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133 Cards in this Set

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How do we determine a baby's due date?
LMP - 3months + 7 days
Pre-term baby is defined as...
Post-term baby is defined as...
<35 weeks
>42 weeks
Small for gestational age (SGA) is defined as
<2500 grams
Symmetrical SGA may be cauased by...
Symmetrical SGA is a 'baby' problem

1 - chromosomal abnormalities
2 - TORCH infections
Asymmetrical SGA may be caused by...
Asymmetrical SGA is 'mom' problem

1 - poor blood supply (any cause)
Large for gestational age (LGA) is defined as...
>4500 grams
What are the causes of LGA?
DM, monochorionic twins - twin/twin transfusion
What happens to LGA baby 24 hrs after birth? 48 hrs after birth?
24hrs - hypoglycemic (due to increased insulin production b/c of constant high glucose from mom in utero)

48hrs - hypocalcemia (immature parathyroids)
What are the stages of the menstrual cycle?
Follicular/Proliferative (Days 1-10)- Estrogen (endometrium proliferates)
Ovulatory (Days 10- 14) - LH
Luteal/Secretory - Progesterone (Days 14-28)(endometrium sloughs due to prog withdrawal)
How long can an an egg/sperm live in the fallopian tube?
Egg- 3 days
Sperm 5 days
What changes do the breasts undergo during the menstrual cycle?
Follicular phase - ductular growth
Luteal phase - glandular growth
What happens to breasts if overstimulated by progesterone during luteal phase?
Glandular cysts may form
If continued overstimulation - fibrocystic disease may develop
In what order, and from where are the hormones released that control the menstrual cycle?
Hypothalamus - GnRH
Pituitary - LH/FSH
Theca interna of maturing egg - responds to LH and produces progesterone
Progesterone stimulates nearby granulosa cells to make estrogen
*Pineal gland resets system*
Hypothalamus --> GnRH
Pituitary --> LH and FSH (LH conc much higher than LH now)
Theca cells respond to LH and egg released and progesterone produced
Feedback inhibition begins and decreased prog results in sloughing of uterine lining
What effect does estrogen have on uterine decidua functionalis?
proliferation during follicular phase
- if overstimulated, can cause dysfunctional uterine bleeding
- if cont to overstimulate can cause adenomyosis
- further overtimulation may cause endometriosis
What effect does estrogen have on uterine smooth muscle?
stimulates growth of fibroids
- submucosal: presents with heavy bleeding
- subserosal: presents with pelvic pain/pressure
What are the most common sites of endometriosis?
uterosacral ligament
pouch of Douglas
How is endometriosis diagnosed?
How is endometriosis usually described on pathology?
chocolate cysts or powder burns
What is the effect of progesterone on the endometrium?
increases spiral arteries, lipids, and glycogen in preparation of implantation of zygote
What are two ways to prevent pregnancy "the morning after"?
Mifeprostone (RU-486): blocks progesterone receptors resulting in dramatic drop in prog and sloughing of uterine lining
Plan B: give prog for 72 hours then withold
What drugs can be used to stimulate ovulation?
Clomiphene: Inhibits GnRH feedback resulting in multiple ovulations per cycle
HCG: can use it to mimic LH to stimulate multiple ovulations/cycle since it shares an alpha-subunit with LH
How can any type of estrogen oversitmulation be treated?
GnRH analog (leuprolide)
Danazole (side effect is masculinization)
How do birth control pills work?
Ovulation is stimulated by LH surge. LH surge is feedback-inhibited by progesterone. Therefore, give progesterone in OCP to prevent ovulation.
Which birth control methods are progesterone only?
Nuva Ring

Side effects: breakthrough bleeding (2/2 stim of growth of spiral arteries)
What can be used to prevent breakthrough bleeding from OCPs?
Use combination pills with Estrogen/Progesterone. Estrogen will cause proliferation of endometrium beyond growth of spiral arteries and bleeding will stop
What estrogen can be used to monitor fetal growth in the first trimester?
Why must a fetus be delivered within 24 hours following IUFD?
Because estriol decreases within the first 24hr following fetal demise. Mom's immune system will return to its normal state and attack the products of conception.
When should hormone replacement therapy be given? How should it be given?
ONLY if patient is symptomatic and feels she absolutely needs it.

