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273 Cards in this Set

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Auspitz's Sign

suggests Psoriasis: blood dots after removal of silvery scale
Retinal Drusen
hallmark of age related macular degeneration
thickening of skin with teleangiectasias; varying degrees of disability; can affect lungs, heart, organs etc.
Osgood Schlatter
inflammation of tibial tuberosity; often in teens
proximal muscle weakness
Polymyalgia rheumatic
pain and stiffness without weakness; acute onset; ++ESR
Sjogren's syndrome
dry eyes
dry mouth
parotid enlargement
Slipped capital femoral epiphysis
overweight person with sudden limp
granulomatosis inflammation in lungs
Morning stiffness
Swan neck and Boutonierre deformity
Reiter Syndrome
seronegative arthritis triad:
1. urethritis
2. conjunctivitis
3. oligoarthritis
Boxer's Fracture
5th MCP (metacarpal neck)
Colles Fracture
"silver fork" deformity
distal radius fracture with dorsal angle; falling on an outstretched hand
Scaphoid fracture
snuff box tenderness
Ankylosing Spondylitis
"bamboo spine"
big joints
Herbeden's Nodes - DIP
Bouchards Nodes - PIP
Tarsal tunnel syndrome
entrapment of posterior tibial nerve
Plantar Fasciaitis
"military march"
burning heel pain first thing in the morning; better with motion and warm shower; difficult to treat; often takes 12 months for recovery; can do PT or surgery if unrelenting
Pink Frothy Sputum
Most common cause of community acquired pneumonia
Strep Pneumoniae
Pneumonia caused by Klebsiella
common in ETOH abusers
Mycoplasma Pneumonia
"walking pneumonia"
young adults
assoc. with bullous myringitis
Haemophilus pneumoniae
common in COPD
Pseudomonas species pneumonia
common in Cystic Fibrosis
Legionella pneumoniae
air conditioning / aerosolized water
cotton workers
fibrosis plaques, linear opacities at bases adn pleural plaques; hx of being around old buildings, construction, insulation; increased risk of lung CA and mesothelioma; esp if smoker
metallic iron exposure
sandblasting, miners, quarry workers, stone workers; nodular opacities at upper lung fields; increased risk of TB, progressive massive fibrosis
Acute Glomerulonephritis
RBC casts, "tea colored urine"
Hallpike Nylen Bavany Maneuver
Oat cell cancer
paraneoplastic syndrome
Plummer - Vinson Syndrome
esophageal webs; iron deficiency
bird peak defect on barium swallow
gastric ulcer
increase pain after eating
duodenal ulcer
decreased pain after eating
celiac deficiency
gluten free diet
Courvier's sign
palpable gallbladder; pancreatic head cancer
Porcelian gallbladder
Presence of antibodies to HBS
past immunity or vaccination
Struvite Stones
Check for UTI
Grave's Disease
hyperthyroidism with diffuse goiter with bruit; ophthalmopathy; dermopathy from thyroid stimulating Ig
Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
check for antibodies; chronic autoimmune thyroiditis; common in areas with insufficient iodine; elevated TSH
Chvostek's Sign
tetany with tapping on facial nerve just anterior to ear causes contraction of muscles; hypocalcemia
Addison's Disease
increase in ACTH
Cushing's Syndrome
Red Ciliary Flush
acute glaucoma
common in subphrenic abscess
Congenital Cataracts
check maternal rubella titer
Lupus (SLE)
butterfly rash on face, alopecia, high ANA titers
Heinz Bodies
(violet stain) with elevated reticulocyte count; hemolytic anemia (G6PD)
Hemolytic anemia
Howell-Jolly bodies
functional asplenism; nuclear remnants on red blood cells as small, round darkly stained nuclear fragments; no special stains necessary; largery than Pappenheimer bodies
Iron Deficiency Signs
pica, cheilosis, atrophic glossitis, koilonychia, pale conjunctivae and mucous membranes
Basophilic stippling
Beta Thalassemia
Ringed Sideroblasts
myelodysplasia, chronic alcholism; lead poisoning
Vitamin B12 Deficiency
posterior column neuro findings; Schilling's Test
Auer Rod
Gingival Hyperplasia
AML (M4 and M5)
+TdT in Peds
"dry tap" with ringed sideroblasts
myelodysplastic syndrome
9/22 translocation
"smudge cells"
JAK2V617F mutation with plethora
Polycythemia Vera
Tear Drop RBC
M-spike electrophoresis
Multiple Myeloma (urine bence jones proteins)
Reed Sternberg Cells
Hodgkin's Lymphoma
Plummer Vinson Esophageal Webs
iron deficiency
"helmet cells" schistocyte
fragmented RBC found in TTP and burns
Methylmalonic acid
increased Vitamin B12 (normal in folate deficiency)
Serum tryptase
order this to diagnose anaphylaxis
Breast Cancer
most common cancer in females
