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68 Cards in this Set

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Give the various different names for Cranial Nerve VIII
Acoustic, Auditory, Vestibulocochlear, Statoacousticum (pg 38)
C.N. VIII is a purely ______ nerve.
sensory (pg 38)
The _______ nerve is the nerve of hearing and the _______ nerve is the nerve of equilibration.
Cochlear, Vestibular (pg 38)
Cochlear nerve fibers arise from the bipolar neurons located in the __________________.
Spiral Ganglion of Corti (pg 38)
The Spiral Ganglion of Corti is found in the ______________ of the cochlea.
Osseous spiral lamina (pg 38)
The cochlear nerve accompanies the vestibular and then the facial to enter the vault through the _____________ and passes to the medulla oblongata where it attaches
internal acoustic meatus (pg38)
The ______ nerve attaches to the medulla oblongata in the sulcus between the olive and the restiform body.
cochlear (pg 38)
How many nuclei of termination are there for the cochlear nerve?
6 different nuclei of termination (pg 38)
Name the first two nuclei of termination for the cochlear nerve located in the medulla oblongata in front of the restiform body
Tuberculum acousticum (dorsal cochlear) nucleus and the accessory (ventral cochlear) nucleus (pg 38)
Fibers from the tuberculum acousticum arch over the restiform body and end in relation to the __________ on the same side and the opposite side.
Superior Olivary Nucleus (pg 38)
Fibers from the Accessory nucleus run transversely, forming the _______, and end in relation to the Superior Olivary nucleus on the same side, the _______ nucleus on the same side and the opposite side, and a few fibers may pass directly into the lateral lemniscus of the brain.
trapezium, Trapezoid (pg 38)
Most of the fibers of the _________ are from Superior Olivary and Trapezoid nuclei of the same side
Lateral Lemniscus (pg 38)
Fibers of the lateral lemniscus ascend through the pons and initially terminate in the __________.
inferior colliculus
Fibers pass from the inferior colliculus to either _____________ of the metathalamus.
medial geniculate body
The medial geniculate bodies communicate with each other via the ___________________.
Commissure of Gudden
Cortical projections of audition are from the medial geniculate body that end in the ___________ (Broadmann's areas __ and __)
Superior temporal gyrus, 41, 42
Vestibular nerve fibers arise from bipolar neurons located in ______ (vestibular) ganglion.
Scarpa's ganglion gives rise to peripheral processes (dendrites) which are gathered into three bundles, called __________, that end in the labyrinth.
Ampullary Nerves
The _____ Ampullary nerve is the largest and carries impulses from the ampullae of the superior and lateral semicircular ducts and the utricle.
The ______ Ampullary nerve is the smallest and supplies only the saccule.
________ (lateral vestibular) nucleus is the principle vestibular nucleus.
_______ (superior vestibular) nucleus is located just above Dieter's nucleus.
_________ (medial vestibular) nucleus is located just medial to Dieter's.
Fiber's from Dieter's, Schwalbe's, and Bechterew's nuclei form the descending vestibular pathway of the spinal cord (___________) that ends in relation to anterior horn cells of the spinal cord.
vestibulo spinal tract
There is no ___________ for the vestibular nerve. The ________ is considered the brain center.
cortical center, cerebellum
Name the three divisions of the ear.
auditus externa (consisting of the auricula and external canal), auditus media (drum or tympanum), and auditus interna (labyrinth)
The middle ear (tympanum) receives sympathetic fibers from the ___________ that pass into the ear drum through the carotid (anterior) wall
internal carotid plexus
___________ nerves supply the mucous glands of the tympanum, the blood vessels of the ear drum and all of its contents (including the ossicles).
The inner ear is supplied by the ______ nerve which is considered to have communications with the cavernous plexus and supplies blood vessels of the labyrinth.
All of the sympathetic fibers in the head are post ganglionic fibers from the _____________ ganglion.
Superior Cervical
The preganglionic fibers that synapse with those from the superior cervical ganglion are from ____________ (lateral horn) cells of cord levels T1-2.
The writings of D.D. Palmer strongly suggest that his adjustment that restored the hearing of the previously deaf Harvey Lillard was an __________ vertebra.
upper thoracic
The somatic sensory fibers of the ____________ nerve supply the mucous membranes of the pharynx, fauces, palatine tonsils, posterior 1/3 of the tongue, and middle ear (tympanum or ear drum).
The Glossopharyngeal nerve carries somatic motor fibers that supply the ___________ muscle.
The Glossopharyngeal carries _________ fibers for the parotid and mucous glands of the posterior of the tongue and fauces.
The vaso-afferent fibers (of IX) supply blood pressure receptor cells (baroreceptors) of the _______ and chemoreceptor cells of the _______.
Carotid sinus, carotid body
Special visceral afferent fibers of IX carry taste sensation from the taste buds of the _________ of the tongue.
posterior 1/3
In the ________ there are frequently two sensory ganglia of the glossopharyngeal nerve.
