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29 Cards in this Set

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Parkinson disease is the degeneration of?
dopamine producing neurons in the midbrain
It is an imbalance of what? how are they imbalanced?
- Dopamine and acetylcholine
- low dopamine and high acetycholine
What is dopamine needed for?
Normal functioning of extrapyramidal motor function: posture, support, voluntary motion
Symptoms do not occur until what percentage of neurons are lost?
At what age do you see symptoms?
Are the s/s gradual or fast?
What are the 4 main s/s that characterize Parkinson's?
- Bradykinesia
- Increased muscle tone (rigidity)
- Tremor at rest
- Impaired postural reflexes
What is usually the first s/s?
What is bradykinesia? examples
- Slowing down in initiation and execution of movement
- masked facies, shuffling gait, drooling
How is it positively dx?
Must have 2 out of the 3 s/s and positive response to anti-parkinsonism drugs
What are some common complications?
Pneumonia, UTI, skin breakdown
Gait issues, constipation
Orthostatic hypotension
Depression, anxiety, apathy, pain, dementia, sleep disorders
What three types of drugs are given?
- Dopamine agonists
- Anticholinergics
- Antihistamine
What do dopamine agonists do? examples?
- Enhances release or supply of dopamine, relieve bradykinesia, tremor, rigidity
- Requip, Mirapex, Sinemet, Apokyn
What is the initial dopamine agonists given to someone with severe s/s? What does it cause long term?
- Sinemet
- Dyskinesia
What should you watch for with dopamine agonists drugs?
- EPS symptoms: hypotension, agitation, confusion
- Orthostatic hypotension
- Hallucinations
- Sleepiness/ drowsiness
What do anticholinergics do? examples?
- Antagonize or block the effects of overactive cholinergic nuerons, relieve tremors
- Artane, Cogentin, Akineton
What should you watch for with anticholinergics?
- Dry mouth
- Urinary retention
- Constipation
- Delirium
- Agitation
- Hallucinations
What do antihistamines do? example?
- Relieve tremor, rigidity
- Benadryl
What should you watch for when giving antihistamines?
- Anticholinergic effects
- Sedation
Should you give Benadryl to the elderly? why or why not?
- No, b/c they become very sedated
Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors are similar to what drug type? What should be avoided when taking these?
- Dopaminergic
- Avoid tyramine to prevent severe hypertension
True or False
Patients are usually put on anticholinergic and antihistamine first then dopaminergic.
s/s of drug toxicity?
- Delirium
- Cognitive impairment
- Hallucinations
If a patient is showing drug toxicity or drug tolerance what should you do?
- Reduction in drug dosage
- Change in drug or in frequency
- Drug holiday
When is surgical therapy used on Parkinson patients?
When they are unresponsive to drug therapy
What are the surgical procedures used?
- Stereotactic pallidotomy
- Thalamotomy
- Deep brain stimulation
- Fetal transplantation
What would you teach the patient about levodopa overdose?
- Freezing when walking
- Dyskinesia with athetosis of neck
What will you teach the parkinson's patient about day to day activities?
- Promote physical exercise
- Well balanced diet
- Rock side to side for balance
- Lift toes when stepping
- Use upright chair with arms and place blocks on legs
What are safety teaching for the parkinson's patient?
- Remove excess rugs and furniture
- Use slip on shoes and velcro fasteners