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129 Cards in this Set

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What muscle attaches to the typical cervical vertebral body ?
Longus colli muscle
What ligament attaches to the lamina of a typical cervical ?
Ligamentum flavum
Ossification of the ligamaentum flavum at the attachment site on the lamina will result in what feature ?
Para-articular processes
the greatest frequency of osteophytes of the typical cervical vertebral body occurs at which couple
what muscles will attach to the anterior tubercle of a typical vertebra?
anterior scalene, longus capitis, longus colli, anterior transverse muscles
what muscles attach to the posterior tubercles of a typical cervical?
splenius cervicis, iliocostalis cervicis, longisimus cervicis, levator scapula, middle scalene, posterior scalene, rotators, posterior intertransverse muscles
what muscles will attach to the costotransverse bar?
middle scalene and intertransverse muscles
what is the orientation and angulation of a typical transverse process?
60 degrees anterolaterally (from midsagital plane) and 15 degreees inferiorly ( from the horizontal plane)
what will occupy the typical cervical vertebra transverse foramen?
the vertebral artery, vertebral veous plexus, and POSTganglionic sympathetic motor nerve fibers
what is the classic angulation of typical cervical articular facets ?
forty to forty five degrees from the coronal plane
what muscles will attach to typical cervical articular processes ?
longisimus capitis, longisimus cervicis, semispinalis capitis, semispinalis servicis, multifidus, rotators,
what muscles blend with the capsular ligament of cervical zygapophysis
semispinalis cervicis, multifidis, rotator longus miscles
the greatest range of flexion-extension along the typical cervical spine occurs at which couple?
typically C5/C6
ranges of motion for lateral bending and axial rotation in the typical cervical vertebra will begin at what cervical vertebral couple ?
the C5/C6 vertebral couple
what muscles will attach to the typical cervical spinous process?
spinalis cervicis, semispinalis cervicis, semispinalis thoracis multifidis, v rotaotrs, and interspinalis
what muscle attaches to the anterior arch of C1?
longus coli
what joint classifications are observed at the anterior arch of C1?
amphiarthrosis syndesmosis, and diarthrosis trochoid
what is the orientation of the inferior articular facert of C1?
what muscles attach to the lateral mass of C1
levator scapula, splenius cervics, rectus capitis anterior
what may be formed by ossification of the anterior free margin of the posterior atlanto-occipital ligamnet
ponticulus posticus, partial or complete
what is the gender bias, bone classification, degree of ossification of the posterior atlantal-occipital ligament?
male, accessory bone, complete ponticulus posticus 15%; female,accessory bone, partial ponticuls posticus 26%
what muscles attach to the transverse process of C!?
rectus capitis anterior, rectus capitis lateralis, middle scalene,levator scapula, splenius cervicis, obliquis capitis superior, obliquis capitis inferior, and intertransverse muscles
what are the gender measurements for the transvers diameters of C1
males 78 mm
females 72 mm
what is the distance from the posterior tubercle of the transverse process of C1 to the skin for each gender?
a little over 30 mm for both male and female
what joint classifcations are at C1?
amphiarthrosis syndesmosis, diarthrosis trochoid, diarthrosis arthroidia, diarthrosis ellipsoidal
what names are given to C2
axis, epistropheus
what joint surfaces are present on the odontoid process of C2?
facet for the fovea dentis, groove for the transverse atlantal ligament, attachment sites for the alar ligaments, attachment site for the apical-dental ligament,
what is the name given to the odontoid process when the facet for the fovea dentis lies above the froove for the transverse atlantal ligament and the attachment sites for the apical -dental ligament and alar ligamentsd appear to be directed posterior ?
lordotic dens
what joint classifications are present at the vertebral body of C2?
amphiarthrosis syndesmosis, modified diarthrosis sellar, amphiarthrosis symphysis,
what attaches to the lamina of C2?
obliquis capitis inferior muscle, posterior atlanto-axial ligament, ligamentum flavum
what is the transverse diameter of C2 in each gender?
males 57mm,
females about 50mm
what names may be given to C7?
vertebra prominens,
vertebral prominece
what is the segment and gender bias for vertebrae other than c7 becoming the vertebral prominence ?
C6 more common in females
T1 more common in males
what muscles attache tothe transverse process of C7 ?
middle scalene, iliocostalis thoracis, longissimus thoracis, semispinalis capitis rotators, intertransversarii, and levator costarum brevis
what is the size of the vertebral artery in terms of location and gender bias?
left sides is larger men have larger vertebral arteries than women.
which side artery is tested during the course of the vertebrobasilar artery insufficency exam ?
the ipsilateral artery on the side of rotation
what is the location at which the vertebral artery makes its first compensaatory loop ?
the atlanto-axial interspace
at what segemental locations will the vertebral atrtery be firmly attached to the transverse foramen?
both C1 and C2
which suboccipital muscles attach to C1
rectus capitits posterior minor ,
obliquis capitis superior, obliquis capitis inferior
which suboccipital muscles attach to C2
rectus capitis posterior major, oblisuis capitis inferior
which erector spinae muscles attach to the cervical spine?
