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82 Cards in this Set

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Ascending Pain Pathway: Overview
Stimulation of nociceptors causes release of substance P and/or glutamate in the dorsal horns
This activates neurons in the ascending spinothalamic tract (AST)
The AST projects primarily to the reticular formation and periaqueductal grey (PAG; dull pain) or to the PAG to thalamus to somatosensory cortex (sharp pain)
Pain Modulation.
The endogenous opioid system is very important in the modulation of pain.
The Modulation of Pain Occurs in Two Ways:
Raising the threshold for pain perception
Increasing the tolerance for pain perception
Raising the threshold for pain perception
Descending pain pathway
Signals from higher brain centers intercept and modulate incoming nociceptive signals at the level dorsal horns via opioid activity (the Descending Pain Pathway)
Pain signals sent to the brain are diminished
Peripheral nerve endings
Immunocytes release opioids to modulate reactivity of nociceptors
There are two components to the perception of pain:
1. Sensory (nociception)
•Pain occurs via stimulation of pain receptors
•Pain sensations are transmitted via the Ascending Pain Pathway

Pain perception is modulated via the Descending Pain Pathway and directly at peripheral pain receptors
2. Psychological (“affective”)
•Related to a person’s state of mind
•Modulated by many intrinsic and extrinsic factors
Increasing the pain threshold via the Descending Pain Pathway
Increasing the pain threshold via the Descending Pain Pathway
Summary of the Descending Pain Pathway
The perception of pain causes higher brain centers to stimulate the release of enkephalon in the spinal horns to diminish the activity of incoming nociceptive signals
Nociception is the sensory perception of pain. It occurs through pain receptors known as “nociceptors”.

Nociceptors are free nerve endings
Nociceptors fall into three main classes that correspond to:
There are two primary neurotransmitters released from nociceptive fibers in the dorsal horn:
1.Substance P
The modulation of pain occurs in two ways:
1. Pain modulation by raising the threshold for pain perception (neurochemical modulation)
•Involves the sensation of pain
•Two areas of modulation:

1. Raising the threshold for pain via modulation of the Descending pain pathway
Pain modulation by increasing the tolerance for pain (“psychological” modulation)

Pain is still perceived, but the individual is less concerned by it

This is the affective component of pain that occurs in higher brain centers

Pain tolerance is greatly affected by individual temperament (cognitive and emotional disposition), environmental setting, and other factors, for example, anxiety tends to intensify pain

Pain tolerance is modulated by higher brain centers and includes endogenous opioid activity, for example, β-endorphin modulates anxiety in the amygdala
Increasing the pain threshold via the modulation of peripheral sensory nerves
decreasing overall pain sensation
circulating leukocytes are attracted to injured area and cause release of opioids not Ca dependent
Increasing the tolerance for pain perception
Pain is still perceived, but the individual is less concerned by it
This is the affective component of pain that occurs in higher brain centers
Affective Component of Pain Modulation: Increasing the Tolerance for Pain
Pain tolerance is greatly affected by individual temperament (cognitive and emotional disposition), environmental setting, and other factors
For example, anxiety can intensify pain
Pain tolerance is modulated by higher brain centers and includes endogenous opioid activity
For example, B-endorphin modulates activity in the amygdala, a structure important in fear and anxiety
Summary of the Pain System:
Sensory component of pain
Transmission through the Ascending Pain Pathway (nociception  dorsal horns  spinothalamic tract  brain)
Modulation through opioid receptors in the Descending Pain Pathway
Raising threshold for pain
Modulation through opioid receptors on Peripheral Nociceptors
Raising threshold for pain
Affective component of pain
Modulation through opioid receptors in higher brain centers
Raising tolerance for pain
The endogenous opioid system is the main mechanism through which pain is modulated
Opioids modulate pain in the brain (increase pain tolerance), in the spinal cord (decrease pain perception), and at sensory nerve endings (decrease pain perception).
Among pain relief medications, opioids are unique in that they act on both the sensory and affective components of pain. As such, opioid drugs inhibit incoming nociceptive signals at the level of the spinal cord to modulate the sensory component of pain and they also can act at higher brain centers to modulate the affective component of pain

Opioid drugs “take advantage” of the endogenous opioid system to relieve pain.
There are three broad classes of opioid drugs:
Systemic or local administration of opioid drugs
inhibits incoming nociceptive signals (raising the threshold for pain).
Systemically administered opioid drugs act at
higher brain centers (e.g., the amygdala) to modulate the affective component of pain (increasing the tolerance for pain).
Opioid drugs fall into two main structural groups:
Morphine analogues
*May be agonists, partial agonists, or antagonists

Synthetic derivatives with structures unrelated to morphine
*May be agonists or partial agonists
Opiate drugs
Pure agonists
Morphine, codeine, oxymorphone, dextropropoxyphene, oxycodone


Etorphine, bremazocine

Fentanyl, sufentanil
Partial/mixed agonists
Pentazocine, ketocyclazocine
opioid Antagonists
Naltrexene, diprenorphine
Endogenous peptides
Pharmacologic actions of opioid agonists and partial agonists
Opioid agonists and partial agonists have a wide variety of effects, both in the central nervous system and in the periphery. The specific effects of any individual drug are due to such factors as opioid receptor binding profile, distribution, and metabolism.
Neuronal activity
central effects of opioids
•Reduction in neuronal firing
•Inhibition of neurotransmitter release
Major Central Effects
Increase in pain tolerance
*Awareness or concern of pain is reduced
*Pain is no longer all-consuming
*Dependent on many factors (individual temperament, setting, etc.)

