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22 Cards in this Set

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The Hindbrain
Medulla, Pons, and Cerebellum
Regulates autonomic functioning, circulation, breathing, muscle tone, and reflexes. Cannot survive if destroyed.
Regulates sleeping, walking, and dreaming.
balance and coordination of movement; analyzes sensory information; may play a role in remembering simple skills, problem solving
The Midbrain
Reticular Formation, Tectum, Tegmentum
Reticular Formation
modulates muscle reflexes, pain perception; active in states of arousal. Damage to this area may result in comas.
involved in auditory and visual responses
controls some motor functions, regulates awareness and attention and some automatic functions
The Forebrain
Thalamus, Hypothalamus, Pituitary Gland, Limbic System, Amygdala, Hippocampus, Septal Area, and Cerebrum
relays motor impulses out of the brain; directs incoming sensory messages to higher centers
hunger thirst, emotions, sex and reproduction, body temperature and the autonomic nervous system. (Four F's: Fighting. Fleeing. Feeding. Fucking.)
Pituitary Gland
master gland by the hypothalamus
Limbic System
loosely interconnected structures involved in emotions. No clear boundaries.
evaluates sensory information, linked to fear responses, emotional events
formation and storage of new memories
Septal Area
pleasure area of the brain (animal increase lever pressing with impulses sent here). Lesions may create rage reactions (defensive).
largest and most complex part of the brain. Divided into two halves or hemispheres. Connected by a band of fibers called the corpus callosum.
Occipital Lobe
contains the visual cortex
Parietal Lobe
somatosensory cortex; receives information about pressure, pain, touch and temperature
Temporal Lobe
involved in memory, perception, and emotion. contains the auditory cortex. Wernick's area - involved in language comprehension and processing.
Frontal Lobe
contains the motor cortex, responsible for making plans, initiative, creativity. Broca's area - involved in speech production.
Prefrontal Lobe (cortex)
involved in personality, decision making, social judgment, goal setting, sequencing, damage results in flattening of emotion and feelings.