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165 Cards in this Set

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Thirty Years’ War
~ 1618-1648
~ War between most of the major European powers. Holy Roman Empire, Sweden, Denmark, Bohemia.
~ The beginning of the notion of Nationalism.
~ Starts religiously, ends on a political note.
Cardinal Richelieu
~ Raison D'Etat
~ Enter the 30 Years' War on the side of the Protestants rather than Catholics because it will be good for France if the Holy Roman Empire is defeated.
Treaty of Westphalia
~ Most important treaty until Napoleon's defeat
~ German and Lutheran Princes are recognised as being sovereign. Calvinists were also recognised.
~ The idea of Natural Self-Determination
~ There is still an Emperor, but he is a figurehead.
~ Swiss sovereignty is officialised.
Louis XIV
~ The Sun King
~ Absolute Monarchy in France; as the world revolves around the sun, so should a kingdom revolve around the monarch.
~ Divine Right
Revocation of the Edict of Nantes
~ From 1685 the country is to be Roman Catholic because the Divine Monarchy wills it.
~ Brain drain into Switzerland.
~ Huguenots either converted, left the country, or went to prison. What happened to Jews and Muslims doesn't bear mentioning.
Bishop Bossuet
~ Uses the Scripture to validate the Absolutist monarchy of France.
~ Writes 'Politics Drawn from the Very Words of Holy Scripture'.
~ Roman Law, from the TOP down, From GOD down.
Politics Drawn from the Very Words of
Holy Scripture*
~ Using the word of the Bible to validate the Absolutist monarchical system. God has given his power unto the King, therefore he shall be obeyed.
Divine Right
~ God has given the right to rule upon the King, that is WHY he is King. It is God's Will.
James I
~ Closest relative of Elizabeth I, the only person in succession of her throne.
~ James XI of Scotland, distant cousin of Elizabeth.
~ James is an Absolutist. This doesn't fit well with the Magna Carta and Parliament.
~ Colonial Foundations.
The True Law of Free Monarchies*
~ Written by King James I of England.
~ The belief that Kingship was passed generationally, lineage was very important.
James II
~ Maintains James I's thought process. Believes in Absolutism.
~ More in line with the Roman Catholic Church despite being the head of the English Church (which he hated (the bishops of which hated him, too)).
~ Would not cooperate with Parliament, created problems for the City of London.
~ He wasn't overthrown because he couldn't live forever and didn't have an heir; then a bastard child was produced.
~ Overthrown in the Glorious Revolution.
Charles I
~ Continues to behave as an Absolutist monarch in England.
~ Increasingly direct arguement between Parliament and the King. Charles I did not call parliament to session when he needed to.
~ Attempted to arrest five members of Parliament
~ The house of Commons is, to this day, closed to the Monarch.
English Civil War
~ War begins in 1642.
~ Charles looses in 1649.
~ Royalists v. Parliamentary Army. Members of Parliament are increasingly Puritan or Calvinist, but instead of running away, they're getting into Parliament and joining the army. "The Round Heads."
~ Puritans are lead by Oliver Cromwell, who becomes increasingly dictatorial and was priming his son to follow as the "Lord Protector", but the Commonwealth collapsed.
Thomas Hobbes
~ Wrote Leviathan because of the problems in England and because of the Civil War.
~ If you have a political structure and power, the power isn't religious, it comes from the people.
~ No natural laws.
~ People create a contract they are willing to abide by.
Glorious Revolution
~ King James II England is overthrown by Prince William of Orange and his wife, Mary, who is a daughter of James II from a previous wife.
~ James II is allowed to escape to France to Louis XIV.
~ Because they are Protestant, and the peasant population of Ireland is Catholic, the assumption is that they will try to aid James II.
William III
~ William of Orange from Holland.
~ Took the throne of England; created a strong military presence in Ireland to prevent insurgents.
~ Sign the Bill of Rights; He and Mary are limited in their powers.
Declaration of Rights
~ Signed by William III and Mary.
~ Contract that stated there would be NO Divine Right Absolute monarchy.
John Locke
~ Wrote the Second Treatise of Government
~ First of British Empiricists.
