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34 Cards in this Set

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Toxoplasma gondii is a what type of virus?


Apicomplexa viruses are called


What disease is caused by toxoplasma gondii?

Enteric coccidiosis

What is the definitive host of toxoplasma gondii?


What is the main reservoir, of Toxoplasma gondii, in the environment ?


What animals can be infected with Toxoplasma gondii?

Most animals including humans and birds

Apicomplexa portozoa have a very complex live cycle what are two forms that Toxoplasma gondii takes?



What is the Oocyst stage in Toxoplasma gondii ?

the infective stage

What stage is the sporozoite stage in Toxoplasma gondii ? What is different in the definitive host for this stage?

sporozoite's are multiply in most hosts but in the cat (definitive host) the sporozoites reproduce

In the first stage of the life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii, what is dicharged? from what animal and what is contained?

Small oocycst are discharged in the cat feces the oocysts contain sporozoites

In the second stage of Toxoplasma gondii life cycle how is the animal infected?

The infective Oocyst are ingested

The third stage of Toxoplasma gondii takes place in this part of the body and this happens

In the intestines the oocysts rupture and releases sporozoites

What do the sporozoites do in the 4th stage of infection of Toxoplasma gondii, in what part of the body?

The sporozoites multiply in the intestines

In the forth stage of Toxoplasma gondii infection what happens to the newly multiplied sporozoites where do they go?

Sporozoites spread to all the tissues including the brain muscle and the live

What body part that is infected by sporozoites from Toxoplasma gondii is the most significant?

The muscle

How long are hosts infected with sporozoites from Toxoplasma gondii ?

For the life of then host

What is another way in which Toxoplasma gondii is infective to a host?

By eating uncooked meat that has been infected with Toxoplasma gondii sporozoites.

I the ____ which is the difinitive host of Toxoplasma gondii ______ ____________ to form _______.


sexual reproduction


In Toxoplasma gondii ____ shed ______ in the _______




How is Toxoplasma gondii spread ?

Transient diarrhea in cats and other animals

What is the name of the infection that is zoonotic caused from Toxoplasma gondii and who does it specifically infect?


in humans but mostly pregnant women it infects the fetus

What are the symptoms of Toxoplasmosis?

In healthy adults may be no symptoms

fever, pneumonia and mononucleosis, hepatitis or myocarditis symptoms

There may also be pain due to infection of the intestines

Toxoplasmosis is usually..

But can have a period of _____

self limiting

Intestinal upset

Toxoplasmosis is most dangerous to what group, and passed by whom?

Passed by the mother to the fetus cross-placental

What is the result of Toxoplasmosis in a human fetus ?

Cause death, congenital malformation, mental retardation

What precaution should pregnant women take to avoid Toxoplasmosis?

Pregnant women should avoid cleaning cat little boxes. Or use mask and gloves

What animal transmits Toxoplasma gondii which causes Toxoplasmosis?

Cat, litter boxes

How is Toxoplasma gondii transmitted?


And eating uncooked or raw meat

A cat that is infected with Toxoplasma gondii will excrete up to __ _______ _____ per ____

Ten Million



In what form and for how long does Toxoplasma gondii survive in the environment ?

Oocysts may survive many months in the environment

How is Toxoplasma gondii diagnosed ?

Oocysts in the feces

What percentage of the population has been exposed to Toxoplasma gondii?


What type of meat exposed to Toxoplasma gondii is usually the most infective?


What other animals is toxoplasmosis known to infect the fetus?

Sheep and Goats