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81 Cards in this Set

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all rocks that are volcanic

extrusive and intrusive


basalt, magma is exposed to the atmosphere with rapid cooling


granite, intrudes underground and cools very slowly


formed out of sediment


non clastic


sandstone, formed from pieces of eroded other rock

non clastic

formed from dead plant material and skeletal remains

crustal plate


slide around on semi molten cushion

thin and hard

oceanic and continental


thin and dense, basalt


thick not dense, granite

what is subduction and why does it happen

plates colliding at 90 degress, one tectonic plate moves under another

where are some active subduction zones

crater lake, mt st. helen, lassen

where is a major zone of sea floor spreading

atlantic and mid atlantic ridge

enviornmental limits governing spatial extent of plant or animal species

physical, biological, cultural


food source, habitiat, competition, predation, reporoduction, disease


soil, water availability, temp., depth , altitude


deforestation, hunting, chemical waste, adding exotic species, runoff


totality of interactions among organisms and the enviorment in the area of consideration


the transition zone between viotic communities in which they are typical species of one community intermigle with those of another

what is a biome and give exapmles

a large recognizable assemblage of plants and animals in functional interaction with its environment

ex. tropical rainfroest, tropical deciduous forest, desert, tundra, tropical shrub, mediterranean woodland

what is bergman's rule and how dose it explain for various sizes of animals

warm blooded animals,

as one moves polar the ratio of surface area

volume decrease and as one moves toward equator ratio of surface area and volume increase

warmer areas=smaller animals

colder areas= larger animals

waht is sclerophyllous vegetation and where is it found

found 1500-3000 ft. up

woody plants with leaves coated in wax that are highly flamable

what is meant by an edaphic control

soil control

what is meant by vertical zonation and apply it to the casacades and sierra nevada area

substitue elevation for latitude, increase in elevation mimics increase in latitude

what is a hot spot and how does it relate to Hawaii

Hawaii is one, it is a puncture in the crust that access molten material. area of volcanic activity within the interior of lithospheric plates associated with magma rising

what type of volcano comprise the island of Hawaii

Shield volcanoes

what are its traits and structural profile and viscosity and how often it erupts (Hawaii)

low silica, 2 types of lava

low silica

occur more frequently (6-10 yr)

thin lava that moves fast


thin and ropey


thick and chunky

where are what are emperor seamounts

in Hawaii and under the sea range that reaches sea level once Hawaii hits

Where is the cascades

Washington, Oregon, and North Cali

what types of volcanoes cascades

cinder and compostite


smaller, all over, silica which is thick and slow


big, lava, mud flow, fire rock

barriers to transportation?


any rivers cross? talk about crater lake

no rivers connect to crater lake, it is inside of a volcano, snow contributes to the fill of it

what is pumice desert

broad flat that was covered in ash and pumice more than 200 ft. deep in some places from the explosion of mt. Mazama

what is captive lake

no fish or rivers flow into it.

how is captive lakes water levels mainainted

snowfall and rain, direct seepage and evaporation govern it

how often do eruptions occur and how does it compare to Hawaii

eruptions in cascades do not occur nearly as much


solid rock fragments thrown in air by explosion

where is Columbia plateau

Washington, Oregon, and Idaho

What is Loess soil

a wind deposited silt that is fine grained, and usually tan in color.

wind blown and very fertile

what are the Palous hills

Hill that is semi arid and wheat crops grown here

semi arid

precipitation and soil moisture 50-100%

Hells canyon

was made from the notch carved out by snake river

Blue and Steen Mountain

both between 9-10,000 ft.

When is Cali's rainy season


dry season


how do the plants at lower elevation adapt to summer drought


what type of rock dominates Sierra Nevada


what is a batholith

largest and most amorphous of ingenious intrusions

what is the profile of S.N and how does the fault on east influence slopes

intrusive volcanoes

gradual west slope (4.5%)

east slope (15%)

fault on east side is a normal fault

accounts for half of the uplift and the pluton of granite accounts for the other

what type of fault is the fault in S.N

normal vertical

what is meant by exfoliated granite

peeling away of very thin rock from weathering

sequoia gigantia or sierran redwoods

biggest trees in the world volume wise

found in central part

serotenous cones that open with fire

protected trees

very old

role of Yosemite and hetch hetchy project in the SanFran water supply

dam built

gravity flow aqueduct

very good water

dams and reservoirs in lower elevation

Consequences of severely burned soil at 3 in.

severe erosion, flooding, hard to regrow forest

what forestry practice caused the rim rire

a hunter's illegal fire

winds made blaze grow big

possible impacts of SanFran water supply

fire crept toward reservoir

what is plagio climax

an area or habitat where the influences of humans have prevented the ecosystem from developing furter

Where is the basin and range

Between Sierra Nevada and Rockies

what is special about the drainage in basin and range

internal drainage

internal drainage

rivers do not make it to the ocean, they flow into the basin and dry up

Humboldt river

longest river in Nevada

Just ends and does not go to ocean

gives way to transportation

what is a playa

lowest spot in basin, water collects here, dry most of the year, bad soil

what and where are the bonneville salt flats and great salt lake

in Utah, has more salt than Pacific Ocean, biggest lake in U.S but shallow, has internal drainage with rivers flowing into it

Where did the salt come from

climate change

where in the basin is there best soil

alluvial fans


structural highland bounded by parallel upthrows


structural lowland bounded by parallel faults with downthrows facing in

why is death valley so how and dry

1.7 in. of rain a year, lack of wind and water, lack of water which is normally used in evaporation but with no water then solar energy

what are bristlecone pines

found in white inyo mountain, open when burned

what are alluvial fans

found at bottom of ranges where stream exit the mountain and enter basin, have good soil

alluvial fans

a fan shaped depositional feature of alluvium laid down by a stream issuing from a mountain canyon


dry lakebed in basin

an emphemeral stream

a stream that carries water only during the wet season or during and immediately after it rains

erosive patters of an epmphemeral stream

few times these flows are intense will cause erosion, transportation, deposition.

radial drainage

pattern occurs when the tributaries flow radially outward and downward from a central topographic high. typical in volcanic cones and elevated domes

antecedent drainage

such a stream is believed to maintain its course across a developing fold or fault.

dendritic drainage

tree like, uniform rock resistance to fluvial incision