If so, give lowest amount of E2 that will relieve sx - treat with this for 2 years - then start Tamoxifen
What is the first sign of puberty in females? Males?
Females - Thelarche (breast buds)

Males - enlarged testicles
What is the fundal height at the following anatomic landmarks...
- pubic symphysis
- umbilicus
Pubic Symphysis - 12 cm
Umbilicus - 20 cm
What is the role of sertoli cells in the male reproductive system?
1. produce inhibin
2. maintain the blood-testes barrier
3. Protect and nourish the sperm to maturity
What is the function of LH in males?
FSH in males?
LH > testosterone > spermatogenesis

FSH >Sertoli cells > inhibin production
How long can an egg/sperm live in the fallopian tube?
Egg - 3 days
Sperm - 5 days
What is the clinical definition of infertility?
Inability to conceive after 1 year of unprotected intercourse (or 3 months if >35yo)
What are the 3 main causes of infertility?
Male - 50%
Female - 30% (Mcc is PID)
Unknown - 20%
What are the causes of sexual dysfunction in...

Young men
Older men
The elderly
Young - premature ejaculation
Old - Stress impotence
Elderly - Vascular impotence
What are the signs/symptoms of a molar pregnancy?
1. HTN in 1st trimester
2. Size of uterus inconsistent with dates
3. HCG increasing abnormally
All pregnancy tests calculate the presence of which hormone?
When is HCG first detectable in the blood? urine?
Blood - 1 week after formation of zygote
Urine - 2 weeks after formation of zygote
What is the main function of HCG?
Maintain corpus luteum so progesterone will continue to be secreted

Progesterone needed to maintain uterine lining. If progesterone production stops, lining sloughs and zygote is lost = miscarriage
What hormones are produced by the placenta?
HCG has the same alpha subunit as what other hormones?
LH, FSH, and TSH
Why are pregnant patients anemic?
They aren't!!

Plasma volume increases 50%. RBC mass only increases 30% so it looks like patient is anemic, but she isn't
What is the function of Estrogen during pregnancy?
Smooth muscle relaxation
Stimulates protein synthesis in the liver
What is the function of inhibin?
Inhibits FSH - prevents another menstrual cycle from beginning.
What is the function of HPL?
Block's mom's insulin receptors --> insulin resistance --> gestational diabetes
How does progesterone work as a birth control agent?
Progesterone is physiologically secreted by the Theca interna cells in response to increased LH. Therefore, Progesterone feedback inhibits the further secretion of LH.

So externally-supplied progesterone will feedback inhibit LH resulting in lack of ovulation = birth control!!
What does the Seminal vesicle give to sperm?
Food = fructose and clothes = semen
What do the Bulbourethro/Cowper's glands secrete?
Bicarbonate (neutralize acid in vagina)
What does the prostate secrete?
The prostate "HAZ" it
Acid Phosphatase
What is the capacitation reaction?
Removal of semen by zinc
What is the acrosomal reaction?
Release of enzymes from head of sperm needed to break through the corona radiata
What is the crystallization reaction?
Formation of a wall around the egg once one sperm enters to prevent polyspermia
Where does testosterone come from?
Adrenal glands and testicles
Where does DHT come from?
Testicles after puberty
What is a pseudohermaphrodite?
A person with an external genitalia problem
What is a true hermaphrodite?
A person with an internal genitalia problem
What is a female hermaphrodite?
Doesn't exist - the default is female
What is a female pseudohermaphrodite?
XX with 21-hydroxylase deficiency resulting in high testosterone levels
What is a male hermaphrodite?
XY with MIF deficiency
What is a male pseudohermaphrodite?
XY with 17-OH deficiency resulting in low testosterone
What is hirsutism?
Hairy female
What is virilization?
Man-like female
What is testicular feminization/androgen insensitivity syndrome?
XY with DHT recepter dysfunction resulting in external genitalia = blind pouch vagina
What is McCune-Albright syndrome?
1. Precocious puberty
2. polyostotic fibrous dysplasia
3. pgmented skin macules
What stage of the menstrual cycle has the highest estrogen levels?
Follicular - proliferative
What stage of the menstrual cycle has the highest temperature?
What stage of the menstrual cycle has the highest progesterone levels?
Luteal stage - secretory

Progesteroneproduced by Theca interna cells of ruptured mature follicle
What form of estrogen is at it's highest in menopause? middle age? pregnancy?
Menopause - E1: Estrone
Middle Age - E2: Estradiol
Pregnancy - E3: Estriol
What dz states have increased estrogen?
Pregnancy, Liver failure, p450 inhibition, obesity
What is adenomyosis?
Growth of endometrium into myometrium --> enlarged "boggy" uterus
What does DES taken by mom cause in her daughter?
clearc cell CA of vagina
repeat miscarriages
What is Kallman's Syndrome?
No GnRH and anosmia (can't smell)
What is Polycystic ovarian syndrome?
Increased cysts eventually resulting in no ovulation --> no progesterone production