Increase in pain threshold
*Indirect stimulation of serotonin and norepinephrine neurons (PAG, locus coeruleus, Raphe nucleus)
*Inhibition of substance P release in axon terminals of nociceptive fibers entering the dorsal horn

decreasing pain signals getting to the brain
Major Central Effects
respiratory depression
•Inhibition of brain stem respiratory centers
•Depressed response to PCO2 leading to depressed respiration rate
•Slight rise in PCO2 due to decreased respiration rate (this causes cerebral vasodilation which leads to increased CSF pressure; this effect is more pronounced in the presence of head injury)
•May not be tolerated in individuals with any kind of respiratory impairment
•This effect is not separable from analgesic effects
•The effect is additive with other CNS depressants (alcohol, barbiturates, benzodiazepines)
what happens to the body's response to CO2 when taking opioids
the bady becomes less sensitive so respiration decreases
Major Central Effects
mood changes
•The majority of users experience euphoria (relaxed, dreamy, floating sensation; freedom from anxiety or stress)
•A minority experience dysphoria (apprehension, anxiety, malaise)
Major Central Effects
•Drowsiness, fogginess
•Sleep is frequently induced in the elderly
•Degree of sedation varies among the drugs
•Normally, the patient is easily aroused
•The effect is additive (possibly synergistic) with other CNS depressants
central effects of opioids
Excitation occurs in some other species (cats, horses, cows, pigs) and in some humans at low doses
central effects of opioids miosis
Pupil constriction
Very little tolerance develops to this effect
central effects of opioids
central effects of opioids
(prevention of cough reflex)
central effects of opioids
central effects of opioids
Inhibition of hypothalamic thermoregulatory mechanisms
Ability to maintain constant temperature is impaired
Body temperature is dependent on ambient temperature
central effects of opioids
Disruption of Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep

not getting quality sleep
peripheral effects of opioids
histamine release
•Increased release of histamine from mast cells (this effect is unrelated to opioid receptors)
•Causes arterial and venous dilatation
•Can potentially cause hypotension, cutaneous flushing, and loss of body heat

like an allergic reaction, but not a true one just sensitive to this SE
peripheral effects of opioids
GI effects

Contraction of biliary sphincter (may cause increased pain in patients with GI distress)

Contraction of bladder sphincter (may cause painful urine retention)

Increased tone of GI tracts, biliary tracts, ureter

Reduced peristaltic movement causing delayed fecal passage and increased water absorption from large intestine (constipation)
peripheral effects of opioids
cardaic affects
Mild bradycardia (slowing of pulse)

Decrease in blood pressure due to pain relief
PO advantages (opioids)
Prolonged and smooth effect
Avoidance of discomfort of injection
Well absorbed from GI tract
May be easily administered by patient
PO disadvantages (opioids)
Potency of some drugs may be reduced due to first pass metabolism in liver; drugs with free hydroxyl group undergo conjugation with glucoronic acid, for example, morphine
Slow onset of action (up to or over 30 minutes)
GI discomfort
Subcutaneous or intramuscular
(opioids) advantages and disadvantages
*Rapid onset of action (5-15 minutes)
*No reduction in potency due to first pass metabolism
*Requires discomfort of injection
*May be difficult for patient to self-administer
*Increased risk of infection
IV (opioids) advantages and disadvantages
Almost instant onset of action
No reduction in potency due to first pass metabolism
Requires discomfort of IV catheter
May be difficult for patient to self-administer
Increased risk of infection
Very sudden onset
(opioids) advantages
Direct injection into the spinal epidural or subarachnoid space
Mixtures of opioids/local anesthetics may be used
Localized effect (not systemic)
Less respiratory depression and nausea
(opioids) disadvantages
A small percentage of patients still suffer nausea and/or respiratory depression
“Low pressure” headaches can occur if the dura mater is punctured
Certain types of pain are unresponsive
Increased risk of spinal cord damage, infection
Patient controlled analgesia (PCA) advantages for opioids
IV, subcutaneous, epidural routes are available
Provides patient maximal control over analgesia
Pre-set “lockout” time to prevent overdose
Possibly reduced side effects
Simple to use
Patient feels more in control
Percutaneous admin for opioids
Transdermal patches for sustained analgesia (fentanyl; 3 days)
Should not be used immediately following surgery due to respiratory depression associated with its use
Very slow onset of action, so oral drugs may be needed initially
Works well for our four-legged friends
nasal spray for opioids
Rapid onset of action
Increased bioavailability (no first pass effect)
Very convenient
Absorption of opioid drugs
Most are well absorbed from GI tract
Serum protein binding varies from drug to drug (30-85% bound) probably contributing to half-life differences
Many of the drugs undergo first-pass metabolism decreasing bioavailability
Duration of analgesic action ranges from 1-6+ hours
Distribution of opiod drugs
• Metabolism of opioid drugs
Local vs. Systemic Administration of opioids
Local (e.g., epidural)
Requires an injection
Source of pain must be localized and known
Do not get benefit of affective effects
Avoids some side effects
Systemic (e.g., IV, oral)
Increased side effects
Does not always have to be injected
Do get benefits of affective effects
kidney impairment and morphine
typically 90% of the active metabolites of morphine (morphine-6-glucuronide and morphine-3-glucoronice) are renally eliminated