Nipple excoriation
Paget's Disease
Chromosome 13 / 17
Fragile X Syndrome
inherited mental retardation
deltoid / bicep
biceps / wrist extension
triceps / finger extension
finger flexion
Spurling's Sign
for dx of cervical radiculopathy; exerting downward pressure on teh head while rotating the head towards the symptomatic side creating pain radiating into affected extremity
Heinz Bodies
(violet stain) with elevated reticulocyte count; hemolytic anemia (G6PD)
Hemolytic anemia
Howell-Jolly bodies
functional asplenism; nuclear remnants on red blood cells as small, round darkly stained nuclear fragments; no special stains necessary; largery than Pappenheimer bodies
Iron Deficiency Signs
pica, cheilosis, atrophic glossitis, koilonychia, pale conjunctivae and mucous membranes
Basophilic stippling
Beta Thalassemia
Ringed Sideroblasts
myelodysplasia, chronic alcholism; lead poisoning
Vitamin B12 Deficiency
posterior column neuro findings; Schilling's Test
Auer Rod
Gingival Hyperplasia
AML (M4 and M5)
+TdT in Peds
Hallpike Nylen Bavany Maneuver
Oat cell cancer
paraneoplastic syndrome
Plummer - Vinson Syndrome
esophageal webs; iron deficiency
bird peak defect on barium swallow
gastric ulcer
increase pain after eating
duodenal ulcer
decreased pain after eating
celiac deficiency
gluten free diet
Courvier's sign
palpable gallbladder; pancreatic head cancer
Porcelian gallbladder
Presence of antibodies to HBS
past immunity or vaccination
Tick Borrekia Burgdorferi
Lyme; erythema migrans
P24 Antigen
diagnose acute HIV
India Ink prep
treponenma pallidum = syphilis (dark field)
Brudzinski Sign
passive neck flexion causes hip / knee to flex = meningitis
Kernig's Sign
move LE into extension and neck flexes = meningitis
great toe
CSF - hanging drop - tumbling rod
plasmodia parasite
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Tinels and Phalen's test
DeQuervan's Tenosynovitis
abductor pollicus brevis tendon; +Finkelstein's Test
Ganglion cyst
scaphoid-luentes ligament; associated with OA
Tennis Elbow
Lateral Epicondylitis; pain with elbow extension
Golfer's Elbow
Medial Epicondylitis; pain with flexion of wrist and pronation
Dupuytren's Contracture
4th adn 5th fingers fibrous tissue at palm
Zones for Asthma
green, yellow, red
What can mimic asthma?
Cystic Fibrosis and alpha antitrypsin
Hemophilia A
Hemophilia B
Prothrombin Time
Extrinsic Pathway (2,5,7,10)
Intrinsic Coagulation Pathway (2,5,8,9,10,11,13)
Queen Victoria Carrier
Hemophilia A
factor 8 deficiency "c" mediates platelet adhesion
"locked in syndrome"
brainstem CVA
turned out
turned in "Gum between my knees"
Greenstick fracture
spiral fracture in peds
Legg-Calve Perthes
avascular necrosis of femoral head
Ulcerative Colitis
continous thru entire colon; bleeding ulcers; starts at rectum and works up
Crohn's Disease
skip lesions, fistulas, apthoid ulcers; cobblestoning on xray; string sign; mouth to anus
Whooping Cough
Chocolate Agar
neisseria gonorrhea
Gray membrane throat
strawberry tongue
h.influenza; thumb sign on lateral xray; drooling
Ludwig's Angina
trismus, submental tenderness
Vincent's Angina
"trench mouth"; acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis; fusobacterium / treponema
Retropharyngeal abscess
"hot potatoe" pain referred to posterior neck
steeple sign on xray; narrowing of subglottic space; barking cough
Metabolic Syndrome
central obesity, HTN, DM2, low HDL
group A strep; well demarcated slapped cheeks
Jobs Syndrome
high IgE with recurrent staph furunculosis
honey crusted
Fifth's Disease
"slapped cheek" red rash, erythema infectiosum
Uric Acid
elevated calcium pyrophosphate
Triad of cellulitis
rubor (color), swelling, pain
Palpation of crepitus
Foot puncture
use meds to cover Pseudomonas
Cat Bite
Pasteurella Multicida
bacilius anthracis; painless or pruritic papules
Blue Sclera
Rheumatoid arthritis
Iron deficiency anemia
osteogenesis imperfecta (Blegvad-Haxthausen)
Hallermann-Streiff-Francois syndrome
Velocardiofacial (22q gene) syndrome
Weaver syndrome (Marshall-Smith)
Hereditary, Familial, Genetic Disorders

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
Looser's Lines
radiolucent bands in the cortex of a bone; usually indicates osteomalacia; think Ricket's
Pericardial friction rub
roth spots, Janeway lesions, Osler's nodes
Cherry Red Spot
central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO)
Tetrology of Fallot
Right Ventricular Hypertrophy
Overriding aorta
Ventricle Septal Defect Pulmonary Stenosis
PDA Neonates