semispinalis cervicis , semispinalis capitis
multifidis, rotators
what joint classifications are prsent at C1?
diarthrosis ellipsoidal, diarthrosis trochoid,
diarthrosis arthrodia
amphiarthrosis syndesmosis
what joint classifications are present at C2 ?
diarthrosis troichoid,
diarthrosis arthrodia,
diarthrosis modified sellar,
amphiarthrosis syndesmosis
amphiarthrosis symphysis
what joint classifications are present at each typical cervical ?
diarthrosis arthrodia,
diarthrosis modified sellar
amphiarthrois syndesmosis
amphisrthrosis symphysis
what joint classifications are present at C7
diarthrosis arthrodia
diarthrosis modified sellar
amphiarthrosis syndesmosis
amphiarthrosis symphysis
what forms the boundries for the exit of the C1 nerve from the spinal canal?
occipital condyle, superior articular process of C1, capsular ligament, arcurate rim, groove for the vertebral artery, posterior atlanto-occipital ligament
what forms the anterior boundry for the exit of the C2 nerve from the spinal canal?
inferior articular process of C1, superior articular process of C2, capsular ligament
what forms the posterior boundry for the C2 nerve exit from the spional cord?
the posterior arch of C1, lamina of C2, and the posterior atlanto-axial ligament
what features will allow discrimination between T2-T4 and T5-T8 segmental groups ?
the vertebral body , transverse process, articular process and spinous process
what is the cause for the flattening of the left side of the vertebral body on T5-T8?
aortic impression , ( long fn answer in book)
what is the principal cause of the posterior curve of the thoracic spine?
the vertebral body height differences
what joint classifications are identified at the vertebral body of a typical thoracic?
amphiarthrosis syndesmosis
amphiarthrosis symphysis
diarthrosis arthrodia
what is the name given to the joint formed between the vertebral body and rib?
costocentral joint
what is the relationship between the vertebral body surface and the rib capitulum surface in the costocentral joint of the typical thoracic?
superior costal demifacet articulates with the inferior articular surface of the rib ; and the inferior costal facet will articulate with the superior articular surface of the rib
to what structures will the radiate costocentral or stellate costocentral ligament attach ?
the capitulum of the rib, both vertebral bodies in the vertebral couple , and the intervertebral disc
what does the intra-articular or interarticular ligamen tconnect to ?
the interarticular, or intra-articular crest of the capitulum of the rib and the intervertebral disc
what is the size relationship between the articulating surface of the capitulum of the rib and the costal demi-facet surface ?
the rib surface is greater than the costal demi-facet surface
which xray view is used to see into the intervertebral foramen of a typical thoracic?
the lateral view
the inferior costotransvers ligamenrt of the transvers process of T5 will attach to which rib?
the fifth rib
using the articular process, how can you distinguish between T2-4 and T5-8 segment
at T2-4 the wieth between the superior articular processes is greater than the width between the inferior articular processes of that vertebrae; at T5-8 the width between the superior articular processes is equal or the same as the width between the artcular processes of that vertebra
how many synovial joints are present at a typical thoracic?
what is the angulation of the spinous in the typical thoracic region
T2-4 40 degrees to the horizontal

T5-8 60 degrees from the horizontal
what muscles are associated with the 5 layers of the back
1 trapezius and latissimus dorsi
2 rhomboids and levator scapulae
3 serratus posterior,sup and inf
4 erector spinae
5 transversospinalis
identify the muscles attaching to a typical thoracic spinous process representative of layer one
trapezius , and latissimus dorsi
what joint classifications are present at every typical thoracic vertebrae?
amphiarthrosis syndesmosis
anphiarthrosis symphysis
diarthrosis arthrodia
what ligament is absent at the costotransverse joint of T1?
the superior costotransverse ligament
what is the gender bias associated with T1 as the vertebral prominence
male 9 % females 6%
identify the muscles attaching to the T1 spinous process that would be representative of muscle layer Two ?
rhomboid minor
how many joints are typically formed at the vertebral body of T9 ?
typically 10, 14 with rib ligaments
the superior costotransvers ligament of the transverse process of T9 will attach to which rib?
rib 10
how many joints are typically formed at the vertebral body of T10
typically 8, 12 with rib attachments
what feature is commonly observed on the lamina of T10?
para-articular processes
a dimplinf or depression of the skin in the thoracic region is often characteristic of teh location of which segment?
what name is given to T11?
anticlinal verterbra
which levator costrum is absent at T11?
levator costrum longus
which muscles are attached to the vertebral body of T12?
psoas major and psoas minor
what is the orientation of the inferior articular facet of
what parts of the vertebra may be used to distinguish L1-4 from L5 ?
vertebral body , articular process, transverse process , and spinous process
what accounts for the lumbar curve
the vertebral body and intervertebral disc have greater anterior height than posterior
what is the effect of aging on the vertebral body of a lumbar vertebra?