~ Prior to 1685, Locke was part of a group who didn't want James II to become King because they assumed he would become an Absolutist.
~ Exclusion Crisis
The Second Treatise of Government*
~ Written by John Locke.
~ Pre-emptively written against the actions it was assumed James II would take.
~ Published in 1690, but written much earlier when Locke was at Oxford.
~ Outlines a theory of civil society based on natural rights and contract theory.
Natural Rights
~ Everyone is born entitled to their rights as long as they don't infringe on the rights of others.
~ If their rights are being violated by their sovereign, they are within rights to rebel to re-establish a government they can prosper beneath because the Government isn't keeping it's end of the deal.
Nicolaus Copernicus
~ Scientist who believed that the Sun was the Centre of the Universe.
~ Wrote 'On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres'.
On the Revolutions of the
Heavenly Spheres*
~ Written by Nicolaus Copernicus
~ Copernican theory; the world goes around the Sun.
Galileo Galilei
~ Empiricist.
~ Came up with hard proof proving Copernican theory.
~ Father of Modern Science.
~ Under house arrest due to the Inquisition the last three years of his life.
The Starry Messenger*
~ Written by Galileo Galilei.
~ Discussing what he found using a telescope for Astronomy.
Isaac Newton
~ Empiricist.
~ Theist, associated with Unitarianism, believes in a 'prime mover'.
~ Professor of Mathematics, left the University due to the plague, worked with ideas and created Calculus.
Principia Mathematica*
~ Written by Isaac Newton.
~ His work, proving his physical theories.
Universal Gravitation
~ Everything attracts everything else, the denser something is, the stronger the pull of gravity.
Francis Bacon
~ Empiricist.
~ Wrote 'The New Organon'.
~ Essayist.
The New Organon*
~ Written by Francis Bacon.
~ Discusses his beliefs on philosophy. Man must free himself of beliefs and just THINK.
~ Scientifically tested beliefs.
~ Theories must be PROVEN through tangible means.
René Descartes
~ Rationalism.
~ I think, Therefore, I am.
~ Father of Modern Philosophy.
Discourse on Method*
~ Philosophical and mathematical treatise
~ Written by René Descartes.
~ Appeals to reason as a justification.
~ Deductive reasoning.
~ Wrote plays, satires, was constantly criticising the authority structure of France.
~ Defence of civil liberty.
~ Attacks on the Roman Catholic Church.
~ Wrote Candide
~ Deist.
Baron de Montesquieu
~ Believed that there needed to be a separation of powers. This brought the English liberty.
~ Wrote The Spirit of the Laws.
The Spirit of the Laws*
~ Written by Baron de Montesquieu.
~ Details separation of powers.
Separation of Powers
~ Executive, Legislative, and Judicial.
~ If tyrannical rules are created, the other two branches will oppose and correct.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
~Believes that society and people, like nature, are organic. Once you've taken it apart, it can't go back together.
The Social Contract*
~ Government is only legal if sanctioned by the people.
~ Required input of the people towards how the government is run.
Adam Smith
~ Wrote 'The Wealth of Nations'.
~ Opposed to Mercantilism.
The Wealth of Nations*
~ Written by Adam Smith.
~ Opposed to Mercantilism, instead of being in the hands of the government, the economic authority should be in the hands of the people.
~ Taking the economic authority from the government and letting people determine for themselves.
~ Privately owned, private profit.
Louis XV
~ Technically King but because of his age, the Duke of Orleans was his regent.
John Law
~ Scottish Banker, wrote 'Money and Trade Considered'.
~ Advocated a national Bank in France, offer credit to the public and use paper money, but there was no viable credit.
Mississippi Bubble
~ Created by John Law.
~ To get the French Economy going, offer credit to the public, and use paper money with no viable economic foundation.
~ Bank forwards credit to acquire the monopoly of trade in Louisiana with a joint stock company called the Mississippi company.
~ Everyone buys in, then bails out, the state goes bankrupt.
George I
~ King of England from 1714-1727.
~ Extremely unpopular due to the Economic Crisis.
~ From Hanover.
South Sea Bubble
~ The South Sea Company was granted a monopoly to trade with South America under a treaty with Spain.
~ Everyone buys in, then bails out, the economic bubble collapses.
