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114 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following would not be a C6 nerve root injury: weakness in biceps and supinator,diminished sensation on the ant. arm and index finger or paresthesias of the long and ring fingers?
Paresthesias of the long and ring fingers
What component of the vertebral artery test is most likely to assess the patency of the intervertebral foramen?
The preferred method to initially teach a 2 y/o child w/ T10 spinal bifida to maintain standing for gt. trng is to use what A.D.?
Parapodium and parallel bars
Which technique is used to improve motor control for a Parkinson's pt.?
Rhythmic initiation
Expire maximally after taking a maximal inspiration measure what?
Vital capacity
How do one differentiate heat exhaustion and heat stroke?
Mental status and skin temperature
Which of the following is least likely to be affected by post-polio syndrome: strength, sensation, endurance, or functional mobility?
What are the best TENS parameters?
high freq:50-100 pps, short phase duration, low intensity
Which values are atypical: 78 bpm, 130/85 mm Hg, total cholesterol 170 mg/dL, high-density lipoproteins 20 mg/dL, or low-density lipoproteins 150 mg/mL?
High-density lipoproteins 30-80 mg/dl
Low-density lipoproteins 60-180 mg/dl
cholesterol <200 mg/dL
Which motions combine ankle pronation?
Which positions is appriopriate to test hip flexors w/o gravity?
Supine or SL
Which mm strength is being tested when pressure is applied medially above the ankle and pressure is pushing the leg outward in attempt to rotate the thigh medially?
Hip lateral rotators
True or False. It is beneficial for developing a tx plan for a confused-agitated Rancho Los Amigos Levels of Cognitive Functioning pt. to concentrate on one specfic activity for each tx session?
False. They have short attn span, many and varied are better
What needs to be correctly determine to tx the tissue at a specific depth with U.S.?
Frequency 3mHz=superficial
1mHz= deeper
What would be the most appropriate position for splinting the elbow?
Elbow ext & forearm supination
What is a characteristic of post status right CVA?
Distorted awareness of self-image
What is the first to occur with normal progression w/ a dx of Duchenne muscular dystropy?
Proximal mm weakness
How to elicit palmar reflex grasp?
Maintain pressure to the palm of the hand.
What restriction is for hip anterior approach?
Hip lateral rotation.
What situation would provide the most direct support for an ACL reconstruction?
Functional instability.
Which type of whirlpool would not allow the patient to extend the involved LE?
Highboy tank
Which mm of respiration is most active during forced expiration?
Internal intercostals. (opp.)
What happens to the total lung capacity and dead space w/ someone w/ emphysema?
Total lung capacity and dead space in lungs increase.
Which would NOT produce extensor lag:mm weakness,bony obstruction, inhibition of pn, or pt. apprehension?
Bony obstruction: passive/active ROM=equal
What mm would prevent shlder flexion while maintaining posterior pelvic tilt?
Latissimus dorsi tightness.
What should be taught first when learning to perform a wheelie?
Statically hold the wheelie position after being placed in it by the therapist.
What is the wt. bearing status for a post non-cemented THR?
Toe-touch wt. bearing
What do you call putting toothpaste directly into mouth and hair?
Ideational apraxia
Which bandage would be appropriate to utilize for a transfemoral amputation?
6-inch bandage
What is the best indicator for a pt. that exerted a maximal effort?
Failure of heart rate to increase w/ further increases in intensity.
If the pt. has tight hip flexors which result in excessive ant. pelvi tilt, what can you conclude about the pt.'s measured HS length?
Actual length is less than the measured length.
What is arterial line used for?
Measure BP and obtain blood sample.
Which type of contraction is utilized at the end point of available ROM of PNF?
What common deformity is often associated with tight hip flexors?
What is the most appropriate position for post transtibial amputation?
supine w/ legs extended
C4 tetraplegia requires what type of W/C?
Folding reclining W/C, power chin control and seat.back cushions.
What technique is most effective in energy conservation w/o dyspnea?
True or false. Lengthening of the long finger flexors will reduce the benefits of tendodesis.