Pts can't inhibit LH --> obese, hairy, have acne

Can lead to increased incidence of endometrial CA
What is Sheehan syndrome?
Watershed infarct of pituitary due to increased hemorrhage during pregnancy

Leads to deficiency of cortisol, prolactin, and TSH
What is Asherman's syndrome?
Uterine scarring following a D&C
What is oligomenorrhea?
Too few periods
What is polymenorrhea?
Too many periods
What is the most common cause of post-coital vaginal bleeding? ...in pregnant women? ...in post-menopausal women?
cervical cancer

pregnancy - placenta previa

post-menopause - endometrial CA
What is chronic pelvic pain?
endometriosis until proven otherwise
What is dysfunctional uterine bleeding?
Diagnosis of exclusion - usually due to anovulation
What is Dysmenorrhea?
Painful menses usually due to PGF2
What is endometriosis?
Caused by retrograde flow of endometrium to - ovary, uterosacral ligament, pouch of Douglas

Seen on pathology as powder burns or chocolate cysts

Diagnosed by laparoscopy
What is Kleine regnung?
Scant bleeding with ovulation
What is menorrhagia?
Heavy menstrual bleeding
What is fibroids (leiomyoma)?
uterine muscle tumors, benign

may present as pelvic fullness, asymmetric uterus on exam
What is metrorrhagia?
bleeding or spotting between periods
What is Mittleschmerz?
Pain at ovulation
What causes syphilis?
Treponema Pallidum
What is Herpes?
ds DNA virus
What is HPV?
ds DNA virus
What is Chlamydia?
obligate intracellular parasite
What causes Gonorrhea?
gram negative diplococci
What causes Chancroid?
H. ducreyi
What causes lymphogranuloma venereum?
C. Trachomatis
What causes lymphogranuloma inguinale?
C. granulomatis
What causes epididymitis?
What is Mittleschmerz?
Pain at ovulation
What causes syphilis?
Treponema Pallidum
What is Herpes?
ds DNA virus
What is HPV?
ds DNA virus
What is Chlamydia?
obligate intracellular parasite
What causes Gonorrhea?
gram negative diplococci
What causes Chancroid?
H. ducreyi
Gram neg rod
School of fish
What causes lymphogranuloma venereum?
C. Trachomatis
What causes lymphogranuloma inguinale?
C. granulomatis
What causes epididymitis?
What is Condyloma lata?
Flat fleshy warts that ulcerate

indicative of secondary syphilis
What is condyloma accuminata?
Verrucous "cauliflower" warts


caused by HPV 6,11
How does herpes present?
primary: painful grouped vesicles on red base

secondary: painful solitary lesion
How does syphilis present?
Primary: Painless chancre (1-6 wks)

Sexondary: Rash involving palms and soles, condyloma lata (6 wks)

Tertiary: Neuro, cardio, bone sx (6 yrs)
How does chancroid present?
Painful genital ulcer with necrotic center,

Gram neg rod, body of fish seen under microscope
How does lymphogranuloma venereum present?
Painless ulcers
Abscessed nodes
genital elephantiasis
How does granuloma inguinale present?
spreading ulcer
Donovan bodies
granulation test
How does chlamydia present?
yellow pus from cervix
How does gonorrhea present?
Palmar pustules
urethral discomfort
How does epididymitis present?
unilateral scrotal pain decreased by support
What causes non-bacterial infections in the fetus?
TORCH infections - all symmetrical SGA

Other - syphilis
What are the clues for toxoplasmosis infection of baby?
multiple ring-enhancing lesions on CT
cat urine
parietal lobe
What are the clues for Syphilis infection of baby?
Rhagade's (lip fissure)
saber shin legs (2/2 anterior bowing)
Hutchinson's razor teeth
Mulberry molars
What are the clues for Rubella infection of baby?
Blueberry muffin rash
hearing loss
What are the clues for CMV infection of baby?
spastic diplegia of legs
central calcifications
What is Paget's disease of breast?
Rash and ulcer around nipple, breast cancer
What is lobular carcinoma?
cells line up in single file
contralateral primary
What is comedocarcinoma?
multiple focal areas of necrosis
What is cystosarcoma phylloides?
"Exploding mushroom"
good prognosis
What is intraductal papilloma?
nipple bleeding
most common breast CA
What is ductal carcinoma?
Worst prognosis breast CA
What is sarcoma boyroides?
vaginal cancer
ball of grapes
What is a Sister Mary Joseph nodule?
ovarian CA that spread to umbilicus
What is Meig's syndrome?
Pleural effusion
Ovarian fibroma
What are the side effects of estrogen?
Weight gain
breast tenderness
What are the side effects of progesterone?