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55 Cards in this Set

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Does mastitis tend to be unilateral or bilateral?
Unilateral and only one quadrant
Full term =
Delivery at 37-­42 weeks
When does quickening occur?
Nulliparous 18­-20 weeks, multiparous 14­-16 weeks
List three risk factors for placental abruption.
HTN, smoking, AMA, cocaine use, PROM
What is the treatment for ovarian cancer
Total hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. Chemo + radiation
A patient believes she is pregnant. You notice on on that her cervix appears a little blue.
Chadwicks sign
At approximately how many weeks pregnant is the uterus at the level of the symphysis pubis?
12 weeks
A snowstorm appearance on ultrasound
Hydatidiform mole
What is the term for when the placenta has implanted directly over the cervical os?
Placenta previa
At how many weeks of pregnancy can chorionic villus sampling bed done?
10­-13 weeks
Why is folic acid given as a prenatal vitamin?
Low folic acid can lead to neural tube defects
About how much weight should a woman gain during pregnancy?
20-35 lbs
What is the most common endometrial cancer?
75% are adenocarcinomas
What organism causes us to warn pregnant patients to
stay away from deli meats and soft cheeses?
1st stage of labor
Onset of contractions to full dilation of the cervix
The baby was delivered several minutes ago. Suddenly there is an increase in blood flow from vagina & the cord noticeably lengthens. What is the most likely cause of these signs?
Placental separation
What are two medications used to induce labor?
Cervidil (prostoglandin gel applied to
the cervix) which encourages cervical rippening and oxytocin which encourages uterine contractions
As part of the antepartum testing a baby has a positive stress test. What does that mean?
They have had two heart rate accelerations in a 20 minute period of 15 beats above baseline for at least 15 seconds. This is a good thing.
What is the normal range of fetal heart rate?
What is the most common type of ovarian cyst?
Functional cyst - no Tx necessary
Threatened abortion =
Vaginal bleeding, closed cervix, products of conception are still inside
List 4 risk factors for endometrial cancer.
Chronic unopposed estrogen, nulliparity, early menarche, late menopause, Tamoxifen, DM, obesity, HTN, breast CA, ovarian CA
Missed abortion =
No vaginal bleeding, cervix is closed, products of conception are still inside
What would you expect to see on a KOH prep if the patient had vaginal candidiasis?
What is the #1 cause of septic arthritis in sexully active young adults?
Neisseria gonorrhoeae

How many days after conception is a serum beta HCG
If the pap smear results come back anything other than negative or ASCUS what is your next step?
Colposcopy and biopsy
List three risk factors for an ectopic pregnancy.
Previous ectopic, scarred tubes (hx of PID or salpingitis), IUD
Grape like vesicles or a sack of grapes on ultrasound
Hydatidiform mole
What medication is used to increase surfactant levels and help with lung maturity if you are worried about preterm labor?
What are two tocolytic (anti-contraction) medications you should be aware of?
Magnesium sulfate and calcium channel blockers
A woman presents to the ED concerned she is in preterm labor. What treatment should you begin before even getting any imaging or lab results?
^&2.$BY$8#&*0$F?"0+$"9+.)$+,.$>-+&.)+$&0$ suffereing from dehydration)
What are three ways you can check for ruptured membranes?
Ferning pattern on slide, visualize leakage from the cervix, pooling in the vagina
Menorrhagia =
Heavy prolonged menstrual flow
What Rh combination for mom and dad might cause the mother to create antiboides against the babies red blood cells?
Mom Rh (-) and dad Rh +
At what point during pregnancy is Rhogam given if it is needed?
28 weeks
Gestational diabetes puts mom and baby at increased risk of for what three things?
Preeclampsia, macrosomia (traumatic birth), slowing in fetal lung development
Who is the more likely to get pre­eclampsia a nulliparous woman or a multiparous woman?
Nulliparity is a risk factor for pre­ eclampsia
Which is associated with painFUL third trimester bleeding, placental abruption or placenta previa?
Placental abruption
What are three causes for a postpartum hemorrhage?
Uterine atony, genital laceration, retained placenta
What medication can be used to control bleeding due to uterine atony?
Oxytocin (pitocin)
Third stage of labor =
Delivery of baby to delivery of placenta
What medication(s) are used to treat a postpartum metritis?
Clindamycin and gentamicin together
What organism is the most common sexually transmitted infection?
Interference with work or school is part of which diagnosis premenstrual syndrome or premenstrual dysphoric disorder?
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder
Which reproductive cancer carries the highest rates of death in women?
Ovarian cancer
What is the most common infection following a C­section?
Incomplete abortion =
Vaginal bleeding, cervix is open, products of conception partially passed
What is the most common site of an ectopic pregnancy?
Within a fallopian tube
Early on in pregnancy serial beta HCG should double over what time period?
every 48-­72 hours
Procidentia =
Uterine prolapse beyond the the introitus
What is the more popular term for Stein-­Leventhal syndrome.
What is the formula for calculating estimated date of
confinement or due date?
1st day of last menstrual period + 7 days -­ 3 months
5 components of biophysical profile as part of antepartum testing?
A non stress test, fetal breathing, two gross body movements, fetal tone, amniotic fluid index
Rope like breast mass
Fibrocystic breast mass