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250 Cards in this Set

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the basic structural unit of all plants and animals. a membrane enclosing a thick fluid and a nucleus. cells are specialized to carry out all of the body's basic functions
cell membrane
also plasma membrane
the outer covering of a cell
able to allow some but not all substances to pass through. cell membranes are semipermeable
thick fluid that fills a cell
structure of protein filaments that supports the internal structure of a cell
red blood cell
white blood cell
blood cell responsible for clotting
a type of leukocyte, or white blood cell that attacks foreign substances as part of the bodies immune respnse
a cell that has the ability to ingest other cells and substances such as bacteria and cell debris
ingestion and digestion of bacteria and other substances by phagocytosis
white blood cell with a single nucleus; the largest normal blood cell
white cell with multiple nuclei that has the appearagnce of a bag of granules
protein produced by a white blood cell that instructs neighboring cells to respond in a genetically preprogrammed fashion
substance that is poisonous to cells
the thick fluid, or protoplasm, that fills the cell
structures that perform specific functions within a cell
the organelle within a cell that contains the DNA, or genetic material;
adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
a high energy compound present in all cells, especially muscle cells; when split by an enzyme action it yields energy. energy is stored in ATP
a group of cells that perform a certain function
epithelial tissue
the protective tissues that lines internal and external body tissues examples: skin, mucous membranes, the lining of the intestinal tract
muscle tissue
tissue that is capable of contraction when stimulated.
smooth-intestines,& surrounding blood vessels
cardiac muscle tissue
capable of spontaneous, or self excited contraction
smooth muscle tissue
under involuntary or unconscious control
skeletal muscle
mostly under voluntary control
connective tissue
the most abundant body tissue
provides support, connection, and insulation.
examples:bone, cartilage, fat and blood
nerve tissue
tissue that transmits electrical impulses throughout the body
a group of tissues functioning together
the sum of all cells, tissues,organs, and organ systems of a living being.
the natural tendency of the body to maintain a steady and normal internal enviroment
the structure of an organism
the functions of an organism; the physical and chemical processes of a living thing
the total changes that take place during the physiological processes
endocrine glands
ductless glands, secrete hormones directly into the circulatory system, where they travel to the target organ tissue
exocrine glands
secrete substances such as sweat, saliva, mucous,and digestive enzymes onto the epithelial surfaces of the body via ducts
endocrine signaling
intracellular communication via hormones distributed throughout the body
paracrine signaling
involves secretion of chemical mediators by certain cells that acts on nearby cells
autocrine signaling
cells secrete substances that act on themselves
synaptic signaling
cells secrete neurotransmitters such as norepinepherine, acetylcholine, erotonin, and dopamine
respond to chemical stimuli
respond to pressure changes
negative feed back loop
body mechanisms that work to revers, or compensate for, a pathophysiological process (or to reverse any physiological process, whether pathological or nonpathological
"dance with death"
classic duet of tachycardia with hypotension
the physiology of disordered function
the study of diseases and its causes
a DECREASE in cell SIZE resulting in from a decreased work load
INCREASE in the SIZE of the cell resulting from increased workload
an INCREASE in the NUMBER of cells resulting from an increased workload
cell division with division of the nucleus
replacement of one type of cell with another that is not normal for that tissue
a change in cell size, shape, or appearance caused by an external stressor
forms of cellular injury
-infectious agents
-inflammatory reactions
-physical agents
-nutritional factors
-genetic factors
oxygen deficiency
a blockage in the delivery of oxygenated blood to the cells
a microorganism capable of producing infection or disease
living things so tiny they are invisible to the naked eye
include bacteria, virus,prion, fungi, and parasites
microorganisms that cause infection or disease
degree of damage or injury that can be created by a pathogen depends on three things
number, virulence, and bodys ability to contain and destroy it
three factors that influence virulence
pathogens ability to invade and destroy cells, its ability to produce toxins, and its ability to produce hypersensitivity (allergic) reactions
exaggerated immune response
life threatening immune response
caused by deposition of lipids, cholesterol, and calcium inside arteries
the constructive phase of metabolism in which cells convert nonliving substances into living cytoplasm
the destructive phase of metabolism in which cells break down complex substances with release of energy
cellular swelling