Robert Walpole
~ De facto Prime Minister, official title was First Lord of the Treasury and Chancellor of the Exchequer.
~ Responded to the South Sea Crisis by rescheduling debts, and arranging compensation.
~ Kept George from being blamed for the company's actions.
~ Very politically powerful.
Cabinet Government
~ Collective responsibility executive power.
~ All members of the Cabinet have a say on the executive matters.
Richard Arkwright
~ Created the Water Frame.
Water Frame
~ Rather than turning the wheel by hand, the force of river water turns the wheel.
Factory System
~ The movement towards machine capabilities rather than human power.
~ Used the river to create a surplus of highly efficient machines to create a greater product.
~ The beginnings of industrialisation, which starts in the countrysides on rivers.
~ Mills were used to create the water-power to run the machines. Cities grow around factories.
Edmund Cartwright
~ Inventor of the Power Loom.
Power Loom
~ Increased the speed of textile making, especially after the creation of the steam Engine.
~ Increasing efficiency.
James Watt
~ Invented the Steam Engine.
Steam Engine
~ Revolutionised the Factory System, because factories no longer needed to be on the river to harness water power, they could be placed anywhere.
~ Though first used to power mills, it was later used for engines (locomotives!)
Sadler Commission
~ Parliamentary commission to determine the safety and legality of conditions for workers, especially children workers, in factories.
~ The immediate effect of the investigation and the report was the passage of the Act of 1833 limiting hours of employment for women and children.
George III
~ King of England during the American Revolution.
Lord North
~ Prime Minister of England at the time of George III.
~ Second Earl of Guilford.
~ Thrown out of office due to incompetence.
Stamp Act
~ Meant to raise revenue to pay for the seven years war, the French and Indian war. In the opinion of England, the colonies gained a large advantage from this, so they should be the ones to pay for it.
~ Every document and newspaper needed to have a seal on it for it to be sold or distributed. Like legal documents. Way to piss off the wrong crowd. Lawyers and newspaper activists. Really brilliant.
Stamp Act Congress
~ Nine of thirteen colonies sent a representative to NY. The colonies had been founded separately and had separate authority structures.
~ Agreed that they had a Just complaint. No taxation without representation. British parliament wasn't representing people, it was to represent PLACES.
~ British counter-argument was that they were virtually represented. They may not be in constituencies, but there were members of their occupations that WERE represented.
Townshend Acts
~ Collective tax on tea, paper, and lead, which was used in glass, paint.
~ Strongly resisted.
Boston Tea Party
~ Colonists dressed up as Native Americans, boarded ships in Boston Harbour and threw the tea chests into the water. The tea belonged to the East India Company.
~ Boston Harbour was CLOSED because of this.
Second Continental Congress
~ Body of representatives from the 13 colonies.
~ Adopted the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation.
~ Acting government during the Revolutionary War by raising armies, national strategy, appointing diplomats and making formal treaties.
Declaration of Independence*
~ The document created by the Second Continental Congress defining their independence from England, declaring them Independent states, with justification for their separation from the Crown.
Thomas Jefferson
~ One of the key writers on the Declaration of Independence.
~ Served as Minister to France from 1785-1789.
~ Served two terms as President.
~ Low level of Federal power, Greater power in the hands of the states.
George Washington
~ First president of the United States.
~ General who lead the Continental Army in the Revolutionary War.
Battle of Yorktown
~ Battle where the British were defeated by the Americans, due to French naval power cutting off their resupply.
~ Britain was forced to capitulate.
Louis XVI
~ Responsible for a great deal of debt; very extravagant Court life.
~ Monarchy is overthrown, he is executed following the Jacobin uprising.
Estates General
~ The three classes create the Estates General; Clergy, Nobility, and the Third Estate, which is the 'Common People'.
Third Estate
~ The Common people of France.
~ Made up 50% of the head-count of the Estates General, but had only a 1/3 vote.
National Assembly
~ Created when the Third Estate couldn't initiate tax reforms that would make Clergy and Nobility responsible to pay also.
~ Not republicans, simply wanted to create a reformed state that actually functioned.
~ Take the Tennis Court Oath, to make sure that France has a written constitution.
