood in urine due to blood heat

Sheng di huang (120 g)
Huai hua san
What is the chief complaint and pattern?
Hemorrhoids due to wind damp heat in the intestines
Huang tu tang
What are the actions?
What are the indications?
What is the pattern?
Warms the yang, strengthen the SP, nourishes the blood and stops bleeding

Blood in the stool, vomiting or spitting up blood, nosebleeds or abdominal uterine bleeding of pale-red blood accompanied by cold extremities, a wan complexion T=pale with a white coating P=submerged, thin and forceless

Bleeding due to SP yang def
Jiao ai tang
What other formula does this formula contain?
What are the chief complaints and pattern?
Si wu tang (but it isn't a si wu tang variation)

Uterine bleeding and pain, heavy periods and possibly a miscarriage due to chong and ren def
Yu ping feng san
What are the indications?
aversion to drafts, spontaneous sweating, recurrent colds, shiny and pale complex, T= pale with a white coating P= floating, def and soft
Mu li san
What are the indications?
Spontaneous sweating that worsens at night, palpitations, easily startled, shortness of breath, irritability, general debility, lethargy, T= pale-red P- thin, frail
Dang gui liu huang tang
What are the indications?
What herbs does this formula contain?
What is the chief complaint and pattern?
Fever, night sweats, red face, dry mouth and parched lips, irritability, dry stools, dark and scanty urine T= red and dry P=rapid

Dang gui and 6 yellow: sheng di huang, shu di huang, huang lian, huang qin, huang bai, huang qi

Night sweats due to yin def with fire
Zhen ren yang zang tang
What is the chief complaint and pattern?
Chronic diarrhea and maybe dysentery due to SP and KI yang def
Sang piao xiao san
What are the actions?
Regulates and tonifies the heart and kidneys, stabilizes the essence and stops leakage
Suo quan wan
What is the chief complaint?
Gu chong tang
What are the indications?
Uterine bleeding or profuse menstrual bleeding in which the blood is thin and pale and either gushes out or continuously trickles out. Accompanying signs and symptoms include palpitations, shortness of breath, T= pale P= def and big or thin and frail
Wan dai tang
What are the indications?
What is the pattern?
Profuse vaginal discharge that is white or pale yellow in color, thin in consistency, not particularly foul-smelling and usually continuous. Accompanying signs and symptoms include fatigue, lethargy, a shiny, pale complex, loose stools T= pale with a white coat P= soggy and frail or moderate

Vaginal discharge from SP qi def with dampness in the lower jiao
Tian wang bu xin dan
What are the actions?
What are the indications?
What 3 shen herbs and what 2 seed herbs are in this formula?
Enriches the yin, nourishes the blood, tonifies the heart and calms the spirit

Irritability, palpitations with anxiety, fatigue, insomnia with very restless sleep, inability to think or concentrate for even short periods of time, nocturnal emissions, forgetfulness, dry stools, T= red with little coating P= thin, rapid. There may also be sores on the mouth and tongue, low grade fever and night sweats

ren shen, xuan shen, dan shen
suan zao ren and bai zi ren
Suan zao ren tang
What are the indications?
Irritability, inability to sleep, palpitations, night sweats, dizziness and vertigo, dry throat and mouth, T= dry, red P= wiry or thin, rapid
Huang lian e jiao tang
What are the actions?
Enriches the yin, causes fire to descend, eliminates irritability and calms the spirit
Zhu sha an shen wan
What are the actions?
What are the indications?
Sedates the heart, calms the spirit, drains fire, nourishes the yin

Insomnia, continuous palpitations, a sensation of irritability and heat in the chest, a desire to vomit without result, dream-disturbed sleep, T=red P= thin, rapid. In some cases the patient also develops a rancorous disposition
Chai hu jia long gu mu li tang
What are the indications?
Fullness in the chest, irritability with occasional attacks of palpitations, urinary difficulty, constipation, delirious speech, inability to rotate the trunk, a sensation of extreme heaviness throughout the body, T= red with a slippery coating P= wiry, rapid
Xiao feng san
What are the actions?
Disperses wind, eliminates dampness, clears heat, cools the blood
Qian zheng san
What are the three ingredients in this formula?
What is the chief complaint and pattern?
bai fu zi, jiang can, quan xie

