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39 Cards in this Set

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How did political parties appeal to voters in the late 19th century?
appealed to the economic self-interest, such as support of industrialization and pensions for Civil War veterens and their widwos--linking their programs to deeply held beleifs about the nature of family and proper role of government
How did republicans justify their support of the tarriff?
a protection for the family home and female wage earners
what did both republicans and democrats share the belief of?
that government didn't have a right to regulate corporations
how did the women in the political process rise?
by linking economic policy to family values, both national parties reinforced the appeal of their platforms
who was a woman who played an active role?
francis willard and followers in the Women's Christian Tempearance Untion helped create the Prohibition and Home Protection party in the 1880s
Where did Democrats rule in teh 1870s/1880s and what did they campaign for?
The South and places with large immigrant populations. Many were still mad at Republicans for reconstruction.

They campaigned for minimal government expendentirues and defended immigrants by fierecely opposing prohibtion
How could you dsecribe the Democrats on differences
intolerant of racial differences but were generally more accepting of religious diversity
What was the major problem with money supply
how to create a money supply adequately for a growing economy without producing inflation
What formed in 1877
The Greenback Party who advocated an expanded money supply
Who wanted a gold standard and who wanted a bimetal standard and why

Farmers need an expanded money system to handle fluctuating markets...and with the gold standard there is less circulation whcih makes its harder to get loans
What 2 issues brought an extremely high voter turnout?
1) money---tarriff/ goldsilver standard
2) civil service reform
What was the Sherman Silver Purchase Act of 1890
instructed Treasury to put silver in the markets
Who was taking measures to end the spoils system and why?
Carl Schurz and E.L. Godkin advocated civil service based on merit because they felt it was needed as government grew more complex
What was up wtih James. A. Garfield?
1880 president but was assasinated in 1881
What was the Pendleton Civil Service Act and when was it passed?
1883.... set standards of merit for federal jobs
What did Cleveland do?
1.he fought politcal bosses and spoils men

2. called for lower tariffs because of the surplus in the treasury

3. He refused pensions to veterans who put in false claims (Which went against the Grand Army of the Repubilc)
What were people saying the surplus of money should go to?
1. Untion veteran pensions
2. prok barrel projects
What unfortunately happened with Harrison?
when he became President he reinstituted the spoiles system rewarding hundreds fo supporters
When Democrats were in control what was the focus on?
helping agrarian west and south
what was the Grange
a relief agency for support and concerened with economic issues

It held the Jacksonian belief that agricultural prodcuts were most honorable of trades
Munn v. Illinois

court rejected railraods and and upheld the Illinois la setting the max rate for grain storage
Wabash v. Illinois
1886, altered from MvI by saying states couldn't regulate interstate commerce
When and what did the ICC do?
it was created after Wabash v. Illinois to regulate railraods. It couldn't control but ti did set up the principle for federal regulation of interstate transports
what happened to the grange movement?
it failed because
1. lack of cash
2. railroads controlling govts
3. idealist
What else failedl ike the Grange?
Southern Alliance and the National Colored Farmer's Alliance...had lack of capital to finance and purchase equpiment and supplies

the movement would die in the Great Plains when rain came because speculation was very big there and grain was comign
what did the Southern and Northwestern Alliance eventually form
1892,,,People's Party of the US (Populist Party)
Because of the 15th amendment, what 3 obstructions for African Americans arose?
poll taxes, literacy tests and teh "grandfather clause"
how did lynching gain popularity
it fed off the poor's fear of loosing "manhood" to black farmers
Plessy v. Ferguson

said separate but equal was okay
who was Booker t. Washington
believed in gradual assimilatin and thought that when blacks proved their worth, racism woudl die out

He wrote: Up From Slavery which talekd about self worth and rising up
who was W.E.B. Debois
complete opposite from washington
Wilson-Gorman Tariff of 1894
lowered duties but made modest income tax. this was really the first time the whygovernment was collecting moeny not for war reasons
Panic of 1893?
resulted from the economic boom of the 1880s where railraods issues more stock...in 1893 teh raildroad falled which created a weak confidence in the gold standard
depression of 1893
major unemploymenta nd swamped relief agencie
Pollock v. Farmers' Loan & Trust Co
rules that government could impose a direct tax on personal property
why do clevelands policise split the democratic party?
1) farm leaders and silver Democrats are oposed to the Sherman Silver Purhacse Act
how did the depression help change socail thought
middle class charitable workers realized that thinking individual character flaws caused poverty were incorrect and began taking more time to investigate the deeper route
describe the watershed election of 1896
Williams Jennings Bryan ran as a Democrat on a populist platform against Wililam McKinley
Why did Bryan Lose the election?
1. republican scare tactics
2. core constituency was limited
3. concentrated on siliver which held little appeal to factory workers and urban middle class or family farmers