therefore when a patient has renal impairment the active metabolites accumulated and enter the CNS
Tolerance to Opioid Drugs
Tolerance: reduced effect to equivalent dose
Degree of tolerance depends on drug and response being measured
Time course:
Rapid (2-3 weeks or less): analgesia
Slow (>2-3 weeks): respiratory depression, nausea
Not at all: miosis, constipation
Time course of tolerance in opioids
how can tolerance be minimized with opioids
minimized with smaller doses and longer dosing interval
is opioid tolerance functional or metabolic
functional: so the receptors are being altered

It is not the drug being metabolized more
is there cross tolerace with opioids
Cross-tolerance develops with all opioid agonists (but not antagonists)
Physical dependence of opioids
Prolonged use produces abstinence or withdrawal syndrome:
Sleeplessness, tremor, irritability, hallucinations, seizures
Severity is dependent on specific drug and duration of exposure
Drugs with a slow elimination produce less severe withdrawal than drugs that act quickly, intensely, and briefly (for example, methadone vs. heroin)
Typical time course: 2-3 weeks of consistent use
Psychological dependence of opioids
Agonist; high affinity for u receptor
Routes of administration: oral, IM, IV, subcutaneous, epidural, suppository
High abuse potential
Reduced oral bioavailability (because of glucaronidation)
clinical uses of morphine
Analgesia (moderate to severe and chronic pain)
Preoperative sedation
Myocardial infarction
Pulmonary edema
Abdominal surgical or cancer patients (epidural)
Morphine has some adverse effects and contraindications and so should not be used in individuals with:
morpine contraindications
Hypersensitivity reactions
Respiratory depression
Cranium injuries, raised intracranial pressure
Compromised renal function
Agonist; morphine analogue
Less potent than morphine
Typically administered orally
Excellent bioavailability
Clinical uses:
Mild to moderate pain
Side effects:
Very sedating at analgesic doses

one less OH group makes it more bioavaiable
Morphine has a reduced oral bioavailabilty due to _____________and an active metabolite ______________ during chronic administration.
first pass metabolism (glucuronidation

morphine-6-glucuronide) that accumulates
is a morphine analogue and agonist, but is somewhat less potent than morphine, so it is used primarily for analgesia when the pain is mild to moderate. It is also used as an antitussive. Codeine has few side effects at low antitussive doses, but at analgesic doses it can be quite sedating. It has excellent oral bioavailability and so is typically administered orally. In addition, it produces little euphoria, so the abuse potential is low. It is commonly used in combination with nonopioid analgesics, for example, acetaminophen.
Agonist; phenylpiperidine
Little antitussive activity or constipative effects
Administered orally (reduced bioavailability), IM, subcutaneous
Clinical uses:
Analgesia for pulmonary patients and cancer patients
Side effects:
Tachycardia, blurred vision, dry mouth
Metabolite (normeperidine) is proconvulsant and hallucinogenic (should not be used in patients with compromised renal or liver function)
Agonist; piperidine
Very potent analgesic (80-100 times greater than morphine)
Administered transdermally or IV
Slow onset of action
Clinical uses:
Adjunct to anesthesia
Possible teratogenic effects
High incidence of SIDS
Bradycardia, hypotension
SE meperidine
Tachycardia, blurred vision, dry mouth
Metabolite (normeperidine) is proconvulsant and hallucinogenic (should not be used in patients with compromised renal or liver function)
clinical uses of meperidine
Analgesia for pulmonary patients and cancer patients
Agonist; morphine analogue
Potent analgesic (5-7 times greater than morphine)
Less nausea than morphine
Levorphanol clinical uses
Preoperative anxiolytic
Adjunct to anesthesia
Agonist; unique structure
Tolerance and physical dependence slower to develop than morphine
Longer duration and better oral bioavailability than morphine
methadone clinical uses
Replacement therapy in treatment of opioid dependence
drug interacations and methadone
Tricyclic antidepressants and benzodiazepines inhibit metabolism leading to increased accumulation, prolonged half-life, intensified effects