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105 Cards in this Set

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A group of flatworms that is nonparasitic is:
The finding of first stage larvae in the feces of dogs.....indicates a diagnosis of:
Ancylostoma caninum
Puppies with ascarid eggs in their feces 3 weeks after birth are most likely infected with which parasite?
Toxocara canis
Puppies that die with severe anemia in the second week of life has most likely suffered from:
Peracute hookworm infection
Cats infected with Ancylostoma tubaeforme may exhibit what signs?
Pale mucous membrane
A group of flatworms that is nonparasitic is:
The finding of first stage larvae in the feces of dogs.....indicates a diagnosis of:
Ancylostoma caninum
Puppies with ascarid eggs in their feces 3 weeks after birth are most likely infected with which parasite?
Toxocara canis
Puppies that die with severe anemia in the second week of life has most likely suffered from:
Peracute hookworm infection
Cats infected with Ancylostoma tubaeforme may exhibit what signs?
Pale mucous membrane
What species is associated with eosinophilic enteritis?
Ancylostoma caninum
The most common way in which Ancylostoma caninum is transmitted to young puppies is:
Large ascarid like nematode larvae recovered from the brain of animals showing neurological signs are most likely:
Fresh Trichuris eggs are:
Double plugged
A cat passing 5 cm length nematodes in the feces may be infected with:
Severe strongyloides infection in dogs may result in clinical signs of:
Soft cough and diarrhea
A drug that successfully treats Strongyloides in 5 consecutive days:
Fresh blood in feces of a dog exhibiting tenesmus may be due to:
Trichuris vulpis
A Midwestern dog was diagnosed with intestinal tapeworms with bothriated scolex. The dog is known to eat raw fish. The tapeworm may be classified as which group?
The time required for Toxascaris eggs to become infective is:
1 week
Control of Toxacara canis in the environment is difficult because:
The shell of the egg is very thick & not easily penetrated by chemicals
Dogs become infected with the tapeworm Dipylidium caninum by ingesting:
A larva in fresh feces of 1 hour duration from a dog is:
Stongyloides stercoralis
The prevalence of this parasite eggs is greater than 60% in the feces of adult outdoor dogs. The parasite is:
Ancylostoma caninum
A parasite with 3 lips, a thick stoma & 5 inches long was removed from the intestine of a wolf. The parasite is:
Toxacara canis
What parasites contain a coelomic cavity?
Helminths of the group nematoda
The eggs of Ancylostoma are:
Multicellular with a thin shell
What is known as the arrowhead worm?
Toxacara cati
What are roundworms?
Ascarids are commonly called roundworms, but all nematodes are round bodied worms.
Dogs become infected with Trichuris vulpis when they ingest what stage larvae on the ground?
How is Ancylostoma braziliense transmitted?
Ingestion or percutaneous
How might Strongyloides stercoralis be diagnosed?
By finding L3 filariform and rhabditiform larvae in culture
What is the characteristic feature of Trichuris vulpis?
Stichosome esophagus
Toxascaris leonine produces eggs that are:
Smooth shell and inside is wavy and lighter colored
Toxacara canis produces eggs that are:
Rough shell on outside, and inner portion is dark
What is the most pathogenic hookworm in mountain lions?
Ancylostoma tubaeformae
Puppies should be checked for Trichuris infection at what age?
3 months
Cats generally do not shed eggs of what parasite in the USA?
Trichuris vulpis
What anthelmintic is specific for treating ascarids?
A host that harbors the developing sexually immature stage of a parasite is:
Definitive host
A rhabditiform esophagus morphologically consists of:
A carpus, isthmus, and bulb
Give the prepatent period for Ancylostoma caninum:
2-4 weeks
Give the prepatent period for Toxacara canis:
3 weeks
Give the prepatent period for Toxacara cati:
8 weeks
Give the prepatent period for Toxascaris leonine:
9-10 weeks
Give the prepatent period for Trichuris vulpis:
11-13 wks
Give the prepatent period for Strongyloides stercoralis:
1 wk (F); 2 days (R)
Give the infective stage of Toxacara canis:
Give the infective stage of Ancylostoma caninum:
Give the infective stage of Strongyloides stercoralis:
Give the infective stage of Trichuris vulpis:
Give the infective stage of Uncinaria stenocephala:
Define viviparous nematode:
Produce live eggs
Define ancylostomiosis:
Clinical signs if disease with hookworms
Define creeping eruptions (Cutaneous Larval Migrans):
L3 larva penetrate the skin and move up to 3 inches per day, leave red raised area that is puritic.
