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40 Cards in this Set

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Law of simultaneous complimentary colors

The optical "flicker" that occurs at the intersecting edge of two complimentary colors of equal value and intensity.

The red and green circle

Dominant/recessive colors

The tendency of colors to advance or recede spatially within a given painting. Warm colors tend to come forward and cool tend to recede. Bright/intense/warm colors tend to come forward and cooler/duller/neutral tend to recede.


Two kinds: 1) actual, tactile texture of the paint or surface of the painting. 2) visually implied through illusionistic description.


Application of thinned/fluid transparent color over an area or the whole painting.


To scrub a thin, dry, semitransparent color on the surface of another color to unify, soften or create texture; usually accomplished with a dry brush, rag, sponge or finger.


The relationship of "positive" form & "negative" space; the illusion of spatial push/pull relationships within a picture plane created by the interaction of edges, overlap, chroma/intensity, placement, scale.

This is in front of that

Picture plane

The physical and optical surface of the painting. In the traditional metaphor of a painting as a "window"

The picture plane is the window pane itself


The actual, measurable, objective size of a painting or of the objects/subjects within a painting


The relative size of objects/subjects within the painting/format, or of the painting to the viewer


The size, material, and shape of the surface/substrate upon which a painting is painted; the boundaries & directions if painting

Focal point

The area in a composition that the artist decides is the center of interest; indicated by size, value contrast, detail, placement, color/intensity, etc.

Atmospheric perspective

Neutralizing or graying of color as forms recede from the observer to indicate depth/distance


The arrangement of parts into a cohesive, integrated whole


Our psychological/physiological capacity to transfer our bodies into something outside ourselves.


Use of specific emphasis on form of the purpose of creating distinctive visual effect through the exaggeration of proportion, shape, color or other visual qualities.


The use of stark light and dark to create a sense of volume within a drawing or painting.


Subtle graduations of light and shadow that are so subtle as to appear atmospheric or "smokey"


The visible trace if earlier painting beneath a layer or layers if paint on a canvas.


A toned ground to begin a painting: a middle tone if transparent color washed or stumbled scumbled over a white priming-ground.


Paint applied in a very thick, three-dimensional manner.


The specific name we give a color; not just "red" but "cadmium red". The visual quality that distinguishes one color from another


Degree of lightness or darkness of a color relative to its surroundings

Intensity chroma

Degree if saturation, or pigment concentration within a given color


Quality of a color that allows it to optically appear to be "warm" or "cool." The "direction" if a color on a color wheel is a general way of determining the warmth/coolness if hues. Towards red= warm, towards blue= cool


A color mixed with white. This makes the value lighter and lowers the intensity/chroma.


A color mixed with black. This makes the value darker & lowers the intensity/chroma


Black & white only, without additional color/chroma


One color mixed with black & white to alter value

Local color

The observable, intrinsic color or value of an object in an even light and without shadow

Neutral color/tone

Color that had been dulled, greyed, or has a neutral appearance where the chromatic quality has been altered by mixing with grey or a compliment of that color

Complementary colors

Colors directly opposite on the color wheel: red & green, yellow & violet, blue & orange. The strongest contrast

Primary colors

Red, yellow, blue. Three basic, irreducible elements of color that can be mixed together to create all the other colors; primary cannot be mixed from other colors.

Secondary colors

Color made if any two primary colors: greens, oranges, purple & violets

Tertiary colors

A color made with any combo of all three primary colors

Intermediate colors

Guess that fall between a primary & secondary color. Made by mixing adjoining colors primary & secondary colors: yellow-green, red-violet, blue-green, red-orange

Analogius colors

Side by side colors on the color wheel, not exceeding more than 1/2 way around the wheel

Transparent colors

Color that you can see through

Opaque colors

Color you cannot see through

Broken color

When underlying hues appear through breaks/openings in the upper layers if paint to produce optical mixtures

Reflected (ambient) color

The color of a form that is modified by the colors/light around it