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20 Cards in this Set

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express /v يعبر عن

expression /n تعبير

express /adj

expressly /adv بطريقه معبره

to a state or to show

Bill's not afraid to express his opinions

soothe /vيُهَدِّئ

soothing /adj مهدئ

soothingly /adv

to calm or relax

she was doing her best to soothe the crying baby

symbolize /v

symbol /n

symbolic /adj

symbolically /adv

represent ;be a symbol of

the dragon symbolizes the enemies of the church

assign /vيُخَصِّص، يُعَيِّن

assignment /nمهمه

assignable /adj يمكن ان يخصص

give sb a job to do ; designate

two senior officers were assigned to the investigation

• They assigned the task to us.

You must complete this assignment by tomorrow.مَهَمَّه، واجِب

omit /vيَحْذِف

omission /nحَذْف

leave out ; not include

important details had been omitted from the article

persist /vيَسْتَمِر، يُصَمِّم علي،

persistence /nإصرار

persistent /adj مصر او مستمر

persistently /adv باسْتِمْرار

to continue in spite of obstacles

he persisted in asking her to marry him until she said "yes "

ailments /nمرض


the most commonly reported ailment is eye-strain .

coincide /vيصادف

coincidence /nصادف

coincident ;coincidental /adj مصادفه

coincidentally /adv بشكل مصادف

the happening of two or more events at the same time by chance

A: I'm going to Appleby tomorrow .

B: what a coincidence ! l'm going up there too

content /v يشبع رغبتة او يرضى

contentment /nقناعه

content (ed) /adj مقتنع

contentedly /adv بشكل مقنع

feeling of satisfaction ; happiness

he has found contentment and satisfaction in his work .

pace /vيمشي بسرعه

pace /nخطوه

speed ; tempo of an activity

the pace of life in the village is slow and easy .

psychologist ;pasychology /n

psychological /adj

psychologically /adv

a professional who studies the mind and the human behavior

he is a child psychologist .

believe /vيعتقد

belief /n معتقد

believable /adj معقول

believably /adv يمكن التصدق

an idea, condition or way of behaving that one thinks is true

this theory goes against the beliefs of most current political thinkers

endure /vيتحمل

endurance /n احتمل

endurable /adj محتمل

persistence ; the ability to continue doing sth for a long time

the long trip tested their courage and endurance to the limit .

enterprise /n مشروع

enterprising /adj مغامر

a project or a business , esp. a new one

his enterprise is located in the financial district .

luck /n

lucky /adj

luckily /adv

chance ;fortune

john never had much luck with girls

superstition /nخرافه

superstitious /adjمؤمن بالخرافات, خرافي

superstitiously /adv

story that relies on the belief in magical or supernatural brings and events

the belief that breaking a mirror will give you seven years of bad luck is just a superstition .

stimulate /vيحفز

stimulation /nتحفير

stimulating /adj محمس

exciting ;energizing

she found her new job challenging and stimulating

stubborn /adj

stubbornly /adv

persistent :enduring

my stubborn little boy wouldn't put his coat on.

ease /v

ease /n

at ease /pp


I did my best to make him feel at ease

subconscious /n

subconscious /adj

subconsciously /adv

without actively knowing

maybe subconsciously I really wanted him to fail .