~ French Armoury.
~ Fell on the 14th of July; the soldiers had to choose between loyalty to the Crown of France and loyalty to the People of France.
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
~ Demands rights for all of the estates as one.
~ Influenced by the Declaration of Independence.
~ Influenced by Natural Rights.
~ Does NOT apply to women.
French Republic
~ Created by the Jacobins after the monarchy was overthrown.
~ End of Feudalism in France.
~ Executive power is the National Assembly, called the Legislative Assembly.
~ Radicals who wanted to overthrow the monarchy.
~ Used a Dominican monastic building on the Rue St. Jaques, thus Jacobins.
~ Killed anyone that MIGHT say something against them.
~ Democracy.
~ Committee of Public Safety made decisions, made accusations, more often than not, the accused was guilty of being a traitor to the state.
Maximilien Robespierre
~ Leader of the Revolution.
~ Member of the Committee of Public Safety
~ Was going to be executed, tried to kill himself instead, and shot off his jaw. Died VERY painfully.
Reign of Terror
~ Execution of anyone that Robespierre and the Committee of Public Safety believed to be an enemy of France.
~ Many were slain as supposed 'enemies' of the Revolution.
~ Merciless killing of those who were believed to be guilty.
~ Ended with Robespierre's death.
Napoleon Bonaparte
~ Born in Corsica; calls himself a Child of the Revolution.
~ Went to Military School in France, follower of Robespierre.
~ General of auxiliary troops in the war against the English, commanded the army in Italy. Blamed the Directory for defeat when he fails to break British naval supremacy.
~ Orchestrates Coup d'Etat, a consulate is formed, the Directory is dismissed. Napoleon becomes first consul for life.
~ 1804 he crowns himself Emperor.
~ Never able to break British seapower.
~ Nationalisation of the educational system, creation of French Currency, legitimised the Catholic religion, encouraged agricultural and transport advances (Because it would help with WAR).
~ Retreated from Russia, Abdicates in 1814, arrested and tried by the French Monarchy.
~ Escapes and goes on the 100 days.
~ Exiled on a island in the middle of the ocean.
Battle of Trafalgar
~ Sea battle between Nelson and Napoleon.
~ Britain wins, though Nelson is killed.
~ Ends Napoleon's idea of invading England by sea.
Horatio Nelson
~ Admiral of the British Fleet.
~ One eye, one arm.
~ Defeated the French sea-power repeatedly.
~ Killed at the Battle of Trafalgar.
Battle of Borodino
~ Attack against Russia.
~ Single bloodiest battle of the Napoleonic wars.
~ Russian troops withdraw, leaving Napoleon to wait for a surrender that never happens.
Hundred Days
~ Napoleon escapes from prison, gathers his supporters and tries to take over again. He remains free for only one hundred days, is defeated by the Duke of Wellington and then placed in exile in the middle of the ocean.
Battle of Waterloo
~ The end of Napoleon's Hundred Days. He is defeated by the Duke of Wellington. He's sent to Sainte Helena in the middle of the Atlantic.
Duke of Wellington
~ The General who defeated Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo.
Congress of Vienna
~ The Congress of Vienna was interrupted by Napoleon's 100 days.
~ Most important meeting since Westphalia.
~ Put everything back the way it was before Napoleon started Imperialistic expansion.
~ Created the idea of 'Balance of Power'.
~ Restoration of Feudal Authority to prevent them from becoming liberal enlightenment thinkers.
Klemmens von Metternich
~ Foreign Minister of Austria until 1848.
~ Anti-liberal, opposed to Natural Rights, Freedom of the press, doesn't like citizen rights.
~ Feudal authority.
~ Anti-nationalist, because Nationalists were liberals.
~ Behind the Balance of power.
Balance of Power
~ All powers would join together against the power in danger of becoming bigger than the rest, to maintain the balance between each country.
Edmund Burke
~ Wrote 'Reflections on the Revolution in France'.
~ Believed that the Americans had a right to revolution, but that the French did not, and should not have gone against their monarchy. The two situations were quantifiabley and quantitatively different.
~ Believes that humans are seething muderous creatures beneath the surface.