Define prepatent period:
Time period from infective stage to producing eggs in the fecal material of host
Define zoonosis:
Transfer from animal to human
Define intermediate host:
Host that harbors the immature developing larva
Define paratenic host:
Transport host, no sexual maturity
Define parthenogenic nematode:
Produce eggs without physical presence of male
Define helminths
Parasitic worms
Define acanthocephalans
Thorny-headed worms
Describe in detail the lifecycle of Strongyloides stercoralis:
Strongyloides are unique among parasites of domestic animals in having alternate free-living and parasitic generations; only females are parasitic; these females are parthenogenic (3N) and have filariform esophagus; The eggs hatch before they are passed with feces (another unique characteristic); these L1 may develop into infective filariform L3 after 2 molts of free-living males, and females after 4 molds - if not filariform, develop into rhabditiform on ground outside.
What phylum of helminths contain a spiny proboscis?
Dignetic trematodes may be diagnosed by finding:
A single operculated egg in feces
How do dogs become infected with digenetic flukes?
When they ingest metacercaria larvae
What is a characteristic of toxocara?
Three lips
Puppies may be checked for Toxocara eggs in the feces at what age?
One month of age
At what temperature will Ancylostoma eggs develop?
77 F
Which tapeworms do not shed proglottids in feces?
False tapeworms
What antihelmintic is effective for treating ascarids?
A host that harbors the developing sexually immature stage of a parasite is:
Intermediate host
The three Metacestode stages of Pseudophyllideans are:
Coracidium, Procercoid, and Pleurocercoid
List the infective or metacestode stages of the Eucestoda Tapeworms:
Simple cysticercus, Coenurus, Strobilicercus, Multilocular Hydatid, Unilocular Hydatid, Cysicercus
Large bothriated worms removed from the feces of cats showing abdominal discomfort are most likely:
False Tapeworm
Fresh Diphyliobothrium eggs are:
Single operculum
A cat passing unicellular, round, thick shell eggs may be infected with:
Severe Toxocara infection in dogs may result in clinical signs of:
Pot Belly
The drug Nemex that successfully treats hookworms and ascarids is:
Pyrantel pamoate
Dark blood in the feces of the dog may most likely be due to:
Ancylostoma caninum
The time required for Toxascaris eggs to become infective is:
1 wk
Dogs become infected with the tapeworm Diphylidium caninum by ingesting fleas containing:
A pathogenic monogenean in the gills of fish is:
List the infective or metacestode stages of the Eucestoda Tapeworms:
Simple cysticercus, Coenurus, Strobilicercus, Multilocular Hydatid, Unilocular Hydatid, Cysicercus
Large bothriated worms removed from the feces of cats showing abdominal discomfort are most likely:
False Tapeworm
Fresh Diphyliobothrium eggs are:
Single operculum
A cat passing unicellular, round, thick shell eggs may be infected with:
Severe Toxocara infection in dogs may result in clinical signs of:
Pot Belly
The drug Nemex that successfully treats hookworms and ascarids is:
Pyrantel pamoate
Dark blood in the feces of the dog may most likely be due to:
Ancylostoma caninum
The time required for Toxascaris eggs to become infective is:
1 wk
Dogs become infected with the tapeworm Diphylidium caninum by ingesting fleas containing:
A pathogenic monogenean in the gills of fish is:
The prevalence of this parasites eggs is greater than 60% in the feces of adult outdoor dogs. This parasite is:
Ancylostoma caninum
What is a parasite?
An organism that lives off of and obtains nutrition from another organism, usually harms the host.
Define secondary Ancylostomiosis
A hookworm infection that occurs after another infection, disease, or period when an animals health is compromised.
Define Creeping Eruption (Cutaneous Larval Migrans).
A process that occurs in a human where a parasite penetrates the skin and migrates to the site of action
Define prepatent period.
The time when an organism becomes infected with a parasite to the time the organism sheds eggs.
Define zoonosis.
A disease or infection in which an animal transmits the disease to human
Define intermediate host.
A host that harbors an immature stage of a parasite.
Define paratenic host:
A host in which a parasite may grow or multiply but the growth or development is not required by the parasite to complete its lifecycle.
Define definitive host:
The final host which harbors the sexually mature stage of a parasite.
Define helminths:
Worms; organism that is multicellular and has multiple organ systems, can be a parasite
Define Acanthocephalans:
Thorny headed worms that have a spiny proboscis.
Describe in detail the lifecycle of Ancylostoma caninum.
L3 infective larvae can penetrate skin or be ingested. If penetrates skin, goes through blood stream to heart then lungs; breaks out the lungs through the alveoli, bronchioles, through trachea. Dog coughs then swallows worm; it goes through esophagus, stomach, into the small intestines. There the larvae burrow into the crypts of the mucosa. They molt into an L4 and then L5. They lay eggs which come out in feces. The