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12 Cards in this Set

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Age range for:

Infant (Early + Late)



School age


0 - 28 d Neonate

1 - 6 mo Early infant

6 - 12 mo Late infant

12-36 mo Toddler

3 - 5 y Pre-school

5 - 12 y School age

12 - 18 y Adolescent

What information is available in the parent held child health record (red book)?

1. Growth charts

2. Immunisation record

3. Health visitor visits

4. Expected developmental milestones

5. Advice about safety in the home.

Must know hx of 8 mo w/ Fever

1. Duration

2. Generally well or unwell

3. How are they feeding?

4. Coryzal symptoms? (Cough; Diarrhoea; Rash)

5. Other siblings unwell?

Must know hx of 4 yo w/ diarrhoea + vomiting

1. Duration

2. # + nature of stools

3. Worsening or Progressing?

4. Txs tried?

5. How are they feeding?

6. Other siblings unwell?

Must know hx of 2 yo w/ Suspected fit

1. Before / During / After

2. Associated symptoms (Fever?)

3. Previous fits?

4. Medication

5. FmHx (Epilepsy; Febrile convulsions)

6. Neurodevelopmental status

Must know hx of 10 yo w/ Wheeze

1. Duration

2. Prev episodes?

3. Tried Txs

4. Prev admissions to hospital

5. Exercise tolerance

6. School attendance

7. Noctural symptoms

8. Precipitants

9. FmHx Atopy

10. Smoking in family

Must know hx of 10 mo that is not sitting

1. Motor development (Head control; Rolling; Crawling; Standing)

2. Fine motor development

3. Social development

4. Language development

5. Pregnancy-/Delivery-/Gestation-complications

6. FmHx

7. Consanguinity

Must know hx of 3 yo not gaining weight

Prev weight gain

Stool habit

Feeding history

General health


Must know hx of 2 yo w/ not moving L arm


Associated pain

Fever, rash or bruising or redness

General health (?malignancy or sepsis)

Family structure; who first noted problem; who was caring for the child (?NAI/trauma)

Must know hx of 6 yo w/ Rash

Blanching ?


Associated fever


Is the child well or unwell


Associated symptoms (coryzal, sore throat, joint pains, conjunctivitis)

Contact with chickenpox/measles

Immunisation history.

Contra-indications to immunisations

1. On-going illness with fever (not URTI alone)

2. No live vaccines for immunodeficient

3. Prev anaphylactic Rx to same vaccine

4. Evolving neuro condition

! Egg allergy is NOT contra-indication for MMR

What are the possible adverse effects of immunisation?

Irritability and fever

@ (DTaP < 48 h; MMR ~5-7 days)

Local reaction (redness, swelling, pain)