swelling of a cell caused by injury to or change in permeability of the cell membrane with resulting inability to maintain stable intra- and extracellular fluid and electrolyte levels
fatty change
a result in injury and swelling in which lipids invade the area of injury; occurs most commonly in the liver
products of metabolism
cause for swelling of tissues
when the cells attempt to catabolize the accumulated substances, excessive amounts of metabolites are secreted into the extracellular enviroment. large numbers of phagocytes migrate to the area to ingest the excreted metabolites and this causes swelling of tissues as may be seen in enlargement of the liver and spleen
most commonly seen effects of cell injury and accumulation
cellular swelling and fatty change
systemic signs and symptoms of cellular injury include
-general feeling of fatigue and malaise
-altered appetite, up or down
-fever associated with the inflammatory response-increased heart rate associated with fever and pain
response in which an injured cell releases enzymes that engulf and destroy itself; one way the body rids itself of damaged and dead cells which allows tissue to repair and possibly regenerate
cell death; a pathological cell change. four types
coagulative necrosis
the transparent albumin of the cell becomes firm and opaque like a cooked egg white
generally results from hypoxia and commonly occurs in the kidneys, heart, and adrenal glands
liquafactive necrosis
the cell becomes liquid and contained in a walled cyst
common in ischemic death of neurons and brain cells
caseous necrosis
common in tubular lung infection, incompletely digested cells take on a cottage cheese like consistency
fatty necrosis
commonly occuring in the breast and abdominal structures, fatty acids combine with calcium, sodium, and magnesium ions to create soaps the dead tissue is opaque and white
gangrenous necrosis
refers to tissue death over a wide area
3 types
dry gangrene
results from the coagulative necrosis and affects the skin. most commonly of the lower extremities turning it dry, shrunken and black
wet gangrene
results from liquifactive necrosis and affects the internal organs
gas gangrene
result of a bacterial infection or an injury to tissue, generating gas bubbles in the cell. by attacking red blood cells, gas gangrene can cause death from shock
differences between apoptosis and necrosis
1. in apoptosis, cells shrink. in necrosis cells swell and rupture
2. apoptosis is normal bodily housekeeping,destroyed cells are cleared away and digested by phagocytes permitting repair and regeneration. necrosis is always pathological dead cells take on a different physical form ( becoming hardened or liquified) and destroy or interfere with normal physiological processes
3. apoptosis has specificity. it occurs in scattered single cells. Necrosis lacks specificity. it will destroy not only injured cells but neighboring cells as well
most abundant substance in the human body
what percent of total body weight does water account for
intracellular compartment
largest compartment of the body 75% of total body water 31.50L volume in 70-kg adult
this compartment contains the intracellular fluid which is all the fluid found inside the body cells
intracellular fluid (ICF)
the fluid inside the bodys cells
75% TBW
extracellular compartment
contains the remaining 25% of all body water 10.50L in 70kg adult
extracellular fluid (ECF)
fluid found outside the body cells. comprised of intravascular fluid and interstitial fluid
intravasulcar fluid
the fluid within the circulatory system; blood plasma
17.5% 7.35L in 70kg adult
interstitial fluid
the fluid in body tissues that is outside the cells and outside the vascular system
7.5% 3.15L 70-kg adult
a substance that dissolves other substances forming a solution
the universal solvent
which gland secretes antidiuretic hormone
when the fluid volume drops the pituitary gland secretes ADH which causes the kidney tubules to reabsorb more water into the blood and to excrete less urine. this helps to restore the fluid volume to normal values
abnormal decrease in total body water
some causes of dehydration
-open wounds
dehydration-gastrointestinal losses
prolonged vomiting, diarrhea, or malabsorption disorders
dehydration-increased sensible loss
loss of water through normal mechanisms that is difficult to detect or measure ( perspiration, water vapor from the lungs, or saliva)
these can be increased in fever states, during hyperventilation, or with high environmental temperatures
dehydration-increased sweating
(also called perspiration or diaphoresis) can result in significant fluid loss can occur with many medical conditions or high environmental temperatures
dehydration- internal losses
commonly called "third space" losses because fluid is lost from intravascular or intracellular spaces to the interstitial space. with dehydration, fluid is typically lost from the intravascular compartment into the interstitial compartment which effectively takes it out of the circulating volume. this can occur with peritonitis, pancreatitis, or bowel obstruction. it can also occur in poor nutritional states where there isnt enough protein in the vascular system to retain water
dehydration-plasma losses
occurs from burns, surgical drains and fistulas, and open wounds
dehydration involves both loss of water and?
