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30 Cards in this Set

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What dental material contains resin matrix mixed with inorganic fillers

Composite resins

The retention between bonding agent and composite is

Chemical retention

What is an acceptable material used for dentin protection under composite resins?

Glass ionomer

What liner bonds directly to Denton releases fluoride and is compatible under composite resin?

Glass ionamer

With the use of_________, bases and liners are not needed under composite restorations unless remaining Dentin is less than 0.5 mm

Dental bonding systems

Using a mylar matrix strips will prohibit

The air inhibited layer

An efda should be careful to keep excess bonding agent from spreading beyond the etched enamel because...

It will not mechanically adhere to un- etched enamel

As an EFDA you do not want to contaminate the air inhibited surface of composite until the layering process is completed because...

A more complete chemical bond is achieved during the layering of composite material

The disadvantage of_________ is that air can be trapped in the cavity preparation and incorporated into the material during composite placement?

Hand instrument insertion

Self-cured composite resins are typically mixed in this ratio:______ amounts of base and catalyst

Equal amounts of base and catalyst

Do Darker composite shades require a longer or a shorter curing time

Longer curing time

Which instrument(bur) is recommended for finishing the lingual surfaces of a class 2 composite restoration?

Football shaped or rounded finishing burs

Procedures for finishing proximal and embracer areas of a class III composite restoration using a gold knife,#12 surgical blade, or hand instruments would involve :using ________ shaving strokes with part of the instrument on external ________ surface.

Using light shaving strokes with part of the instrument on external enamel surface

When should the EFDA select a shade for composite resin placement?

Before isolation

When using discs for finishing a composite resin, ___________ the residue from each disc prior to proceeding with the finer discs


The EFDA will want to remove all centric lateral and protrusive contacts on what class of restoration?

Class IV

What are the instruments of choice for final polishing of a composite restoration to an obtain a high luster?

Impregnant rubber polishing points. Super fine. Sanding paper discs or polishing pastes

The 3 following must all be considered when selecting composite for placement in the posterior areas of the mouth

1) aesthetics need for the patient 2) accessibility of margins for finishing 3) the tooth must be able to be isolated effectively

What can cause post-operative sensitivity in composite resins?

Occlusal trauma ,leakage at the cervical margin, and inadequate bonding caused by contamination

Three reasons posterior composites material should be considered for use in a minimal class I restoration

1It does not contain mercury. 2)They do not tarnish your corrosive. 3)They have adequate wear resistance

What is the term used for placement of an interproximal wedge at the start of the operative procedure to open the contact with the adjacent tooth and to compensate for thickness of the band


_____________ conserves the tooth structure and does not require undercuts in the Denton for retention because the composite resin can be bonded to remaining tooth structure

Modified preparations

The matrix material that facilitates the curing of composite material but can be difficult to adapt to tooth contours are

Clear mylar matrixes

What restorative material is currently recommended under packable composites for the initial layer?

Flowable composites

What material is responsible for reducing post operative sensitivity by sealing the dentinal tubules commonly associated with posterior composites

Dentin bonding agents

How are Denton bonding agents commonly applied?

Applyed over the entire preparation. Blowing the agent with air to thin and polymerized with a light source

In a class two resin restoration on number 30 MO. The initial layer is placed

In the deepest portion of the proximal box

What best describes the direction composite resin will shrink when polymerized with a light source?

Towards the light source

Incomplete polymerization of the composite resin material may result in

Leakage at the cervical margin

The composite material that provides handling characteristics most like amalgam best describes

Packable condensable composite