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19 Cards in this Set

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Bethanechol -for ileus, urinary retention
Pilocarpine - for dry mouth & glaucoma
Muscarinic Agonists:
Physostigmine -tertiary amide, enters CNS, antidote for atropine overdose, used in glaucoma
Neostigmine, Pyridostigmine -quaternary amide, used to treat myasthesia gravis, reversal of NM blockade
Edrophonium -to diagnose myasthesia
Donepezil [Aricept] -to treat Alzheimer's disease
Tacrine [Cognex] -also used to treat Alzheimer's disease
Organophsophates (pesticides malthion, parthion, sarin)-irrersible inhibitors -Pralidoxime is antidote, it regenerates acetylcholinesterase. In poisoning 1st give Atropine then Pralidoxime.
Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors: Don't let name fool you; they are muscarinic drugs. In overdose you get SLUDGE salivation, lacrimation, urination, diarrhea, gastric cramping, emesis. Also get miosis, bradycardia, bronchoconstriction and sweating. -also get muscle excitation that can paralyze the diaphragm. Can be fatal. Atropine doesn't reverse this.
Atropine -to treat ACh inhibitor OD, antidiarrheal, antispasmodic, anti secretary
Scopolamine - motion sickness
Benztropine [Cogentin], Trihexyphinidyl -CNS used for parkinsonism. Benztropine is also used used for extrapyrimidal effects from many PSYCHIATRY drugs, see that section.
Ipratropium [Atrovent] -asthma and COPD. WARD TIP: This drug is used a hell of a lot in the wards for asthma, ventillator patients with rhonchi and COPD. A similar drug Tiotropium [Spireva] also shows up a lot in the wards
Tolteridine [Detrol], Oxybutynin -urinary incontinence.
Muscarinic Blockers: "atropine makes you dry as a bone, red as a beet, hot as a hare, blind as a bat and mad as a hatter". Know hyperthermia. Know it dilates pupils.
Alpha1 Agonist: -nasal decongestant -increases BBP and lowers HR (reflex)
Alpha 2 Agonists:
Clonidine W.T: Clonidine 0.1mg PO BID is starting dose for HTN
lower BP
Isoproterenol -B1=B2
Selective B2 agonists: Albuterol [Proventil], Salmeterol, Metaproterenol, Terbutaline, Ritodrine USED FOR ASTHMA/COPD
-For wards only: Albuterol/Ipratropium=Combivent. Fluticasone/Salmeterol=Advair. These and Albuterol show up a lot in the wards.
Beta Agonists: -lowers BP and increases HR also widens pulse pressure -B1=heart
Letetalol & Carvdilol
Combined Alpha and B blockers: [Coreg] Used for hypertension -WARD TIP: Coreg shows up a lot in the wards -Labetalol is safe to use during pregnancy.
Phenoxybenzamine, Phentolamine
Alpha Blockers:
General: -S/E reflex tachycardia worse with phenoxybenzamine -for pheochromocytoma
Alpha-1 selective: -less reflex tachycardia, get first dose syncope and postural hypotension. -used for HTN and BPH
Beta Blockers: -mask signs of
hypoglycemia so diabetics miss warning signs they are hypoglycemic like tachycardia. S/E include orthostatic hypotension, bradycardia. Rule: -olol is pure B blocker -ol is not pure B blocker -many uses like HTN, Heart Failure, post MI, angina, decr. aqueous humor formation so used in open angle glaucoma as well. Any drugs starting with letters BEAM=B1 selective
bb and type 2 antiarrythmic, makes phase 4 longer
B1 selective blockers
Any drugs starting with letters BEAM= ending with olol
Acebutolol, Pindolol
-partial agonist so they don't elevate lipids
is a mixed B blocker and K channel blocker
Calcium Channel Blockers: sfx
-constipation thing calcium channel blockers, all cause gingival overgrowth -centrally acting agents contraindicated in CHF -used for angina and HTN
Verapamil & Diltiazem
are ccb; prolong the plateua, only work on sa and av.....
[Cardizem] -greater cardiac effects WARD TIP: Cardizem is a common ward drug especialy the cardizem drip