Reflections on the Revolution in France*
~ Written by Edmund Burke.
~ Explains how the Revolution in France was unfounded and unneeded.
~ Very conservative piece.
Thomas Paine
~ Thought that Louis XVI should have been exiled.
~ Wrote the Rights of Man as a guide to ideas of Enlightenment.
~ Elected to the National Assembly in 1792.
~ Disfavoured by Robespierre.
Rights of Man*
~ Response to Edmund Burke's 'On The Revolution in France'.
~ Defends the French Revolution.
~ The belief of Natural Rights.
Mary Wollstonecraft
~ Wrote 'A Vindication of the Rights of Women' as a response to the Burke's 'Reflections on the Revolution in France'.
A Vindication of the Rights of Women*
~ Suggests that women aren't inferior to men naturally, only that they appear so due to a lack of education.
~ Equal treatment of men and women.
Thomas Malthus
~ Wrote 'An Essay on the Principle of Population'
An Essay on the Principle of Population*
~ While population goes up exponentially, food production goes up arithmetically.
~ Need for careful population control, too much labour and not enough work to go around, inevitably lower wages, and poverty.
Jeremy Bentham
~ Wrote 'An Introduction to the Principles and Morals of Legislation*'
An Introduction to the Principles and Morals of Legislation*
~ Opposed to the idea of Natural rights.
~ Supports Utilitarianism thought.
~ Ethical doctrine that virtue is based on utility, and that conduct should be directed toward making the most people the happiest possible.
John Stuart Mill
~ Wrote 'On Liberty'.
~ I may not LIKE what you do, but until you hurt someone, I have no right to tell you not to do it.
~ Doesn't distinguish between men and women.
On Liberty*
~ Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign.
~ People are responsible for themselves and their own decisions, and should be allowed to make them, unless they're going to hurt someone else.
July Revolution
~ King Charles X is overthrown in 1830 because people want the Franchise, they want to be able to Vote.
~ Charles represents the WEALTHY having the power and the land, the Middle Class wants the vote as well.
Louis Philippe
~ The Middle Class King.
~ July Monarchy to 1848
~ Feb. 1848 he Abdicates
Great Reform Act
~ An Act of parliament that increased the number of individuals entitled to vote in England.
~ Specifically disenfranchised women.
Karl Marx
~ One of the writers of the Communist Manifesto.
~ Dialectical Materialism
~ Political Exile in England
~ More Aristotelian than Platonic, saw himself as a scientist.
The Communist Manifesto*
~ Once you hit a communist state, history is over because history is viewed through economic structures, thoroughly atheistic, strictly materialistic.
Dialectical Materialism
~ Marx's take on Dialectical Idealism.
~ Basis of Marxism.
~ All history there is is the history of class struggles.
Alexis de Tocqueville*
~ Survivor of the aristocracy in France after the Napoleonic Empire.
~ Realised that the Aristocracy couldn't be put back into place.
~ Wrote two volumes on the States political structures, if Democracy happened in France, it was God's will.
Louis Napoleon
~ Supported by the Army following revolt in Paris because the Middle Class was afraid.
~ Displaces the Republic, announces himself Emperor. Napoleon III.
~ He's a failure. Ends up at war with Prussia beneath Otto von Bismarck.
~ His people don't really like him, and he's not good at what he does.
Frankfurt Parliament
~ Frankfurt Parliament is a failure. Middle class is weaker and more resistant to the working class.
~ First freely elected parliament for all Germany.
~ The Italian Unification.
~ Creating a United Italy for Italians.
Giuseppe Mazzini
~ Founder of the group Young Italy, created with the intent of making Italy one unified country.
Young Italy
~ Group of people from what would become Italy who wanted to make a nation rather than several city-states and territories controlled by outside powers.
~ The pledge that was taken not to rest until Italy was one nation.
Camillo di Cavour
~ Prime Minister of Piedmont-Sardinia.
~ Arranged for Victor Emmanuel to become the King of United Italy.
Giuseppe Garibaldi
~ Italian Military and Political leader.
~ Commander in the Risorgimento.
~ His Army was known as the Red Shirts.
Otto von Bismarck
~ Chancellor of Prussia.
~ Power Politician.
