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32 Cards in this Set

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the parts in the column section
shaft and capital
the parts in the entablature
arhitrave, frieze, and cornice
the parts in the frieze
triglyph and metope
the other two main sections besides entablature and column
the stereobate and stylobate
the sections of the room going across
naos, pronoaus, colonnade, and peristlye
who settle greece around 2000 bc
mycenaeans. They lasted from 1600 to 1100
The mycenans met the mionas in 1500 bc
they gave new ideas such as sea trading, politics, art, writing, and religion
heinrich shielman discovered the ruins of troy
the dorains moved into the area of myceanae. they are responsible for a complete collapse of greece. No writing exisist from this time period.
polis is another word for a greek city state. this was the fundamental political unit in ancient greece. most were fewer than 10000
the were sheltered on the acropolis or hilltop fortress.they were also the center of markets or thought.
the different forms of government were monarchy, arsticracy, oligarchy, tyrany, and direct democracy.
a monarchy is a government that is ruled by a king and queen. They change with blood. An arsitcarcy is ruled by the elite group. they change with blood as well as social ranking. an oligarchy is a wealthy group rules. They change accoridng to wealth or how able they are to fill the position. a direct democracy is when citizens vote on who they want. the only requirement is to be a citzens. A tyrany is when a person plays on what the citizens want and then has all the power.
draco made an intense set of laws for all of greeks, no matter the social order.
solon outlawed debt slavery. organized athens into four classed. only the top three could hold office.
cleisthenses created the council of five hundred.
only the sons of wealthy families were educated. part of each day was spent on athletics. Athenian woman were not educated.
sparta was governed by the counil of elders. with 30 members on the council.
sparta conquered the messenians which later became helots, peasants forced to stay over the land. they revolted a 100 years later.
the social order of sparta was citizens, noncitizens, helots.
in the dorian age only the rich could afford bronze shields and weapons. Iron was cheaper and soon became more popular. almost all of sparta could fight now. which lead to the formation of phalanx.
the persian war
persia had declared revenge towards athens after persia tried to invade greece
in 490 a persian fleet attacked athens at marathon. the 1000 athenian soliders gave a strong defeat to the persian army.
pheidippides ran to tell the news of the victory which is where the word marathon comes from
Xerxes sent a giant armada to crush athens. Greece was torn trying to decide which side to lead towards.
He met the 300 spartan soliders at thermopalye and the soliders stood their ground till reinforcement could come.
it was decided that the atenian army would go naval and attack at the battle of salamis. 1/3 of persias army fell.
in 480, the delian league was formed. they were responsible for planning on how to attack persia.
the persian led to a surge in pride
this led to the golden age of greece
the three goals of pericles were to strenghthen demcracy, the empire, and glorify athens.
to strengthen athens he used the money form the delian league to increase the army.
to strenghten the democracy of athens he increased the number of paid political officers.any athenian could now run for government.
pericles used the money form the delian league to glorify athens. he bought gold,ivory, and marble. some was used to pay the artists
during this time, pericles ordered the construction of the parthenon. it was sculpted by phidas. the traditional look of the artwork showed unnatural beauty. this is called classical art.
greeks invented plays, tragics and comedies, and history
pelponnesian war
the war was caused by athens thinking they were better than other greek city states. Athens and Sparta wanted to declare war.
athens had a stronger navy, but sparta had a much better army. Sparta marched across athens burning all in sight.
the war was basically over, due to the fact that athens lacked food and then an intense plague attacked. in 421, a truce was declared.
in 415, the peace did not last. they planned on attacking syracuse, one of the wealthiest spartan allies.
athens was completely destroyed as an effect.
the two signifigant accomplishments of aristarchus
he thought the sun was bigger than the earth and that the earth revolved around the sun
ptolmeys big mistake
he placed the earth in the middle of the earth
eratosthemes occupation and claim to fame
he was the librarian who tried to calulate the circumference of the world.
Euclid's famous book and what it did
elements, laid the groundworks for geometry.
archimedes famous number and invention
he invented the lever and made pi
stoicism, the founder and overall beliefs
zeno founded it, and it says that people should live virtous lives in harmony with what the gods have said. human desires, power, and wealth should be forgotten.
Epicureanism, the found and overall beliefs
epicurus founded it, he taught htat gods have no interest in what humans do. The only real things are what can be percieved by the five senses. pleause comes from good conduct and absense of pain.