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30 Cards in this Set

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Inhibits reuptake of NE and serotonin; OD=life threatening CV effects
Phenytoin and Carbamazepine
Block Na+ channel conduction; carb is more potent
Binds voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels; may develop tolerance
COXII selective; ankylosing spondylitis, pain, OA, RA, Crohn's disease, colorectal polyps; 2D6 inhibitor; Contra pregnancy d/t premature closure of patent ductus arteriosis
COXII selective; pain, OA, RA, Dysmenorrhea; increased CV ADR; contra pregnancy
Ankylosing spondylitis, Gout
Binds to different site on COXII than others; not approved d/t liver failure
Somewhat selective for COXII inhibitor; may cause tinnitus, does not affect GI so much
Non-salicylic NSAIDS
HA, mostly for anti-inflamm; Similar mech as aspirin; reversible cox inhibitor; naproxen and piroxicam= more potent and longer 1/2 lives; less severe GI effects than aspirin; risk of hypersensitivity d/t shift toward leukotriene pathway
Centrally + peripherally inhibits PG synthesis; anti-inflamm at high doses; decreased PGI2 and decreased TXA2= decreased platelet aggregation; decrease colon cancer; stimulate respiratory center; GI bleeds; Tinnitus, vertigo; prolong gestation, spontaneous abortion; bronchoconstriction; contra gout
Centrally inhibits PG synthesis in hypothalamus; Toxic CYP450 metabolites can cause hepatic necrosis; contra-ppl who drink >3 EtOH per day
APAP Toxic Dose
200mg/kg for children; 6-7g for adults; less can cause problems in ppl taking INH, phenobarbital, excessive EtOH or ppl fasting or w/poor nutrition
APAP OD clinical presentation
Before 24 Hrs- maybe GI, transient rise in prothrombin time; After 24-48 Hrs- increased liver transaminases, acute liver failure, hypoglycemia, encephalopathy, metabolic acidosis, rise in PT/INR
APAP OD diagnosis
Take serum APAP level initially, after 4Hrs, 8Hrs; use nomogram to predict likelihood of toxicity in acute overdose
APAP OD Treatment
Use NAC if serum levels above upper "toxicity" line (must be given within 8-16Hrs); Use IV NAC if oral route compromised; Give PO as 17 doses in 4-6Hr intervals over 72Hrs; IV only give 20Hrs w/successful outcome; continue administering NAC until liver function tests improve; Do not give charcoal if >3-4Hrs have passed
NSAID Toxicity
moreso w/1st generation (phenylbutazone, oxyphenbutazone, mefenamic acid, piroxicam, diflunisal); OD generally asymptomatic; treat w/charcoal
Full M agonist; labor to increase contractions; less potent; better PO; less GI, antitussive, resp depression; increased siezures, hypotension
Hydromorphone, Oxymorphone, Levorphanol
Full M agonist; more potent
Methadone, Levomethaldyl, Acetylmethadol
Full M agonist; for opiate addiction; longer 1/2 life; withdrawal Sx delayed and last longer
Full M agonist; 100x more potent; IV for anesthesia; Transderm for chronic pain; Transmucossally for preanesthetic
Sulfentanyl, Alfentanyl, Remifentanyl
Full M agonist; IV for induction in maintenance in surgery; rapid onset; brief duration
Partial M agonist; antitussive; less potent; siezures
Hydrocodone, Oxycodone
Partial M agonist; Similar to codeine
Partial M agonist; less effective than ASA; serious resp depression
Produces analgesia thru both opioid and non-opioid mechs; analog of codeine
Pentazocine, Nalbuphine, Butorphanol, Buprenorphine, Dezocine
K + M mixed antag/ags; Butorphanol sublingual for opioid dependence b/c slow dissociation; less abuse potential; serious resp depression; can precipitate withdrawal; more likely to cause dysphoria; psychomimetic ADR
M receptor antagonist; not orally effective; for opioid OD, esp to reverse resp depression post-op; short 1/2 life; may precipitate withdrawal
longer 1/2 life than naloxone
longest 1/2 life