~ Conservative, believed military power was needed to create power; Iron Chancellor, Steel and Iron.
~ Excluded Austria from trading agreements with the Southern Germanic states, trying to create solidarity.
Franco-Prussian War
~ Power Politics. Bismarck uses a weak enemy under a weak leader to create a unified German state, the German Second Empire.
~ Prussian war is over in five months, and Germany is THE power on the continent.
German Second Empire
~ United Germanic states beneath Otto von Bismarck.
~ The biggest power on the Continent, far ahead of England and France.
French Third Republic
~ Created at the same time as the German Second Empire (1870), lasts until 1940.
~ Republican Parliamentary Government.
Paris Commune
~ Paris, as a centre of artisans, had a tendency towards radicalism.
~ The city of Paris refused to capitulate to the Prussians, they wouldn't quit fighting.
Benjamin Disraeli
~ Prime Minister of England.
~ Power Politician
~ Leader of the house of Commons first, conservative, fought to get the franchise extended to the Urban working class.
~ Bought Egyptian shares, ended up controlling the Suez Canal company.
Second Reform Act
~ Opened the British Franchise, allowed more men to vote.
~ Urban working class could now vote.
Suez Canal
~ Britain owned shares, bought Egypt's shares at 40%, and then had enough to control the Suez Canal to the benefit of the British.
~ Disraeli borrowed money from the Rothschild family to buy the shares.
William Gladstone
~ Prime Minister of England.
~ Supported Home Rule for the Irish.
~ Thought he was called by god to solve the Irish question and he failed.
Irish Home Rule
~ Irish politicians take care of domestics, but follow international and military policies of England.
Charles Stewart Parnell
~ Protestant Irish leader; wasn't for independence, just wanted domestic laws for the Irish by the Irish in Ireland.
Alexander II
~ Tsar of Russia.
~ Abolished Serfdom with the Emancipation Edict.
~ Assassinated.
Abolition of Serfdom
~ Serfs were given small plots of land, but those lands weren't given personally, but to a community. The landowners were paid for the land they lost, but in credit and bonds rather than a hard currency.
~ Peasants, over 49 years, repaid the treasury through taxation to pay for the land.
American Civil War
~ Two economic structures, one agrarian and one industrial. Free labour supply v. slave labour.
~ What would the new states have as their labour supply?
~ Slaves were emancipated only in states that didn't recognise his authority, but slavery wasn't the reason for the war.
~ Wanted a unified nation. This is about nationalism.
Abraham Lincoln
~ President of the United States.
~ Started out as a lawyer for railroad companies.
~ Was a racist, didn't care about slavery, he just wanted one nation.
Battle of Gettysburg
~ Union Victory.
~ 1-3 of July, very hot, very humid; 23 thousand union soldiers were killed, 28 thousand confederate soldiers.
~ Very bloody battle.
Gettysburg Address*
~ Was all about nationalism.
~ Very short and to the point.
~ Didn't realise he'd spoken til after the speech was well over.
Emancipation Proclamation
~ Freed slaves only in the states that weren't listening to his authority, where he had no authority to free slaves.
Charles Darwin
~ Studied Divinity at Cambridge after failing to be a doctor in Scotland.
~ Was a Gentleman Companion for the captain of the H.M.S. Beagle, but was doing a lot of Empirically scientific work.
~ Didn't believe in natural design.
~ Natural selection.
~ Didn't publish what he was working on until someone else broached the idea to him. He didn't want to loose credit, so he went ahead with it.
The Origin of Species*
~ Written by Charles Darwin.
~ Theory that species evolve over the course of generations through a process of natural selection.
Natural Selection
~ Species maintain favourable inheritable traits while those that are unfavourable become less likely to be passed on.
Herbert Spencer
~ Created Social Darwinism.
Social Darwinism
~ "If you're Poor, it's your own fault"
~ The hypothesis that competition among all individuals, groups, nations or identities drives social evolution in human species.
New Imperialism
~ Colonial expansion adopted by Europe's powers.
~ Pursuit of empire for empire's sake, the ruthless building of acquisitions and colonising countries with doctrines of racial superiority.
J.A. Hobson
~ British Economic Theorist.
