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194 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
i had
u had
tu eus
he had
il eut
we had
nous eûmes
you had
vous eûtes
they had
ils eurent
i drank
je bus
u drank
tu bus
he drank
il but
we drank
nous bûmes
you drank
vous bûtes
they drank
ils burent
i knew (him)
je connus
u knew (him)
tu connus
he knew (him)
il connut
they knew (him)
ils connurent
we knew
nous connûmes
you knew (him)
vous connûtes
i ran
je courus
he ran
il courut
u ran
tu courus
we ran
nous courûmes
they ran
ils courent
you ran
vous courûtes
i believed
je crus
u believed
tu crus
he believed
il crut
we believed
nous crûmes
you believed
vous crûtes
they believed
ils crurent
i had to
je dus
u had to
tu dus
he had to
il dut
you had to
vous dûtes
we had to
nous dûmes
they had to
ils durent
i needed
je fallus
u needed
tu fallus
she needed
elle fallut
we needed
nous fallûmes
you needed
vous fallûtes
they needed
ils fallurent
i read
je lus
u read
tu lus
he read
il lut
they read
ils lurent
we read
nous lûmes
you read
vous lûtes
it rained
il plut
i could
je pus
u could
tu pus
he could
il put
we could
nous pûmes
you could
vous pûtes
they could
ils purent
i received
je reçus
u received
tu reçus
he recieved
il reçut
they received
ils reçurent
we received
nous reçûmes
you received
vous reçûtes
i knew
je sus
u knew
tu sus
he knew
il sut
we knew
nous sûmes
you knew
vous sûtes
they knew
ils surent
i was worth
je valus
u were worth
tu valus
she was worth
elle valut
we were worth
nous valûmes
you were worth
vous valûtes
they were worth
ils valurent
i lived
je vécus
u lived
tu vécus
she lived
elle vécut
we lived
nous vécûmes
you lived
vous vécûtes
they lived
ils vécurent
i wanted
je voulus
u wanted
tu voulus
she wanted
elle voulut
we wanted
nous voulûmes
you wanted
vous voulûtes
they wanted
ils voulurent
i was
je fus
u were
tu fus
they were
ils furent
he was
il fut
we were
nous fûmes
you were
vous fûtes
i died!
je mourus
u died
tu mourus
he died
il mourut
we died
nous mourûmes
you died
vous mourûtes
they died
ils moururent
i came
je vins
u came
je vins
she came
elle vint
we came
nous vînmes
you came
vous vîntes
they came
iils vinrent
i sat
je m'assis
u sat
tu t'assis
he sat
il s'assit
you sat
vous vous assîtes
we sat
nous nous assîmes
they sat
ils s'assirent
i put
je mis
u put
tu mis
he put
il mit
they put
ils mirent
we put
nous mîmes
you put
vous mîtes
i led
je conduisis
u led
tu conduisis
she drove
elle conduisit
we drove
nous conduisîmes
you led
vous conduisîtes
they led
ils conduisirent
i was born
je naquis
u were born
tu naquis
he was born
il naquit
we were born
nous nauîmes
you were born
vous naquîtes
they were born
ils naruirent
i said
je dis
u said
tu dis
he said
il dit
you said
vous dîtes
we said
nous dîmes
they said
ils dirent
i painted
je peignis
u painted
tu peignis
she painted
elle peignit
we painted
nous peignîmes
you painted
vous peignîtes
they painted
ils peignirent
i wrote
u wrote
tu écrivis
he wrote
il écrivit
we wrote
nous écrivîmes
you wrote
vous écrivïtes
they wrote
ils écrivirent
i took
je pris
u took
tu pris
he took
il prit
you took
vous prîtes
we took
nous prîmes
they took
ils prirent
i made
je fis
u made
tu fis
he did
il fis
we did
nous fîmes
you made
vous fîtes
they made
ils firent
i laughed
je ris
u laughed
tu ris
he laughed
il rit
they laughed
ils rirent
you laughed
vous rîtes
we laughed
nous rîmes
i met up with
je rejoignis
u contacted
tu joignis
she contacted
elle joignit
we met up with
nous rejoignîmes
you contacted
vous joignîtes
they contacted
ils joignirent
i saw
je vis
u saw
tu vis
they saw
ils virent
he saw
il vit
we saw
nous vîmes
you saw
vous vîtes
i gave
je donnai
u gave
tu donnas
he gave
il donna
you gave
vous donnâtes
we gave
nous donnâmes
they gave
ils donnèrent
i finished
je finis
u finished
tu finis
he finished
il finit
we finished
nous finîmes
you finished
vous finîtes
they finished
ils finirent
i threw
je jetai
u threw
tu jetas
she threw
elle jeta
we bought
nous achetâmes
i bought
they bought
ils achetèrent
i lifted
je levai