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5 Cards in this Set

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Mainstream sports:
-Most believed females were frail & unsuited for most sport participation
-Encouraged towards non-contact sports (e.g. tennis, swimming, gymnastics)
-Last 50 years women have shown that frailty is grounded more in ideology rather than nature/reality
-Opportunities for women at professional level will be limited until idea/beliefs about femininity expand to embrace multiple notions of womanhood
Informal and alternative sports:
-Women feel that they are unwelcome to develop & display their skills
-Men usually control who plays and often discourage participation of girls
-"perform like a man" to be accepted as an athlete
-Girls have fewer opportunities men
- Alternative sports are organized around values & experience of boys
Jobs for women in coaching, administration and professional sport:
-Women are under-represented (e.g. In Canada 17% of national team coaches are women, while 47% of the national team athletes are women)
-Women have little opportunity to coach men's sport and even in women's sport male coaches are dominant
-In male dominent sports women are only hired upon proving themselves as effective as men
-Some organizations have records of discriminatory towards women in power positions
Support for female athletes:
-Female athletes seldom receive same supports as boys
-Historically, there have been serious inequalities in: access to facilities, scholarships, publicity, teams, and events
-Lack of support subverts participation among females
-Mary Jo Kane: Director of University of Minnesota's Tucker Centre for research on girls/women, says: "women are not asking for a handout, we're just asking for an investment"
Reasons for discrimination against women in sport:
-Male dominated: (afraid of change) resistance towards gov. regulations, and revising gender ideology
-Stereotypes: not as entertaining, fragile, no money
-Male identified: actions of men used as standards for what is right/normal
-"women are invaders", "Sports and lesbians have always gone together"