continous murmur at S2, left half of ICS
Holosystolic murmurs
tricuspid regurg and VSD
Aortic Stenosis
Mid -Systolic; radiates into neck; "think Mrs.Ass"
Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)
fishy odor; +whiff test; CLUE CELLS
Budding Hyphae
yeast; budding
Allen's Test
ulnar artery patency; make sure to do this before doing ABGs to assure collateral vasculature
Homan's Sign
test used for DVT; pressure on calf with dorsiflexion of ankle; not real reliable
Nikolsky's Sign
assoc with pemphigus vulgarus; apparently normal epidermis may be separated at the basal layer and rubbed off when pressed with a sliding motion
McMurray Test
to dx a meniscal tear; fassively flex hip and knee until heel touches buttock; steady the knee with one hand and externally rotate foot then extend the knee to 90; return to beginning and internally rotate the foot; feeling for clicks
Lachman Test
ACL tear
Posterior Drawer
increase in pain with elevation of the scrotum; sign of testicular torsion
Paget's Bone
osteitis deformoens - soft bones
Peyionie's Disease
fibrous plaques bowing the penis; peinle shaft curved with erection
Menier's disease
episodic vertigo
Neisseria Menginitis
diffuse pink macupapular rash
Pancoast's Tumor
superior sulcus tumors
Kleihauer-Bethe Assay
check for mixture of fetal and maternal blood
Scarlet Fever
Pastia's Lines (axilla and groin); circumorial pallor; trunk with red popular rash = pyrogenic erythrotoxin
Polycystic Kidney disease
gross hematuria
Carcinoid syndrome
diarrhea, flushing, hepatomegaly
Steamy cornea with pain
"halos" non reactive pupil; acute angle closure glaucoma
Foamy Urine
proteinuria; nephritic syndrome
RBC casts in urine
Tram tracks / ring shadows on chest CT
persistant cough; hemoptysis = bronchiectasis
Amaurosis Fugax
transit vision loss
Flashing lights; floaters; shade over vision
retinal detachment
Aplastic Anemia
Sixth Disease
Cluster Headache
unilateral, acute HA with injected eye adn clear nasal discharge
Koebner's onehomenon
new psoriatic lesion on otherwise normal skin after minor trauma
edema, HTN, proteinuria
edema, HTN, proteinuria + seizure
Acute MI
ST elevation in leads II, III, and AVF
Pityriasis versicolor
"spaghetti and meatballs" with p.ovale = tinea
hemorrhage in anterior chamber of the eye
WBC casts in urine
Muddy Casts
renal tubular necrosis; Acute tubular necrosis
Wolff-Parkinson White Sydrome
short PR interval; delta wave with SVT
"holiday heart"
A-fib; "irregularly irregular"
Giardia lamblia
foul, greasy stool; infected water; no obvious blood in stool
Mitral Valve Prolapse
midsystolic click
feels better when you lean forward
Takayasu's Arteritis
occlusive polyartheritis with predilection for aortic arch
Thromboagitans obliterans
from smoking; black fingertips
Pityriasis Rosea
herald patch (first patch) with Christmas tree pattern on back
Ranson's Criteria
Acute Pancreatitis;
age >55
Blood glucose>200
serum LDH>350
Meckel's Diverticulum
mimics appendicitis; Rule of Two's
Zollinger-Ellison's Syndrome
gastric acid hypersecretion adn severe peptic ulcer diathesis due to release of gastrin from a gastrinoma; assoc with peptic ulcers and diarrhea; 60% malignant
Felty's syndrome
advanced RA; low WBC, platelet, RBCs, positive nodes / splenomegaly; leg ulcers; HLA-DR4
++++++Fibrin Split products
Erythema Multiforme
target lesions with central blister; Steven Johnson's Syndrome
German Measles; fine, pink, maculopapular rash
Coxsackie Virus
Hand, foot, mouth disease; grey white tonsils with shallow ulcers
Alzheimer's disease
plaques with neurofibrilliary tangles; most common cause of dementia
Parkinson's Disease
decrease dopamine; shuffling gait; pillrolling and cogwheeling motion of extremities
Myasthenia Gravis
antibodies against acteylcholine receptors; fatigue with chewing
progressive weakness of upper and lower motor neurons
Brown-Sequard Syndrome
spinal cord hemisection; contralateral dissociated sensory loss with ipsilateral loss of proprioception and motor
Central Cord Syndrome
loss of motor in upper extremity greater than lower extremity
Anterior Cord Injury
bilateral paraplegia; loss of pain/temp with preservation of posterior column
Anterior Cord Syndrome
affects anterior spinal artery
Jefferson Fracture
C1 arches
Hangman's Fracture
C2; traumatic spondylolisthesis of axis
Loffler's syndrome
hypereosinophilic syndrome causing restrictive cardiomyopathy
Athletic Heart
hypertropic cardiomyopathy
Which valve is most commonly affected by infectious endocarditis?