Bells palsy and facial paralysis
Wind phlegm in the channels
Zhen gan xi feng tang
What are the indications?
What are the actions?
Dizziness vertigo, feeling of distention in the eyes, tinnitus, feverish sensation in the head, headache, irritability, flushed face (as if intoxicated), and a wiry, long and forceful pulse. There may also be frequent belching, progressive motor dysfunction of the body or development of facial asymmetry that occurs over a period of a few hours to a few days, severe dizziness and vertigo, sudden loss of consciousness, mental confusion with moments of lucidity and an inability to fully recover after loss of consciousness.

Sedates the LV, extinguishes wind, nourishes the yin, anchors the yang
Tian ma gou teng yin
What are the indications?
What is the western diagnosis?
Headache, dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, blurred vision, a sensation of heat rushing to the head, insomnia with dream-disturbed sleep, T=red P=wiry, rapid. In severe cases, there may also be numbness, twitching and spasms in the extremities or hemiplegia.

High blood pressure
Da ding feng zhu
What are the ingredients?
What is the pattern?
3 shells: gui ban, bie jia, mu li

Int wind- more yin def
Di huang yin zi
What are the indications?
Stiffness of the tongue with an inability to speak, disability or paralysis of the lower extremities, a dry mouth with an absence of thirst T=greasy, yellow coating P-submerged, slow, thin and frail
An gong niu huang wan
What are the actions?
clears heat, relieves toxicity, dislodges phlegm, opens the orifices and calms the spirit
Zi xue dan
What are the indications?
high fever, irritability and restlessness, delirious speech, impaired consciousness, muscle twitches, spasms, convulsions, thirst, parched lips, dark urine, severe constipation, childhood convulsions.
Su he xiang wan
What are the actions?
what is the pattern?
warms and automatically opens the orifices, promotes the movement of qi and transforms turbidity

Closed disorders due to cold
Tong guan san
What are the indications?
Loss of consciousness, clenched jaw, extreme difficulty in breathing, foaming at the mouth, and a pale, ashen complex
Di tan tang
What is this formula a variation of?
What is the chief complaint or indications?
Er chen tang variation

Cannot speak, stiffness of tongue and speech impairment
Er chen tang
This is the basic formula that treats what?
What are the variations?
Phlegm (but is mainly for dry phlegm)

- Jin shui liu jun jian
- Liu an jian
- Jia wei er chen tang
- Qing shi hua tan tang
Wen dan tang
What are the indications?
dizziness, vertigo, nausea or vomiting, insomnia, palpitations, anxiety, indeterminate gnawing hunger or seizures accompanied by copious sputum, focal distention of the chest, a bitter taste in the mouth, slight thirst, T= greasy, yellow coating P= rapid that is either slippery or wiry
Xiao xian xiong tang
What are the 3 herbs in this formula?
gua lou, huang lian, jiang ban xia
Bei mu gua lou san
What are the indications?
What is this formula's variation?
Cough with deep-seated sputum that is difficult to expectorate, wheezing, a dry and sore throat, T= red and dry with little coating, P= rapid and thin but strong

- Er mu san
Xiao luo wan
What are the 3 herbs in this formula?
What are the indications?
xuan shen, mu li, bei mu

Nodules on the neck that are firm and rubbery in consistency accompanied by a dry mouth and throat, T= red P= rapid that is slippery and/or wiry
Ling gui zhu gan tang
What are the actions?
What is the pattern?
Warms and transforms phlegm and congested fluids, strengthens the SP and resolves dampness

Congested fluids (cold phlegm/damp phlegm) in the epigastrium
Cold phlegm from SP yang def
San zi yang qin tang
What are the ingredients?
What is the pattern?
bai jie zi, su zi, lai fu zi

Phlegm with food stag
Zhi sou san
What are the indications?
What are the chief complaints?
Coughing with or without slight chills and fever, an itchy throat T= thin, white coating P= moderate, floating