What hip/knee mov't are the result from an avulsion fx of the ischial tuberosity? (HS)
Forceful flexion of the hip w/ an extended knee.
In a contrast bath, if an ankle is placed in warm water for 3 min, how long should it be placed in cold water?
The ratio for heat to cold is 3:1 or 4:1. =1 min
What A.D. is used for initiating amb.?
Parallel bars
What would you administer if a pt. should signs of airway obstruction?
Abdominal thrusts
Where would be the most appropriate location to elicit the brachioradialis reflex?
Styloid process of the radius
True or False. Constriction of the pupils is an indicator of increased sympathetic involvement.
False, dilation of the pupils.
What is the primary objective of wt. shifting in parallel bars w/ someone who has Guillain-Barre syndrome?
Controlled mobility
What is the std of measure when recording AC freq?
Hertz or cycles per sec.
How do you test for clonus in foot?
Provide quick stretch to the PF.
What are the signs and symptoms of anemia?
Heart palpitations, SOB, dyspnea, & mild exertion
During bronchial drainage to the ant. basal segments of the lower lobes, the pt. begins to feel dizzy and mild dyspnea. What is the next appropriate action to do?
Elevate the pt.'s head
Difficulty flexing the neck while in supine is a failure to integrate which reflex?
Symmetrical tonic labyrinthine
Chronic respiratory alkalosis has laboratory findings w/ what amount the arterial blood pH and PaCO2?
Elevate arterial blood pH, low PaCO2.
What is the side effect of Heparin?
Excessive anticoagulation
What is the likely cause of excessive redness over the patella w/ a pt. wt. bearing on the prosthesis?
Settling due to the limb shrinkage.
What ROM limitation is the result of capsular tightness in the anterior-inferior aspect with adhesive capsulitis dx?
Abduction and lateral rotation
What is used to quantify a pt's edema?
Volumetric measurements
What type of protective equipment is necessary when entering a room requiring droplet precautions?
What massage is not a tapotement: kneading, clapping, hacking, or beating?
Kneading is a form of petrissage.
What are the sign and symptoms of Parkinson's disease?
Cogwheel rigidity, resting tremor, poor initiation of mov't, shuffling gait, and flat affect.
When would you consider using volumetric measurements to quantify edema?
To measure edema in DISTAL extremities.
Which spinous process is at the same level as the vertebral end of the spine?
Which AXIS of mov't is utilized with hip abd/add ex's?
Abd/add occurs in frontal PLANE around an ANT/POST AXIS.
What PNF pattern would help with ankylosing spondylitis?
D2 flex: flex,abd, lat. rot
What is the most frequently cited malpractice claim in PT?
Failure to monitor the condition of the pt.
What communication disorder has severve difficulty in verbal expression and mild difficulty in understanding complex syntax?
Broca's asphasia (left frontal lobe)has difficulty to put Thoughts into Words.
What is the key element to look for in Romberg test?
The ant. of sway present during the test period.
What condition is most responsible for pt's limited ex. tolerance w/ someone w/ CHF?
Insufficient stroke volume (diff. bet end diastolic vol. and end systoloc vol.) during ventricular systole
How to measure seat ht. for a pt. in a W/C?
Measure from the seat of the chair to the base of the axilla and subtract 4 in. ~16-16.5in
How long is an ice massage?
5-10 min
"Rules of Nine" Ant. right arm and ant. trunk. How bad is the burn?
4.5%= ant. R arm
18%=ant. trunk
Which on:off time ratio would result in the most onset of mm fatigue?
What is 5lbs of wt. bearing equivalent to?
Partial wt.-bearing
What are the parameters for TENS unit for pn?
Freq: 50-150 Hz
Duration: 20-30 min
Short phase duration: 20-100 microsec.
How much knee ROM is needed for stair trng?
90 degrees
What are the symptoms of RA?
AM stiffness, limited ROM, and on w/ mov't.
What mm are integrated by axillary nerve?
Teres minor and deltoids
Is the FWW to HIGH/LOW for a pt w/ 35 degrees of elbow flex?
Too HIGH, elbow flex= 20-30 degrees
What method of sensory testing is able to differentiate wt. between 2 or more objects?
