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34 Cards in this Set

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What is a free-living amaoeba that causes accidental human infection?
Naegleria fowleri
What dx does Naegleria fowleria?
rapidly progresive, fatal meningoencephalitis
What is life cycle of N. fowleri?
cysts grow in fresh water, develop into trophs and then flagellated form (both are infectious), enter human through cribiform plate and replicate in brain
How is N. fowleri diagnosed?
ameobas in CSF
What is a highly parasitic amoeba found world-wide?
Entamoeba histolytica
What causes amebiasis and describe
E. histolytica, bld diarrhea, liver and brain abcesses, toxic megacolon
What is life cycle of E. histolytica?
cysts ingested from enviro or fecal-oral, humans definative host, excysts in upper GI to form troph that dies when shed, can incyst when GI conditions unfavorable
How is E. histolytica diagnosed?
trophs/cysts in stool, RBCs in amoeba cytoplasm
What is a ciliated intestinal parasite that causes diarrhea w/ pigs as reservoir?
Balantidium coli
Describe Toxoplasma gondii and tmisson
protozoa/sporozoite; undercooked meat, cat fecal-oral, cross placenta
Describe life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii
oocysts ingested -> tachyzoites enter circ -> dormant cysts remain in tissue; same cycle in cats except sexual cycle making cats definitive hosts, intermediate hosts essential in cat getting inf -> infectious oocysts released
Describe congenital toxoplasmosis
hydrocephalis, intracranial Ca++, chorioretinitis, deafness, visual impairment, learning disabilities
Describe toxoplasmosis in immune competent
asymptomatic or mono-like
Describe toxoplasmosis in immune suppressed
What is flagellated sporozoite tmitted by ticks and replicates in RBCs?
Describe babesiosis
fever, malaise, hemolytic anemia, renal failure
What is flagellated protozoa w/ dogs being rural reservoir ad humans in urban areas?
Describe life cycle of Leishmania
sandfly injects promastigote, phag by M0 and tform into promastigote, grow in M0, cell dies and releases parasite, sandfly becomes infected and parasite tforms into promastigote
What casues and describe visceral leishmaniasis
L. donovani; fever, prostration, hepatosplm, weight loss, anemia, ascites causing liver failure, high mortality
What causes and describe mucocut Leishmaniasis
L. braziliensis and peruviana; lesion at bite site leading to destruction of mucous mem
What causes and describe cutaneous leishmaniasis
L. tropica and mexicana; papule at bit site progressing to ulcer and scar
What parasite is concern for military?
What is intestinal parasite that is tmitted by cysts in water causing diarrhea and malabsorption?
Giardia lamblia
What parasite causes genital infection?
Trichomonas vaginalis
What is a bld parasite that casues African sleeping sickness and tmitted by tsetse fly?
Trypanosoma brucei
What is the blood fluke/trematode?
Describe life cycle of Shistosoma
in snail sporocyst develops followed by cercaria that is released and burrows through skin, develop into male/female, eggs released in vessels creating granulomas and in urine and stool causing fecal contamination of water -> mircadium enter snail
What shistosome enters vessels of bladder causes release of eggs in urine?
S. haematobium w/ egg spines on tip
What shistosome enters venous plexus of intestine causing relese of eggs in stool?
S. mansoni w/ egg spines on the side
What is 2nd most important parasite?
Describe shistosomiasis
allergic dermatitis, Katayama fever - fever, abd pain, urticarial rash; chronic illness due to granuloma
What is pork tapeworm w/ worldwide distribution?
Taenia solium
Describe neurocysticercosis
eggs ingested and mature into oncospheres that migrate through intestines and encyst in CNS causing seizures, hydrocephalis, n damage, visual impairment (no adult form attaching to intestines)
Describe life cycle of Taenia solium
egg/gravid proglottid ingested by human/pig, oncospheres hatch, penetrate intestines, circ, cysticerci larvae develop, scolex attaches to intestines, proglottids shed