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43 Cards in this Set

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DFS is limited to

Watery or diarrheic stool

DFS examinatiom must be done ___

As soom as collection or upon receiving the sample

Stool specimen for DFS must be

Freshly collected

Materials needed for DFS

Glass slides

Cover slip

Applicator stick


Stool (alangan 😔)

How much NSS is needed for DFS


Procedure for DFS

- 1 or 2 drops os NSS on the center of a clean glass slide

- Poke the fecal sample on alll portions using an applicator stick

- Using the same applicator stick, mix it on the NSS solution in a circular motion.

-Place a cover slip on the slide

- Place the slide in the microscope

- Scan by moving the slide in a zigzag motion

- Count how many parasites are present

To come up with reporting get the

Lowest and highest number observed

In high power objective, reporting is used as __ , words such as __,___,___,

+; occasional, few, many

Originated in japan

Kato- Thick smear and Harada-mori

Reagent use in kato-thick smear

1:1 ration of glycerin and distilled water

Thick amount ( pea sized) of fecal material is used in

Kato-Thick smear

Prepare water cellophane at least ___ before examination

24 hours

In kato-thick smear, more specimen being used =

More advantage to be able to find parasites

Kato thick is applicable only on

Soft, semiformed and formed stool

Water cellophane for Kato- Thick smear is cut as

Size of cover slip

If water cellophane is colorless, ___ color is added

Malachite green

Procedure for Kato- Thick Smear

1. Poke on the specimen several times (about a pea size amount)

2. Pace the center of the glass slide

3. Cover with the prepared cellophane

4. Press a cork/ rubber stopper to flatten the fecal material.(so that air bubbles will be pushed aside)

5. Place glass slide on petri dish and cover for 2 to 3 minutes

6. Focus under LPO

7. After scanning for fecal material, then shift to HPO

Provudes the ability to detect small numver ofnparasited that might not be detected using direct wet preparations

Concentration Method

Can be performed on fresh or preserved stool specimens

Concemtration Method

Materials needed for concentration method


Test tube

Applicatot stick

Potential parasites are lighter, float toward the top of the test tube

Flotation method/zinc sulfate flotation method

Specific gravity of ZnSO4

1.180 to 1.20 (lower than the parasite's specific gravity)

Best method to use to identify intestinal roundworms

Flotation method

Alternative reagents fo4 Flotation Method

Calcium-chloride (CaCl2)

Saturated NaCl

Saturated Sugar Solution

Advantages of Flotation method

1. More fecal devris is removed

2. Yields a cleaner preparation easier for microscopiv examination

Disadvantage of flotation method

Some helminth eggs are very dense and will float therefore some parasited will be missed

Procedure for flotation method

1. Poke the fecal material

2. Place it inside a test tube

3. Fill the tube with distilled water

4. Stir the specimen to produce suspension

5. Centrifuge the test tube for 5 to 10 mins

6. Remove the test tube from the centri.

7. Fecal material shlould settlen in the bottom and supernatant liquid above is cloudy

8. Decant the supernatant liquid into a container with lysol.

9. Add distilled water, and centrifuge again umtil the supernatand is already CLEAR

10. After the last decantation, add the zinc sulfatr solution/ZnSO4 (3/4 of the tube)

11. Stir and centrifuge again

12. Fish out what si floating in the top centrifuges liquid using a wire loop

13. Transfer whatever you havr fished out from the test tube to the glass slide.

14. Cover with cover slip

15. Focus on the microscope

Allowing parasite to settle at the bottom of the tube using fomalin ether solution

Acid ether sedimentation

Specific gravity is lower than the parasite so that the parasite will sink

Acid ether sedimentation

Reagent for Acud etger sedimentation

Ethyl acetate

Formalin ether 5 to 10%

Procedure of acid ether sedimentation

-Follow the procedure of flotation method (But the liquid solution used is Acid ether)

-Decant the supernatant liquid

-Use a wire loop, get the sediment from the centrifuged liquid and place on a glass slide

-Focus under the microscope

Special examination for identification of pinworm

Scotch tape technique

Best time of collection for scotch tape method

Night time- while anal itchiness is observed

Alternative time of collection for scotch tape method

Upon waking up

Materials for scotch tape method

-scotch tape

-glass slides

- tongue depressor/ popsicle stick

When hookworm is suspected ___ must be performed

Harada mori

Cam only be perforemd when DFS, Kato-thick and concentration method is positive for hookworms

Harada-Mori stool culture

Procedure for harada-mori

1. Prepare a filter paperand fold it

2. Poke the stool with am applicator stick

3. Apply the stool in the middle portion of the filter paper

4. Fold the filter paper lengthwise

5. Place it in test tube filled with 1ml distilled water

6. Cotton plug the test tube and leavr it at room temperature for 10 days

7. After 10 days, remove and dispose thr filter paper properly

8m remaining water should be placed in the glass slide, then view it under the microscope

Filipino parasitologist responsible for introducing kato-thick smear and harada mori to the ph

Bejamin carbrera

Normal color of feces is due to the presence of

Urobilin and Stercobilin

Fecal Carbohydrates - Found in feces made up of


odor of the feces is due to

Indole and skatole

Odor of fecal is genrally

Foul odor