How do you determine suberythemal dose vs minimal erythemal dose?
Suberythemal dose=time insufficient for perceptible reddening of the skin
Mininmal erythemal dose=time req'd for mild reddening of the skin.
What is the depth for a 3.0 MHz U.S.?
Superficial= 1-2 cm
Deep @ 1.0 MHz 3-5cm
What is the appropriate habd placement for a manual assisted cough technique on a pt. w/ a midthoracic SCI in supine?
Epigastric area
What is the characteristics associated w/ genu varum?
GV= excessive hip abd, ipsilateral hip lateral rotation, and medial tibial torsion.
What is the characteristics associated w/ genu valgum?
GL= Lateral patellar subluxation, excessive hip adduction, and lateral tibial torsion.
True or false. Focus on teaching new skills assoc. w/ ADL is present in Rancho Los Amigos level IV (confused-agitated)?
False. Seen in VII.
What appropriate initial step for instruction of an ex. program for a pt. w/ Alzheimer's disease?
Assess the pt. cognitive status.
True or false. Rescue breathing on an adult consists of con't for 30 sec, approx. 6 breaths.
False. Rescue breathing has pulse but not breathing.
What is the likely cause of taking a longer step w/ the prosthetic limb for a transfemoral amputation?
Hip flexion contracture.
What Rancho Los Amigos level of Cognitive Functioning Scale would be able to follow simple directions on a consistent level?
Where is the smallest measured distance bet. 2 perceived pts.?
The fingertips are able to recognize 1-2 mm apart.
True or false. Providing the pt. w/ a reasonable opportunity to refuse is most essential when obtaining informed consent.
Which is the appropriate deep heating agent: hot pack, pulsed U.S., hydrotherapy, or shortwave diathermy to increase ROM and decrease paravertebral spasm?
Shortwave diathermy
Which breathing technique would be the most beneficial to prevent alveolar collapse in a patient following thoracic surgery?
Incentive spirometry
True or false. Trapezium articulate with the lunate?
False, it's in distal carpal row on the radial side.
Which cranial nerve is associated with sensation of the pt.'s face?
Trigeminal (V)
Which is NOT an indicator of sympathetic involvement: rapid shallow breathing,constriction of pupils, mottled cold shiny skin, or anxiety/distractibility?
Constriction of pupils; Diliation of pupils are sympathetic involvement
Wt. shifting in parallel bars is a primary objective for what?
Controlled mobility
What is the standard of unit for AC freq?
How would you test for clonus in the foot?
Provide quick stretch to PF
What useful info. to gather related to anemia?
If pt. is experiencing heart palpitations, SOB at rest or w/ mild exertion.
What reflex not integrated that is responsible for unable to flex the neck in supine?
Symmetrical tonic labyrinthine
What lab findings is consistent w/ chronic respiratory alkalosis?
Elevated arterial blood pH, low PaCO2; alveolar hyperventilation
What is the cause for excessive reddness of the patella w/ a patellar tendon prosthesis?
Settling due to linb shrinkage
What type of equip. is necessary to wear for droplet precaution?
MASK only required
Which is NOT an example of tapotement: kneading, hacking, clapping, or beating?
Kneading is a type of petrissage.
Which spinal level is responsible for mm weakness in the supinator and wrist extensors?
During inspiration or expiration does vibration occurs?
What type of end-feel at the end of hip ext?
What position is best to strengthen the weak diaphragm and w/ someone who is hypertensive?
Reverse Trendelenburg
Which Rancho Los Amigos level can follow simple commmands faily consistently?
VI "confused appropriate"
What is the goal of incentive spirometry?
Prevent aveolar collapse and increase air inspired
What cranial nerve detects sensation of the face?
Cranial V= Trigeminal
What burn is the most painful burn?
Superficial-partial burn
What A.D. is the most funxtional mobility for a T10 SCI?
W/C; any level above T12 requires W/C
What type of wt. bearing allows for 5lbs?
Partial- wt. bearing; Toe-touch= balance
What is the highest level of A.D. for bilateral transtibial amputation?
2 forearm crutch