Mitral Valve
Janeway lesions
painless hemorrhagic plaques on palms and soles from infectious endocarditis
Osler's Nodular lesions
found on fingers and toes and a sign of infectious endocarditis
Roth Spots
pale retinal lesions with hemorrhage from infectious endocarditis
Chagas Disease
trypanosome myocarditis
Heart sound with an atrial septal defect
fixed split S2
What is the most common heart defect in adults?
bicuspid aortic valve
What is the most common Atrial septal defect?
ostium secundum
Which valve is most commonly involved in Rheumatic Heart Disease
mitral valve
Sydenhm's Chorea
Rheumatic heart disease; rapid purposeless movement while awake; "bag of worms" on tongue protrusion
Most common sustained arrhythmia
Atrial Fibrillation
What does A Fib look like on an EKG?
absent p waves
WPW: Wolfe Parkinson White
Delta wave and short pr interval on EKG
What drug, when toxic, causes atrial tachycardia with AV block
EKG for a Mobitz Type I: (Wenckebach)
progressive prolongation of PR until p wave drops
EKG for Mobitz Type II
intermittent nonconducted P waves without preceding conduction delay
Torsades de Pointes
Ventricular Tachycardia with QRS complexes "twisting"
What does murmur sound like with aortic regurgitation?
high pitched, diastolic decrescendo murmur
Duroziez murmur
"pistol shot at femoral artery"
Rheumatic aortic stenosis always occurs with what other disease?
mitral valve disease
EKG for Mitral Regurgitation
Bifid P wave in lead II
On Echo, what is a ++ hockey stick appearance?
calcified anterior mitral leaflet
Carvallo's sign
increased intensity of pansystolic murmur with inspiration
What is the most common site for an Aortic Aneurysm?
abdominal AAA
When do you hear a localized epigastric bruit?
renal artery stenosis
Trousseau Sign
migratory thrombophlebitis; spontaneously appear venouse thromboses due to cancer
Common in Blue Bloaters
chronic bronchitis
Common in pink puffers
emphysematous symptoms
Best indicator of pulmonary obstruction
PFT: low FEV1 / FVC
Triad for Bronchiectasis
persistant productive cough
copious purulent sputum
Mendelson's syndrome
chemical pneumonitis; aspiration of gastric acid without bacterial infection
"honeycombing" ring shaped opacities on xray
dilation of airspaces
erythema nodosum
Goodpasture Syndrome
autoimmune lung and kidney
autoantibodies Type IV collagen
Hampton's hump
wedge shaped infiltrate on CXR
What is the most common intra abdominal mass in neonates / infants?
Wilm's Tumor
Budd Chiari syndrome
thrombosis of hepatic vein
in a hypercoagulable state
Keiser-Fleischer Rings
copper deposits in the cornea
Grey Turner's Sign
flank ecchymosis
Cullen's sign
periumbilical bruising
Charcot's Triad
bacterial cholangitis:
1. biliary colic
2. jaundice
3. fever / chills
Amaurosis Fugax
temporary monocular loss of vision; ophthalmic artery affected
Most common type of thyroid cancer; "cold" nodule
Papillary Adenocarcinoma
Indirect hernia
involves spermatic cord; hits at the tip of your finger
Pancoast's Syndrome
Lung Cancer:
UE weakness
Horner's syndrom
Muscles that make up the Rotator Cuff
Teres Minor
Rule of 9's
burn classification;
total of 11-9% areas and 1% for peri area
Where is Zencker's diverticulum located?
Triad of aortic stenosis
1. angina
2. syncope
3. CHF