decrease in height and increase in diameter
what muscles may attach to a typical lumbar vertebral body ?
psoas major an dpsoas minor
what is the name given to ligaments which attach vertebral body to articular process?
transforaminal ligaments
what occurs between laminae in a lumbar vertebral couple?
overlap of the laminae, shingling, diminishes
what osseous conditions of the vertebrae facilitate a spoinal tap in this region?
overlap of the laminae diminishes, shingling; overlap of spinous processes diminishes, imbrication
what is the outline of the vertebral foramen of a typical lumbar vertebra?
congenital elongation of the lumbar accesssory process results in what feature ?
styloid process
what muscles attach to the lumbar accessory process ?
longissimus thoracis and intertransversarii
what muscles attach to the transverse processo pf a typical lumbar vertebra?
psoas major , quadratus lumborum, longissimus thoracis, rotator longus, rotator brevis, intertransversarii
which muscles of the transversospinalis muscle groups attach to the transverse process of a typical lumbar ?
the rotators
what muscles will attach to the mammillary process?
multifidis and intertransversarii
what is the names givent to the condition in which one zygapophysis of a vertebral couple lies in the coronal plane and the other zygapophysis lies in the sagital plane or position
joint asymmetry or tropism
what is the location of spondylylosis that will be stressed in spinal II?
a seperation along the pars interarticularis
lumbar spondylylosis has not been reported in what groups of individuals
fetusses, newborns, childern under 5 patients who have never walked and in non-erect species
what is the gender bias and locational bias associates with lumbar spondylolysis ?
men at L5/S1
women at L4/L5
what is the ethnic, gender, and locational bias associated with sacral spondylolysis?
the native alaskan male at the S1 level
what gender bias, locatioal bias, and spinal canal dimensions are associates with type II spondylolisthesis?
isthmic spondylylosis is common in men , located at the L5/S1 level, and demonstrates an increase in sagital diameter of the spinal canal.
identify the amphiarthrosis syndesmosis joint surfaces present on the S1 vertebral body?
superior and inferior ALL sites
superior and inferior PLLsites
what muscles will attach to the sacral mammillary processes ?
from the anterior view, the intervertebral disc of the sacrum will be replaced by what feature?
transverse ridges
an imaginary line drawn down the midline of the sacrum is identified as the ?
median sacral crest
what is the name given to the congenital condition in which the fifth lumbar spinous process is elongated, the sacrum exhibits spina bifida, and dorsiflexion produces pain ?
knife clasp syndrome
an imaginary line drawn from the superior articular process of S1 to the sacral cornu will form what feature?
intermediate sacral crest
an imaginary line drawn from the transverse process of
S1 to the inferior lateral sacral angle will form what feature ?
the lateral sacral crest
what joint classifications are typically present at sacrum ?
amphiarthrosis syndesmosis
amphiarthrosis synphysis
diarthrosis arthrodia
what forms the posterior boundry for the fifth sacral spinal nerve intervertebral foramen?
sacral cornu, coccygeal cornu, superficial dorsal saccroccygeal ligament intercornual ligament
what forms the anterior boundry for the fifth sacral spinal intervertebral foramen?
vertebral body S5, verrtebral body Co1, deep dorsal saccrococcygeal ligament, intervertebral disc
what is another way of implying occipitalization of C1?
atlas assimilation
what is the name given to the joint formed between the odontoid process ossification centers and the centrum of C2
the subdental synchondrosis
what is the name given to the condition in whichj the joint formed between the odontoid process and centrum of C2 persists beyond age 7
os odontoideum
if the joint formed between the tip of the dens and odontoid process centers of ossification persists beyond age 12 what is the condition called?
terminal ossicle
what is the incidenc of lumbar ribs in the population ?
over 7%
what T12 facet orientation changes may accompany dorsalization?
inferior articular facet may change from convex fold,
to flat formed,
superior facet is unchanged
what is charcteristic of lumbarization of S1?
failure of synostosis of S1-S2, squaring of the vertebral body of S1, and the flaring of the sacral ala
what developement events are indicatd in the formation of the adult cervical curve?
centers for vision and equilibrium will appear in the brain, musculature attaching the skull, cervical region, and upper throrax, together developes, the head is held upright, the intervertebral discheight becomes greater anterior than posterior
what is the location for the cervical kyphosis?
between occiput and C1
what infant activities are associated with the development of the lumbar curve?
crawling and walking
iliocostalis lumborum
spinous process T12
rectus capitis anterior
lateral mass C1
middle scalene
costotransverse bar C6
longus capitis
articular process C4
obliquis capitis inferior
lamina C2
longus colli
vertebral body T2
rectus capitis posterio minor
posterior arch C1
longissimus thoracis
accessory process L1
mammillary process L3
splenius cervicis
posterior tubercle C3
longissimus cervicis
articular process C4
quadratus lumborum
transverse process L5
list in order the ligaments forming the anterior boundry of the spinal canal from occiput to Co1
have to find it