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60 Cards in this Set

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what makes up the striatum
caudate nucleus + putamen
define parkinsonism
degen. of dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra-so deficit of inhib. on cholinergic
D1 path aka..
what does it do?
direct pathway-stimulates motor activity
D2 path aka
indirect pathway-dopamine acting on this inhibits the indirect pathway(takes brake off)..think disinhibition
maximal efficacy occurs when...
both d1 and d2 are occupied by dopamine
rate of neuron loss per decade
3-15% per decade-we are in 3rd decade of life
percent to be considered having parkinsons
80% or >
D1 like receptors
D1 and D5
D2 like
Which receptor in striatum?
striatum-D1, D2
#1 excitatory neurotransm.
#1 inhinib?
structures involved in finetuning
Extrapyramidal NS.-Thalamus
Niagra striatal pathway is involved in?
Dopamine's effects
D2-inhibits brake(motion)
Ach- inhibits brake
R.L. step of dopamine synth.
tyrosine hydrolase
MAO-A where? and what?
MAO-B-where and what?
A-in liver-NE, 5HT, DA
how does L-dopa reach brain?
actively transp. by LNAAT in epithelium and brain
dopa decarboxylase requires what? and what does it do?
requires coenzyme vit b-6
converts L-dopa to dopamine(can prematurely convert it in liver)
COMT does what?
can convert L-dopa to inactive metab. which competes for transporter
what kind of changes in behavior for park?
initiall change-sad to happy (low dope to high)
L-dopa makes dopamine which inhibits?
prolactin(hypoprolactemia) in A.Pituit.
most effect. tx for park?
L-dopa 50% incr.
4 cardinal sytmptoms of park?
-resting tremor
-pill rolling-first sign
-cogwheel rigidity
mental ability of park patients? affect or not?
not impaired
parkinsons disease is a ______ disease
but maybe due to toxins-MPTP, CO2 posioning, manganese
carbidopa, what does it do and where?
inhibits decarboxylation peripherally-can't cross BBB(good)

prevents premature conversion of L-DOPA
MAO-A, B which one can be combined with dopa?
B- if A is used you prevent breakdown of Dopamine--->NE so cause hypertensive crisis
pt taking just dopa causes?
N+V-from D2 in CTZ
relief from dopa lasts for how long
5 years
how to tx wearing off or end dose akinesia?
smaller dose or more frequent intervals or CR
On-off phenomenon is
NOT simply blood leveles
Drug holiday for S.E.
may help in dopa tx S.E. but little help for on-off phenom.

No longer reccom.
Where is COMT found?
gut, liver, brain
benztropoine and trihexyphenidyl
prototype anticholinergic drugs for parkinsons

all same efficacy-improve tremor
mainly blocks NMDA
increases presynaptic dopamine, mild anticholinergic effects

can be mono, usually adjunct therapy
not metabolizes-kidney excretes
S.E.-purpleish skin
limited effectivness-6 to 9 months
blocking NMDA benefits what?
effect on ridgity + akinesia
anti-dyskinesic due to NMDA block
D2 receptor agonist, mild D1 antag
t1/2 is 4 x than Dopa

fewer long-term motor fluctuations
eventually benefits decrease
S.E. of Bromoctriptine
Orthost hypotension
hallucinations-reason ppl discontinue
pedal edema
Pramipexole and ropinirole
non-ergot dopaminergic agonist
-D2 and D3
approved for early and advanced pakinsons
-Same S.E. as bromocriptine
causes sudden sleep atacks-all dopamine agonists too
non-ergot dopamine agonist
-tx of hypomobility(off episodes)
S.E. of apomorphine
N+V, must be taken with anti-emetic like Tigan

increased woody-Europe
contra-ondansetron + 5hts recp antag.
contains sulfites
non ergot dopamine agonist, D2
also at D1, D3

first patch form, for parkinsons
Adv. of DA agonists vs L-Dopa
no comp with AA for LNAAT
no metab. for activation
incr reliability, potency(not efficacy)
dec. risk of dyskinesias
metab. does NOT prod free radicals
Tolcapone and Entacapone
revers. COMT inhibitors
prevent conversion of Levodopa to inactive 3-O-methyldopa, competes for transport
inactive levodopa, half-life is *15 hours*
COMT inhib.
Tolcapone-inhibit in CNS and Periph.
Entacapone-inhibit in periph.

used for adjunct therapy
Tolcapone S.E. (think TACOS)
explosive diarrhea
hepatotoxicity-discontinue use if levels >5
formerly deprenyl
MAO-B inhib.
high does-loses specificity
monotherp.-only works for months
mainly adjunct
Selegline S.E.
metabolized into amphetamines-insomnia if does after 2pm

dyskinesia, confusion, psychosis
Anti-oxidant drugs that counteract dopamine oxidation
MAO-B inhib
Vit. E
Oxid of dopamine via MAO leads to
free radicals....H202-->OH*(free radical)
MAO-B inhib. (14x more selective for B)

5x more potent than selegiline
**NOT metab to amphetamine**
metabolized by CYP A12
most eff Early tx of parkinsons
dopamine agonists vs levodopa
dopamine <levodopa
dopamine agonists are more likely to produce ________ and less likely to produce_________
neuropsychiatric problems
define Tic
repetitive motion
can be partially suppressed by voluntarily controlled
define chorea
rapid, flick-like movements of limbs-like restlessness
slow, writing movements of extremities
violent, flailing movements-proximal limbs
postural tremor
maximal when limb is in static motion-arms stretched out in bird wing
associated with hyperadrenergic states-from amphetamines, cocaine

gener. and abated by peripherie adrenergic
blocked by propanolol-B1 and B2!
kinetic(intention) tremor
maximal when in movement, NOT at rest