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60 Cards in this Set

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von Neumann architecture


Introduced fault tolerance


Early parallelism

Vector processing

Takes advantage of data parallelism


Arch. for GPUs


SU(p) = T1/Tp

Measures how much we're speeding up program execution with parallelization

Linear speedup

SU(p) = p

Very unlikely, 'perfect' scalability


Ef(p) = SU(p)/p

Measures how well we're utilizing hardware resources

How do we represent a computation?

Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)

Amdahl's Law

Speedup will never be perfect

There will always be part of a program that must be serial

Maximum expected improvement based on the # of processor

T1 = W/r

Tp = (fW/r) + ((1 - f)W/pr)

True Error

True Error = True Value - Approximate Value

Relative True Error

Relative True Error = True Error / True Value

Approximate Error

Approximate Error = Present Approximation - Previous Approximation

Relative Approximate Error

Relative Approximate Error = Approximate Error / Present Approximation

Round Off Error

Caused by the computers ability to only computer a certain precision

Truncation Error

Caused by the programmer approximating a number or truncating a result

Fosters Methodology

Process to turn a serial program into a parallel one

Partitioning - Divide serial program into small tasks

Communication - Identify communication needs between tasks

Aggregation - Combine tasks where it makes sense, minimize communication

Mapping - Map tasks to process/threads and share the load

Iterative process until we find the best design

Gustafson-Barsis Law

Serial time stays fixed, parallel time scales inversley to n

Scaled Speedup


Tells MPI to do necessary speedup, called before other MPI functions

Should only be called once


Cleans up resources allocated for the program, called after all MPI functions are called

Should only be called once


MPI communicator, collection of processes that can send messages to each other


MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, num_of_processes)

Used to get the number of processes our program is running


MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, my_rank)

Gets the rank of the process and sticks it in my_rank


MPI_send(message_buffer, message_size, message_type, destination, tag, communicator)


MPI_Recv(message)buffer, message_size, message_type, source, tag, communicator, status)

MPI_Send & MPI_Recv message matching

Tags & communicators much match on MPI_Send/MPI_Recv

MPI_Recv always blocks until a matching message is received

What does OpenMPI stand for?

Open Message Passing Interface

Scalable Parallel System

Efficiency can be kept constant as the number or processors increases

Strongly Scalable System

Keep efficiency fixed, add processors/threads without increasing the problem size

Weakly Scalable System

Keep efficiency fixed, increase problem size as we increase the number of processors/threads

IEE Floating Point Standard

32 bits

31st bit is the sign bit

30-23bits are the exponent, exponent affects range

22-0bits is the mantissa, affects precision

Given an OpenMPI program running 4 processes, draw a a tree structured summation diagram.

0 1 2 3

| / | /

| .. /

| ./

Point to Point Communications

MPI_Send & MPI_Recv

Matched on tags and communicators

Collective Communication

MPI_Reduce, MPI_Allreduce, MPI_Bcast, MPI_Scatter, MPI_Gather, MPI_Allgather, MPI_Barrier

All processes call same collective function or else processes will crash or hang

No tags, matched on communicators + order in which they're called

Arguments passed must be "compatible", or else more hanging and crashing


Zero exponent on floating point value

All Zeros or all ones denote special values





Round Off Error

Determined by number of bits in mantissa

Loss of Precision

Adding two floating point numbers, must shift to align the radix

Number with the smaller exponent is denormalized to match larger exponent

Add these two numbers, floating point style, show loss of precision:

1.250 x 10E2

2.000 x 10E-2



125.0 + 0.02 = 125.0

Machine Epsilon

Defined as measure of accuracy

Found by difference between 1 and the next number that can be represented

32 Bits for single Precission

Value = -1^(signbit) * (1.mantissa) * 2^(exponent-127)

Positive Overflow

Trying to represent a number larger than the maximum positive representable value

Negative overflow

Trying to represent a number larger than the maximum negative representable value

Positive Underflow

Trying to represent a number smaller than the minimum positive representable value

Negative Underflow

Trying to represent a number smaller than the minimum negative representable value

Add these two numbers, floating point style, show loss of precision:



1.256 x 10E2

1.253 x 10E2

0.003 x 10E2


Block Partitioning

Assign blocks of consecutive components to each process

Cyclic Partitioning

Assign components in a round robin fashion

Block-Cyclic Partitioning

Use cyclic distribution of blocks of components

Partition the following array in a block manner, cynclic manner, and block-cyclic manner across 2 processors. For block-cyclic use a block size of 2

array = [21, 22, 23, 24]

Block partitioning

0 | 21, 22

1 | 23, 24

Cyclic Partitioning

0 | 21, 23

1 | 22, 24

Block-Cyclic Partitioning

0 | 21, 22

1 | 23, 24


Used to distribute data to processes from an array or vector

Divides data into pieces

First piece goes to process 0



Collects array data from different processes

Receives from a block distribution


Both gathers and distributes data (butterfly structure)

Asynch Communication


All MPI Communication calls have an asynchronous counter-part

Preformance evaluation

Elapsed Time (Wall-block time), not CPU or System time

We want idle process time included if it's part of the parallel overhead

No I/O

How do we get timing information with OpenMPI?

MPI_Wtime - returns elapsed time in seconds

Give good and bad examples of data distribution.

BAD - loop 10000 times calling MPI_Send with one element at a time

GOOD - call MPI_Send once with all 10000 elements

What is BLAS?

BLAS stands for Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms

It is a standardized library of linear algebra routines

Give the different BLAS level standards

Level 1 = vector to vector routines

Level 2 = Matrix to vector routines

Level 3 = Matrix to Matrix routines

What is Odd Even Transposition Sort? List out what odd and even phases look like with an array.

Variant of bubble sort, parallelized

Even phase:

(a[0], a[1]), (a[2], a[3])

Odd phase:

(a[1], a[2]), (a[3], a[4])

Assign a block of keys to each process

Sort keys

Have two processes exchange all keys

We might hang in deadlock

IJK forms

Inner product model:

ijk and jik

Middle product model:

ijk and jki

Outer product model:

kij and kji


Single program multiple data

A single program contains all the code for all task

can implement task and data parallelism

Load balancing

Each process and thread gets the same amount of work

No execution unit should be idle

Synchronization & communication