Jugular fossa
The ______ ganglion is the superior and smaller (may be absent) sensory ganglion of IX and usually contains the gustatory neurons.
The _______ ganglion is the inferior and larger of the sensory ganglia of IX.
The two nuclei of termination for IX are the nucleus of _______(for general sensation especially nociception) and the nucleus of _______ (for visceral afferent function including gustation)
the spinal trigeminal tract, the tractus solitarius
One nuclei of origin, the ___________ is abundantly related to X and XI, but its relation to IX is only for the innervation of the stylopharyngeus muscle.
nucleus ambiguus
The other nuclei of origin for IX, the ________ gives rise to the visceral secretomotor fibers for the parotid gland and smaller mucous glands, especially on the posterior part of the tongue.
nucleus salivatorius inferioris
Name the communications with the glossopharyngeal nerve.
sympathetic communications between the superior cervical ganglion and the petrous ganglion, with the vagus between the petrous ganglion of IX and the jugular ganglion and with the auricular nerve, and with the facial nerve after it exits the stylomastoid foramen
The ________ (Jacobson) arises from the petrous ganglion, passes into the middle ear through the floor where it communicates with the caroticotympanic nerve of the sympathetic nervous system to form the tympanic plexus.
Tympanic nerve
The sensory fibers from the _____ ganglion supply mucous membrane of the ear drum.
The postganglionic fibers arising from the ____ ganglion are conducted by the auriculotemporal nerve of the trigeminal to the parotid gland and the lingual branch of IX to the posterior lingual glands.
The __________ (Hering) nerve carries impulses from blood pressure receptor cells of the carotid sinus and chemoreception from the carotid body.
Carotid Sinus
The ________ nerve is composed of fibers primarily from the petrous ganglion and is sensory for the mucous membranes of the throat.
The Pharyngeal nerve communicates with the _______ nerve to form the pharyngeal plexus.
The ___________ tests the sensory portion of the Glossopharyngeal nerve.
gag reflex
The gag reflex is created by two nerves: The _______ nerve supplies somatic sensory fibers to the lining of the throat and the ________ nerve supplies muscles of the throat.
Glossopharyngeal, Vagus
The Stylopharyngeus nerve (fibers from the _______) supplies the stylopharyngeus muscle.
nucleus ambiguus
The Tonsillar nerve (fibers from the __________) supplies mucous membranes of the fauces, soft palate and palatine tonsil.
petrous ganglion
The Lingual nerve (from cells in ________ and _______ when present) carries two types of fibers; special visceral afferents and somatic sensory.
petrous ganglion, jugular ganglion
Name the three cortical centers of cranial nerve IX.
The postcentral gyrus (B.A. 1,2,3) of the parietal lobe, parietal operculum (B.A. 43) and precentral gyrus of the frontal lobe (B.A. 4)
The _____________ nerve is the longest cranial nerve as it supplies structures in the head, neck, thorax and abdomen, and is the largest component of the parasympathetic nervous system.
Pneumogastric (Vagus)
The Vagus has a minor gustatory function as a few special visceral afferent fibers carry taste sensation from the tatsebuds scattered on or about the ________.
Name the two sensory ganglia associated with the Vagus nerve and name their anatomical cell type.
jugular ganglion, nodose ganglion, unipolar
Name the two nucleus of termination of the Vagus.
Spinal trigeminal tract nucleus (somatic sensory, especially pain) and the nucleus of the tractus solitarius (visceral afferent, including taste)
____ and _____ are the two nuclei of origin for the vagus, and both are located in the M.O.
nucleus ambiguus, nucleus ala cinerea
The __________ is the parasympathetic visceral motor nucleus and is the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus
nucleus ala cinerea
The ________ gives rise to somatic motor fibers and is the ventral motor nucleus of the vagus, although these fibers are initially carried by the bulbar portion of the accessory nerve (XI)
nucleus ambiguus
Name the communications at the jugular ganglion of the Vagus.
the bulbar portion of the spinal accessory n., the petrous ganglion of the glossopharyngeal n., indirectly with the sympathetic system via the jugular n. from the superior cervical ganglion, and with the facial n. via the auricular branch of the vagus
Name the communications at the nodose ganglion of the Vagus.
directly with the superior cervical ganglion of the sympathetic nervous system, with the hypoglossal n., and with the loop formed by the ventral primary divisions of spinal nerves C1 and C2 of the cervical plexus.
The _________ nerve supplies sensory fibers to the dura mater.
Recurrent Meningeal
The __________ supplies sensory fibers to the posterior of the auricula and the lining of the external acoustic meatus and canal. It has communications with the sympathetic nervous system and facial nerve.
Auricular nerve of Arnold
The ___________ is formed by the vagus n., pharyngeal n., and the glossopharyngeal n.
pharyngeal plexus