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27 Cards in this Set

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When did Archduke Ferdinand die
June 28, 1914
"Spring Offensive"
defeat allies before Americans arrive... failed
Effect of GB naval blockade
German economy killed
Date of the armistice
11/11/1918 was when the armistice was signed, although Germany was never invaded (important later because Germany "quit" the war, instead of losing, according to Hitler)
Victory was said to be
"indistinguishable from defeat"
Germany wanted peace according to
Wilson's fourteen points
Fourteen Points boil down to
1. No secret treaties
2. Freedom of the seas
3. Free trade
4. Reduce Arms
5. League of Nations
6. Self-determination - right for an ethnic group to determine who rules it
Big Three at the Paris Peace Conference
1. Wilson - USA
2. George - GB
3. Clemenceau - France
Plus there was also
Orlando from Italy
At the PPC, France wanted
security - border to Rhine River, return of Alsace-Lorraine, Punish Germany
At the PPC, Italy wanted
Tirol Region, Dalmation Coast
At the PPC, GB wanted
Germany's African colonies and the destruction of the German Navy
At the PPC, United States wanted
Treaty that is fair to all
At the PPC, Japan wanted
equality clause with Europe
5 Peace Treaties
Weimar Republic of Germany - Versailles
Austria - Saint-Germain
Bulgaria - Neuilly
Hungary - Trianon
Ottoman Empire - Sevres
1. Germany - Versailles
War Guilt Clause: Article 231 - Germany must assume full responsibility for WWI
France gets Alsace-Lorraine
Rhineland would be occupied by Allied Troops
Germany had to abolish military draft, army of only 100k men, and limits on heavy weaponry in both army and navy... lost 13% of its land
2. Hungary - Trianon
Lose land to new nations of Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, and Poland (lost 64% of population including 3 million Hungarians, also 72% of territory)
3. Bulgaria - Neuilly
Cede teritory to Greece losing access to Aegean Sea
4. Ottoman Empire - Sevres
Lost basically all territory but Turkey
Kemal - no deal, attacks semi-invading Greece, wins and new treaty: Lausanne
5. Austria - St. Germain
Reparations, dissolution of Austria-Hungary, lost South Tirol and Triste to Italy, army limited to 30k volunteers
New States at PPC
Czechoslovakia, Poland, Yugoslavia from Central Powers...Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Finland from Russia...Syria, Iraq, Transjordan, and Palestine from OE
Goals of League of Nations
1. Promote International Cooperation
2. Keep peace among nations by settling disputes and reducing arms
League of Nations, Established independent World Court (today located at The Hague in the Netherlands), Submit any disputes to World Court rather than go to war, if members violate - economic sanctions (embargo or boycott)
colonies of losing countries would be ruled by "advanced" nation until ready for independence
Mostly Middle East nations are mandates
Syria, Transjordan, Lebanon, Palestine, etc., but also parts of Africa - Cameroons, Tanganyika, etc.)
The League of Nations is a
All the treaties included
1. Territory loss
2. Reparations
3. Limits on Military
4. League of Nations was created