normal tension in a cell; the resistance of the skin to deformation
clinical signs of dehydration
dry mucous membranes
poor skin turgor
often excessive thirst
as it becomes more severe, it accompanied by increase pulse rate, decreased blood pressure, and orthostatic hypotension ( increased pulse rate and decreased blood pressure on rising from a supine position).
clinical signs of dehydration in infants
sunken anterior fontanelle, diaper may be dry or reveal dark yellow, strong smelling urine,also absence of tears when crying. a capillary refill time greater than 2 seconds, dry mucosa, and a decrease in urinary output
the presence or retention of an abnormally high amount of body fluid
major sign of overhydration
substances that dissociate into electrically charged particles when placed into water
to break down; for example..sodium bicarbonate when placed in water dissociates into a sodium cation and a bicarbonate ion
charged particle
positively charged ion
most frequently occurring cations
sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), calcium (Ca++), and magnesium (Mg++)
Na+ most prevalent cation in the extracellular fluid plays a major role in regulating the distribution of water because "water follows sodium" also important in the transmission of impulses
an abnormal increase in sodium in the body is hypernatremia while an abnormal decrease is hyponatremia
an abnormal increase in sodium in the body
an abnormal decrease is hyponatremia
K+ most prevalent cation in the intracellular fluid also important in tranmission of impulses abnormally high level is called hyperkalemia, abnormally low level is called hypokalemia
abnormally high level of potassium
abnormally low level of potassium
Ca++ plays major role in muscle contraction and nerve impulse transmission
abnormally high levels-hypercalcemia
abnormally low levels-hypocalcemia
abnormally high levels of calcium
abnormally low levels of calcium
Mg++ necessary for several biochemical processes that occur in the body and is closely associated with phosphate in many processes
abnormally high level of magnesium
abnormally low level of magnesium
most frequently occurring anions
chloride (Cl-)
bicarbonate (HCO-3)
phosphate (HPO-4)
CL- plays a major role in fluid balance chloride has a close association with sodium
HCO-3 principal buffer of the body
this means it neutralizes the highly acidic hydrogen ion and other organic acids
HPO-4 important in body energy stores
closely related to magnesium in renal function, it also acts as a buffer in the intracellular space
a substance that tends to preserve or restore a normal acid-base balance by increasing or decreasing the concentration of ions
molecules that do not dissociate into electrically charged particles. these include glucose, urea, proteins, and similar substances
equal in concentration of molecules; solutions may be isotonic to each other
having a greater concentration of SOLUTE molecules; one solution may be hypertonic to another
having a lesser concentration of solute molecules; one solution may be hypotonic to another
osmotic gradient
the difference in concentration between solutions on opposite sides of a semipermeable membrane
movement of substance
the movement of molecules through a membrane from an area of greater concentration to an area of lesser concentration. it does not require energy
the passage of a solvent such as water through a membrane
the movement of water form an area of higher water concentration to an area of lesser water concentration. because water is a solvent, it moves from an area of lower solute concentration to an area of higher solute concentration
active transport
the movement of a substance across the cell membrane against the osmotic gradient, that is from an area of lesser concentration to an area of greater concentration, opposite to the normal direction of diffusion
facilitated diffusion
diffusion of a substance such as glucose through a cell membrane that requires the assistance of a "helper" or carrier protein
synonymous with osmolarity
the concentration of solute per kilogram of water
synonymous with osmolality the concentration of solute per kilogram of water
which cation is responsible for osmotic balance of extracellular space
which cation is responsible for the osmotic balance of the intracellular space
within the extracellular compartment, movement of water between the plasma in the intravascular space and the interstitial fluid is primarily ....
