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42 Cards in this Set

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What are some negative properties of a belief?

- A mental habit the blocks one's power

- Arise from past experience and may have nothing to do with current situations

- Are often static and cannot embrace change

- They distort reality

- (Solution is to release beliefs and find wisdom in the present moment.)

Define Atman and Brahman

Atman refers to the individual.

Brahman is that which is all.

Traits of philosophical consciousness

- Is subjective and self aware

- Has no size or location, therefore is not physical and is not a "field"

- It is not energy but is inseparable from energy

- is " The intrinsic ability of matter-energy to feel, to know, and to purposely direct itself."

Continuum epistemology

Ways of knowing beyond the ordinary senses. Requires higher consciousness.

Continuum ontology

Great chain of being. Theories on the nature of being or existing.

Cosmic egg

"The shell of agreements that form the brittle reality laid for us by our given culture." - Joseph C. Pearce

Name differences between dominator and actualization hierarchies.

Dominator (domination) - Those at the top act selfishly. Are not sustainable. Based on force.

Actualization - are a solution for dom. hierarchies. Organize parts into coherent wholes. Allow something new to emerge. Maximize potential.

Energy monism

Theory that the cosmos is made of a nondualistic energy- consciousness.

"Great chain of being"

A non-linear spectrum of connection between levels of complexity, biological or spiritual.

AKA "Great Holarchy of Being", continuum ontology


Equality of elements within one level of a hierarchy


Nested systems

Functional versus dysfunctional hierarchies

Functional - The parts and wholes of the system support one another

Dysfunctional (pathological) - The whole of uses power to the detriment of the lower parts.


A part of the system


Property of consciousness. It is not located anywhere in space.


God is immanent and nowhere else.


Theory that everything possesses an interior subjective reality.

No separation between matter and mind.

It is not dualism, monism, materialism, nor idealism.


A subjective map of reality, but it is not the "territory" (reality). A framework of beliefs shared by a community that guide behaviors. They are formed by conditioning, that is, past experiences.

A lense through which we view the world, a world view. - Woodhouse

What is the "philosopher's gift" ?

Precision in language

Physical object

Something that is located in and occupies space, is objective, and can be measured.

Postmodern process

Paradigm that arose in the late 20th century as an alternative to postmodern deconstruction. Purports everything is a whole and interrelated.

There are multiple ways of knowing: senses, reason, feeling, intuition.


Natural laws that are self-evident, universal, and cannot be broken. The truth.

Radical naturalism

Each holon (unit) in a hierarchy is both matter and spirit (consciousness).

Matter and spirit do not create each other. They have always existed together.

Sentient energy

Energy that is aware, but does not think.

Systems holism

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.


Self-organising and self-perpetuating. Nonlinear processing with feedback loops.

Thought versus intention

A thought is a frozen moment of experience. It has no potency. Intention has potency.


The way we think things should be. (Contrast with natural principles).


Involves paradigms from different disciplines. Sets limitations on the scope of thought. Has rules about what types of things can be known and how they can be known. Is held together by common values or assumption's across disciplines.


Has creative power and can make change. Is the underlying creative expression of the soul.


A self-sustaining group of individual items or events coordinated to function together for mutual interdependency through feedback. The boundaries can be fuzzy, such as an organism's survival depending on its environment.

Systems of beliefs are paradigms. Dominant paradigms are those shared by society as a whole.

What is the relationship between consciousness and energy?

They are distinct (not the same) yet inseparable. Energy occupies space but consciousness does not.

"Unity does not equal identity."

"Energy flows, consciousness knows." - de Quincy

Compare psychological, philosophical, and spiritual meanings of consciousness.

Psych. - When cognitive processes are aware, as opposed to being in a coma or asleep.

Philos. - A subjective, interior feeling that discerns meaning and purpose.

Spiritual - Mystical state of oneness or love.

Compare personality versus character ethics.

P - Based on instant solutions and is directed by outer circumstances.

C - Based on unchangeable universal inner qualities such as fairness. Can lead to a harmonious society.

What creates a paradigm shift?

An accumulation of a significant number of anomalies that make the current worldview untenable

Does the principle of cause and effect mean that all events can be predicted?

No, because intelligence, an attribute of consciousness, has creative choice (free will) which is not predictable.

Is there an overarching purpose in nature?


Name 10 paradigms that present transformational challenges, according to Woodhouse.

The environment, education, social fragmentation, the women's movement, economics, religion, personal identity, science, health, and extraterrestrial cultures.

Name 5 principles of systems holism.

Ontological equality - The parts in the whole are necessary to each other.

Emergent properties - The collective whole allows new abilities to emerge.

Hierarchies - Are nested and becoming increasingly complex.

Interconnectedness - Occurs between parts, levels, and systems in mutually beneficial ways.

Creative advance - Sentient systems have the freedom to create which is not predictable. Change is evolutionary, that is, non repeating and cumulative, moving forward.

Name 5 principles of perennial philosophy.

Continuum ontology - There are hierarchical levels from spiritual to physical reality along the "Great Chain of Being."

Involution and evolution - Influence of hierarcical tiers from higher to lower downward is involution. From lower levels upward is evolution.

Continuum epistemology - Ways of knowing range from senses in the physical, to feeling and intuition in spiritual realms.

Nonphysical ultimate - The "Ultimate Gound of Being" is not made of matter.

Name 5 characteristics of Woodhouse's rising culture.

Striving for...

- wholeness

- balance & integration

- self-empowerment & cooperation

- unconditional love & compassion

- Exploration of nonlocality through higher consciousness practices such as remote viewing and group meditation.

Name, in order, 7 historical worldviews and the major epistemology of each.

Pre history- Magic, mystique

Preclassical - Myth, epic stories

Classical - Reason

Premodern - authority, or faith

Modern - Objectivity

Postmodern Constructivism - Senses, reason, mysticism, intuition (feeling)

Postmodern deconstructivism - The meaning of reality varies because it is interpreted through different languages.

What is the difference between a belief and an intention?