Coughing with an itchy throat
Ban xia bai zhu tian ma tan
What formula is this a variation of?
Er chen tang
Bao he wan
What are the three chief and deputy herbs and what stagnations do they treat?
What is the pattern?
What is the pattern
C: shan zha- meat and fatty foods
D: shen qu- food and alcohol
D: lai fu zi- starches

Typical presentation of food stagnation from eating too much or eating contaminated foods. Excess consumption of alcohol, meat and fatty foods.
Jian pi wan
What formula does this contain?
What are the indications?
What is the pattern?
Si jun zi tang

Reduced appetite with difficulty in digestion, bloating and focal distention of the epigastrium and abdomen, loose and watery diarrhea, T= greasy yellow coating P= def, frail

SP qi def complicated by food stagnation that has begun to transform into heat
Wu mei wan
What are the actions?
What are the indications?
What is the pattern?
Warms the organs (intestines) and *calms* roundworms (does not expel or kill roundworms, just calms them)

Intermittent attacks of abdominal pain, a stifling sensation, irritability, warmth in the chest and epigastrium accompanied by vomiting after eating and cold hands and feet. There may also be vomiting of roundworms.

Collapse from roundworms due to heat in the chest and epigastrium (ST) and cold in the organs (intestines). Chronic diarrhea or dysentery due to heat-cold issue with qi def
Herb pair for yang collapse
Gan jiang and Fu zi
Herb pair for qi and yin collapse
Ren shen and Mai men dong (tonifies)
Ren shen and Wu wei zi (astringes)
Herb pair for yang qi collapse
Ren shen and Fu zi
Herb pair for yang collapse
Gan jiang and Fu zi
What herb pair is best for SP yang def?
Figure it out! Dr Zheng didn't give the answer in class and I don't know the answer. But he said we needed to know this
What herb pair is best for premature grey hair due to KI yin def?
Nu zhen zi and Han lian cao
What herb is best for premature grey hair due to KI yin def?
He shou wu
What is the herb pair that’s best for ST pain due to cold with qi stag?
Gao liang jiang and Xiang fu
(not Fu zi and Gan jiang)
What is the herb pair best for pain due to LV qi stag with heat?
Chuan lian zi and Yan hu suo
Herb pair for asthma due to phlegm
Ma huang and Bai guo
What is the herb pair for insomnia due to blood def?
Suan zao ren and Bai zi ren
What three herbs are an herb group good for facial paralysis?
Bai fu zi, Jiang can, Quan xie
Jin gui shen qi wan
What are the three tonics, the three drains and the two herbs that have a relatively small dosage in this formula?
What are the indications?
What is the pattern?
3 tonics: Sheng di huang, Shan zhu yu, Shan yao
3 drains: Ze xie, Fu ling, Mu dan pi
2 herbs: Fu zi, Gui zhi

Lower back pain, weakness of the lower extremities, a cold sensation in the lower half of the body, tenseness in the lower abdomen, T= pale, swollen with a thin, white and moist coating P= empty or frail which is submerged and faint at the proximal position.
The patient may also ne irritable to the point of having difficulty lying down, and will breathe most comfortably while leaning against something. There is either urinary difficulty with edema or excessive urination, sometimes to the point of incontinence.

KI yang def
You gui wan
What are the indications?
What is the pattern?
Exhaustion from long-term illness, aversion to cold, coolness of the extremities, impotence, spermatorrhea, aching and weakness of the lower back and knees. There may also be infertility, loose stools (sometimes with undigested food particles), incontinence and edema of the lower extremities.

KI yang def
Gui pi tang
What are the indications?
What is the pattern?
Forgetfulness, palpitations (with or without anxiety) and phobia, feverishness, withdrawal, reduced appetite, a pallid and wan complexion, T= pale with thin, white coating P=thin, frail. Chronic bleeding syndromes may also be part of the presentation. Women may experience early periods with copious, pale blood or prolonged, almost continuous periods with little flow.

SP qi def and HT blood def