a function of forces at play in the capillary beds
in general, how is the movement of water and solutes across a cell membrane governed
osmotic pressure
osmotic pressure
the pressure exerted by the concentration of solutes on one side of a membrane that if hypertonic tends to "pull" water (cause osmosis)from the other side of the membrane
oncotic force
a form of osmotic pressure exerted by the large protein particles, or colloids, present in the blood plasma. in the capillaries, the plasma colloids tend to pull water from the interstitial space across the capillary membrane into the capillary. osmotic force is also called colloid osmotic pressure
colloid osmotic pressure
a form of osmotic pressure exerted by the large protein particles, or colloids, present in the blood plasma. in the capillaries, the plasma colloids tend to pull water from the interstitial space across the capillary membrane into the capillary. also called oncotic force
high hydrostatic pressure
will push fluid out of a capillary and promote edema
low hydrostatic pressure
will push less fluid out of the vessel
high oncotic pressure
will draw excessive amounts of fluid into the vessel or capillary and promote blood volume overload
low oncotic pressure
will not exert and adequate pull effect to counteract the push of hydrostatic pressure and will therefore promote loss of vascular volume and promote edema
hydrostatic pressure
blood pressure or force against vessel walls created by the heartbeat
tends to force water out of the capillaries and into the interstitial space
movement of water out of the plasma across the capillary membrane into the interstitial space
net filtration
the total loss of water from blood plasma across the capillary membrane into the interstitial space. normally hydrostatic pressure forcing water out of the capillary is balanced by oncotic force pulling water into the capillary for a net filtration of zero
starlings hypothesis
net filtration=(forces favoring filtration)-(forces opposing filtration)
accumulation of water in the interstitial space
causes of edema
-a decrease in plasma oncotic force
-an increase in hydrostatic pressure
-increased capillary permeability
-lymphatic channel obstruction
cause of edema (decrease in plasma oncotic force)
may result from a loss or decrease in production of plasma proteins (albumins, globulins, and clotting factors. plasma proteins are synthesized in the liver, so liver disorder may cause decrease in production
also open wounds, hemorrhage, and burns
cause of edema (increase in hydrostatic pressure)
can result from venous obstrution, salt and water retention, thrombophlebitis, liver obstruction, tight clothing and prolonged standing forces more water into the interstitial space
cause of edema (increased capillary permeability)
generally results from mechanisms of inflammation and immune response. ie allergic reactions,burns, trauma, and cancer.
cause of edema (lymphatic channel obstruction)
can result from infection, or surgical removal of lymph channels. it interfers with the normal absorbtion of interstitial fluid by the lymph system
ADH (anti diuretic hormone) the chief regulator of water retention and distribution
location of osmoreceptors
anterior hypothalmus
if there is an increase in the osmolality (relatively less fluid in the plasma) of 1-2% what will osmoreceptors stimulate
the release of ADH in an attempt to retain more fluid
located in the carotid sinus, aortic arch, and kidney, detect increase and decrease in pressure. also stimulates ADH
treatment of edema
difinitive care of edema requires treatment of the underlying cause. supportive care may include, compression stockings, restricting salt intake, improving nutritional status, avoid long term standing and diuretics
liquid portion of the blood
approximately 92% water, 6-7% proteins, and a small portion of electrolytes, lipids, enzymes, clotting factors,glucose, and other dissolved substances
red blood cells, which contain hemoglobin which transports oxygen to the cells
white blood cells which play a key role in the immune system and inflammatory (infection fighting) responses
platelets which are important in clotting
an iron based compound that binds with oxygen and transports it to the cells
the percentage of blood occupied by erythrocytes
accounts for approximately 45% of blood volume
most desirable fluid for blood loss replacement
whole blood
universal blood donor is which type
o negative
signs and symptoms of transfusion reaction
fever, chills, hives, hypotension, palpitations, tachycardia, flushing of the skin, headaches, loss of consciousness, nausea, vomiting, and shortness of breath
treatment for transfusion reaction
IMMEDIATELY stop the transfusion and save the substance being infused. a rapid IV fluid infusion should be started to prevent renal damage. quickly asses the patients mental status administer oxygen and contact medical direction
in addition to an overt transfusion reaction, what should you watch for
signs of fluid overload and congestive heart failure secondary to transfusion evidenced by increased dyspnea, pulmonary congestion, edema, and altered mental status.