~ Wrote 'Imperialism: A Study'.
Imperialism: A Study*
~ Imperialism is based in industrial oligarchy.
~ Imperialism is unneeded and immoral.
~ Results in a mis-distribution of wealth in a capitalist society.
Boer War
~ War in Africa with the Boer Dutch settlers.
~ Between the English and the Boers over Boer land because gold had been discovered.
Indian Home Rule
~ India wants Domestic power to make decisions.
Mohandas Ghandi*
~ Non-Violent resistance through personal suffering.
~ President of the Indian National Congress for one year.
~ Educated in London, lived in South Africa.
~ Nationalist.
~ Wanted to drive out Austrian control because they thought it was Slavic.
~ Serbia was opposed to Bosnia being under Austrian control.
~ Franz Ferdinand, the Arch Duke and heir to the throne of Austria and his wife are killed in Sarajevo, this brings all of Europe to War.
Battle of the Marne
~ Static Military situation.
~ Trench Warfare.
~ No real victory but the body count.
Trench Warfare
~ Dig in, pour troops in and hope the other side capitulates.
~ No real 'winning' to be had.
~ Very dirty, very wet, very unsanitary.
Battle of Tannenberg
~ Russia is defeated at the very beginning of the war.
~ The Channel between the Dardanelles had been mined by Turkish forces.
~ British ships sank, blocked further progress, and Machine gunners on the cliffs opened fire on the ships.
~ Attempt to get soldiers off the ships onto land, another disaster.
~ Haunted Churchill all his life.
Arab Revolt
~ Arabic peninsula was occupied by Turkey. English and French came in, said they'd leave but didn't want to give up the advantage.
~ Aim was to create a single United Arab state.
T.E. Lawrence
~ Young British Archaeology student who had done his studies in Arabia.
~ Lawrence of Arabia.
~ He knew some of the languages as well, he was sent from Cairo to give the Arab tribes tactical advice.
Woodrow Wilson
~ President of the United States.
~ Idealist with a strict moral dimension.
~ Kept the U.S. out of the war because of the multi-nationality of the country. This ended when Germany attacked neutral shipping.
Fourteen Points*
~ First four are principles; Open covenants of peace after open negotiations. Absolute freedom of navigation of the seas during times of peace and war. International free trade. National armament reductions to only what was needed.
~Five causes problems to this day; Anti-Imperialism.
~Point fourteen, the League of Nations.
Paris Peace Conference
~ Took place in 1919.
~ The losing powers weren't at the conference to defend themselves.
~ Demands for reparations by Germany; total decimation of the economy.
~ No Balance of Power, creation of a vacuum.
~ Russia isn't there either.
~ No fixed sum for Germany, just astronomical reparations.
~ US loaned money to the Weimar Republic to rebuild and pay back their debts, the money was given to Britain and France, who had borrowed money from America in the war, so they were paid back with their own money.
League of Nations
~ Founded at the Treaty of Versailles.
~ International diplomatic group intended to reach disarmament and war prevention through negotiation.
Georges Clemenceau
~ Prime Minister of France in WWI.
~ Realist who wanted Germany to pay through the nose for the war in reparations.
David Lloyd George
~ (Welsh) Prime Minister of England during WWI.
~ Realist who wanted Germany to pay massive reparations.
~ Liberal.
Treaty of Versailles
~ Peace treaty that ended WWI.
~ Required Germany to pay massive reparations and make many concessions.
~ Left a vacuum of power instead of a balance.
~ Massive amounts of money paid to the British and French to fix what was broken during the war.
~ Left the German state poor and broken, with a massive unrest among the people.
John Maynard Keynes
~ Wrote The Economic Consequences of the Peace
~ Economist
The Economic Consequences of the Peace*
~ Argued that the way peace had been attained was a Carthaginian Peace.
~ Created a Power Vacuum and unrest would follow.
~ Would likely lead to another war.
Nicholas II
~ Tsar of Russia at the time of the Russian Revolution.
Russian Revolution (March)
~ Tsar Nicholas II is overthrown.
~ Leader of the Bolshevik party.
~ Communist politician.
~ Leader of the October Revolution.
~ First head of the Soviet Socialist Republic.