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11 Cards in this Set

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Causes of Exocrine Pancreatic insufficiency (EPI)
- Pancreatic acinar atrophy
- Young GSD
- Heritable
- May be proceded by lymphocytic infiltration

- Pancreatic hypoplasia-
- Rare, congenital, dogs <6mo
- May be assoc. c DM

- Chronic pancreatitis
- Most common cause in cats (although still rare)
Clinical signs of EPI-
- Steatorrhoea- greasy, foul smelling faeces
- Consistancy ranging from putting to diarrhoea
- Weight loss/ emaciation
- Polyphagia
- Coprophagia
- Vomiting
- Dry scurfy coat
Dx of EPI-
- Serum trypsin-like immunoreactivity (TLI) test
- Tests for trypsin in the blood after fasting
- Normal dog >5, normal cat >8
- Absent/ reduced in EPI
- Spp. specific tests
Tx of EPI-
- Oral pancreatic extract
- Uncoated powders work best
- Fresh frozen pancreas

- Diet
- Highly digestible- little and often
- High in good quality protein
- Low fat?
- Simple carbs

- AB if 2o infection suspected

- Vitamin supplements- esp. B12
Pancreatic neoplasia-
- Uncommon

- Ductular and acinar adenocarcinoma
- Old dogs
- Silent unti severe dz- poor prognosis
- Bile duct obstruct.(cholestasis), metastat., pancreatitis

- Islet cell tumours- Functionally active-
- Insulinoma---> Inc. serum insulin + hypoglycaemia
- Tx- Excision
- Medical- steroids/ diazoxide (blocks insulin release)/ streptozotocin (destroys islet cells)

- Gastrinoma (gasrtin)---> Inc gastric acid---> ulcers
Acute pancreatitis-

- Fairly common in dogs
- (Obese, middle aged, sedentry females)
- Rarer in cats

- Cause-
- Usually idiopathic but several predisposing factors-
- Fat- high fat diet, lack of exercise, hyperlipidaemia,
- Pancreatic ischaemia (neoplasia/ inflam/ calculi etc.)
- Trauma
- Drug related
- Virus
Sequence of pancreatitis-
- Intracellular activation of proteases in the pancreas
- Due to fusion of zymogens and lysosomes

- Natural antiproteases defences overwhelmed
- E.g. Pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitors (PSTI)...

- Enzymatic digestion of pancreas
- Vascular damage- oedema, haem., thrombosis
- Act. of further inflam mediators- ROS, cytokines etc
- Further tissue damage

---> Local effects- peritonitits, fat necrosis
---> Systemic effects- renal fail. arrhyth., pleural effusion, shock, DIC, death

- Possible sequalae-
- Chronic recurrent pancreatitis
- DM
Clinical signs of pancreatitis-
- Depression and anorexia
- Vomiting
- Ab pain
- Diarrhoea +/- blood
- Pyrexia
- Jaundice

- Causing-
- Dehydration
- Tachypnoea
- Tachycardia
- Collapse
Dx of pancreatitis-
- History and exam.

- Radiographs and US

- Lab tests
- Leukocytosis (L shift),
- Hyperglycaemia
- Hyperlipidaemia
- HypoCa, hyperK
- Inc liver enzymes
- Azotaemia

- Pancreas-specific proteins
- PLI- pancreatic-lipase immunoreactivity
Tx of acute pancreatitis-
- Pancreatic rest
- CV support

- Feeding- traditionall NPO, but need nutrients
- enterostomy tube/ IV fluids preferred

- IV fluids-
- Crystalloids/ whole blood
- Analgesia
- Anti-emetics
- AB

- Covalescent therapy

- Guarded prognosis
Chronic pancreatitis-



Dx and Tx
- Dogs- Relatively common in older springers/ CKCS
- Causes-
- Repeated acute pancreatitis
- Chronic low grade, sub-clinical pancreatitis
- Duct centred fibrosis in spaniels
---> Progressive destruct. of glandular tiss. + fibrosis
---> EPI +/or DM

- Cats-
- Chronic persistent low grade pancreatitis
- Lymphocytic cholangiohepatitis + IBD + chonic pancreatitis = "Triaditis"

- Dx
- As with acute pancreatitis
- Lab tests often less helpful
- Pancreatic mass and calcification

- Tx
- Dietary control + weight reduction