what if fluid overload is suspected after a transfusion
stop infusion and start a crystalloid solution at a TKO rate.administer oxygen and contact medical control
hemoglobin-based oxygen- carrying solution
intraveneous fluids that have the capability to
substances such as proteins or starches, consisting of large molecules or molecule aggregates that disperse evenly within a liquid without forming a true solution
they contain proteins or other high molecular weight molecules that tend to remain in the intravascular space for an extended period of time
a protein commonly present in plant and animal tissues. in the blood albumin works to maintain blood volume and blood pressure and provides colloid osmotic pressure which prevents plasma loss from capillaries
substances capable of crystallization. in solution, unlike colloids they can diffuse through a membrane such as a capillary wall
solute concentration or osmotic pressure relative to the blood plasma or body cells
primary compounds used in prehospital intravenous fluid therapy
isotonic solution
electolyte composition similar to the blood plasma. when placed in a normally hydrated patient, they will not cause a significant fluid or electrolyte shift. ie normal saline,0.9% sodium chloride, lactated ringers
hypertonic solution
have a higher solution concentration than the cells they tend to cause a fluid shift out of the interstitial space and intracellular compartment into the intravascular space
hypotonic solutions
have a lower solute concentration than the cells. they will cause a movement of fluid from the intravascular space into the interstitial space and intracellular compartment.
balanced salt solutions
designed so that the concentration of electrolytes is very similar to that of the plasma.
ie lactated ringers
lactated ringers
isotonic electrolyte solution of sodium chloride, potassium chloride, calcium chloride, and
normal saline
an electrolyte solution of chloride in water. it is isotonic with extracellular fluid
hypotonic glucose solution used to keep a vein open and to supply calories necessary for cell metabolism
the three most commonly used fluids in prehospital care
lactated ringers, normal saline, and D5W
potential of hydrogen. a measure of relative acidity or alkalinity. scale is inverse to concentration of acidic hydrogen ions. the lower the pH the greater the acidity, and the higher the pH the greater the alkalinity.
normal pH range
range of pH scale
0 is most acidic only hydrogen ions are present
14 is most alkalitic virtually no ions are present
pH of water
pH below 7
pH above 7
pH below 7.35
pH above 7.45
three mechanisms of hydrogen ion removal
1. bicarbonate buffer system
2. respiration
3. kidney function
bicarbonate buffer system
fastest system the 2 components are bicarbonate ion( HCO-3 and carbonic acid (H2CO-3
hydrogen ion+bicarbonate ion<->carbonic acid.
what does carbonic acid dissociate into
carbon dioxide and water
erythrocytes contain which enzyme that speeds up the dissociation of carbonic acid
carbonic anhydrase
where does most buffering of acid take place
in the erythrocytes
how does the respiratory system help buffer
too much co2 build up causes respiratory acidosis, increased respirations blows it off
decreased respirations retains co2
how do kidneys help buffer
alters the concentration of the bicarbonate in the blood
respiratory acidosis
caused by the retention of CO2
the CO2 level is increased and the pH is decreased
resulting from impaired ventilation
treatment of respiratory acidosis
improved ventilation
respiratory alkalosis
alkalinity caused by excessive elimination of carbon dioxide resulting from increase respirations
metabolic acidosis
acidity caused by an increase in acid often because of increased production of acids during metabolism or from causes such as vomiting, diarrhea, diabetes, or medication
metabolic alkalosis
alkalinity caused by an increase in plasma bicarbonate resulting from causes including diuresis,vomiting, or ingestion of too much sodium bicarbonate
an agent that increases urine secretion and elimination of body water
rheumatic fever
an inflammatory reaction to an infection
triggered by exposure to an allergens
breast cancer risk factors
age....after 60, greatest risk after 75. history of cancer in a first degree relative (mother, sister, or daughter) increases risk by 2-3 times
colorectal cancer risk factors
age...incidence rising after 40 and peaking between 60-75. incidence in first degree relatives increases it 2-3 times
rectal cancer is more in men and colon more in women
lung cancer risk
environment smoking cause in 90% of men and 70% in women
inhaling substances such as asbestos, arsenic, and nickel
diabetes mellitus
most common endocrine disorder.
leading cause of blindness, heart disease, kidney failure, and premature death
DM type 1
usually occurs before age 40. most severe. in type one, the pancreas produces no or almost no insulin. must take insulin daily
DM type II
accounts for about 80% of all cases. usually occurs after 40. associated with a decrease in insulin receptor response or a decrease in insulin production. can be controlled with diet and oral meds
coronary artery disease
heredity is a major factor. those who have parents with CAD have about a fivefold risk. diet and exercise also play a role
renal (kidney) failure
caused by a variety of factors primarily hypertension
crohns disease
a chronic inflammation of the wall of the digestive tract that usually affects the small intestine, large intestine, or both.
inflammation of the gall bladder. more prevalent in native americans and mexican americans. other factors, age high fat diet and obesity
being more than 20% over ideal body weight
affects about 1% of the population they lose contact with reality and suffer from hallucinations, delusions, abnormal thinking, and disrupted social functioning
manic depressive
also called bipolar disorder person experiences alternating periods of depression and mania or excitement
affects about twice as many people as schizophrenia
the supplying of oxygen and nutrients to the body tissues as a result of the constant passage of blood through the capillaries
stroke volume
the amount of blood ejected by the heart in one contraction
the amount of blood delivered to the heart during diastole (when the heart fills with blood between contractions); in cardiac physiology defined as the tension of cardiac muscle fiber at the end of diastole
factors affecting stroke volume
cardiac contractile force
the greater the preload...
the greater the stroke volume
cardiac contractile force
strength of contraction of the heart
frank starling mechanism
the greater the volume of preload, the more the ventricles are stretvched. the greater the stretch to a point, the greater the subsequent cardiac contraction
epinepherine and norepinepherine, hormones that strongly affect the nervous and cardiovascular systems, metabolic rate, temp, and smooth muscle
which division of the nervous system controls catacholomines
catacholomines enhance cardiac contractile srength by action on the
beta-adrenergic receptors on the surface of the cells
the resistance a contraction of the heart must overcome in order to eject blood; in cardiac physiology, defined as the tension of cardiac muscle during systole (contraction)
stroke volume is affected by...
resistance against which the ventricle must contract
afterload is determined by.....
the degree of vascular resistance
the greater the resistance offered by the arterial system...
the less the stroke volume
cardiac output
the amount of blood pumped by the heart in 1 minute
(computed as stroke volume x heart rate)
blood pressure is dependent on...
both cardiac output and peripheral vascular resistance
peripheral vascular resistance
the pressure against which the heart must pump
increased when the vessels constrict and decreased when the vessels relax
increase in cardiac output or peripheral vascular resistance will.....
increase blood pressure
decrease in cardiac output or peripheral vascular resistance...
decrease blood pressure
2 factors that regulate blood flow through the vessels
pressure within the system
3 factors governing PVR
length of vessel
diameter of vessel
blood viscosity
contraction of venous side of vascular system causes
decreased capacitance and increased cardiac preload