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19 Cards in this Set

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The urinary and reproductive systems develop from?

The immediate mesoderm

How many kidney organ system do we have during embryogenesis ?

Name them






What about these?

In human being, 2 primitive kidney systems , the pronephros and mesonephros become vestigial but act as inducers of the definitive metanephric kidney

At about 34 weeks, The uretral bud arises from....

Arises from the mesonephric duct near it's junction with the cloaca.

About bilateral renal agenesis

1. Define

2. Familial or not

3. Which sex is more affected? F or M

4. Which amniotic fluid anomaly is present?

5. What else?

6. List 5 features of the potters Facies

7. What makes up the potter's syndrome

8 treatment

1.there is a total absence of both kidneys

2. Non-familial

3. Male more

4. Oligohydramnions

5. Small for age, stillborn

6. Low set or malformed ears , prominent epicanthic folds, birdlike nose, small receding chin

7. Pulmonary Hypoplasia ( respiratory distress) , limb defect, Facies

8. No effective treatment is available, as even kidney transplant does not enhance survival

Define dysplasia

Is a Histological term describing structural maldevelopment, disorganization and persistence of embryonic element e.g cartilage, smooth muscle.

Define oligomeganephronia

Is a condition characterized by small kidneys with reduced number of nephrons which are abnormally large.

oligomeganephronia patients present with?




Salt wasting

Concentration defect


Adult polycystic kidney disease Vs infantile polycystic kidney disease

And autosomal inheritance

Adult polycystic kidney disease - autosomal Dominant

Infantile polycystic kidney disease - autosomal recessive

Location of the kidneys

The metanephros during development ascends from its initial position at the level of the approximately 4th lumbar vertebrae to approximately the first lumbar vertebrae

This is accompanied by medial rotation.

Disturbances or arrest of this process can lead to abnormal position and shape of the kidneys and to their fusion across the the midline

Duplication of the ureter results from?

Premature branching of the ureteral bud.

It may be complete or partial.

Investigation for Diagnosis of duplication of the ureter

Intravenous pyelogram

Complications that can raise form duplication of the ureter




Dribbling of urine

Recurrent infection

Prune - belly syndrome is triad of

1. Absent abdominal muscles

2. Undescended testis

3. Urinary tract dilatation ( malformations )

In children, ........ Are the commonest cause of obstruction to the urinary tract.

Congenital anomalies

Causes of

1. Lower urinary tract obstruction

2. Upper urinary tract obstruction

A. Lower urinary tract obstruction

1. Posterior urethral valves

2. Posterior urethral diverticulum

3. Bladder diverticulum

4. Anterior urethral valve

5. Anterior urethral diverticulum

6. Anterior urethral polyps

7. Urethral strictures

8. Urethral polyps

9. Meatal stenosis

10. Calculi

B. Upper urinary tract obstruction

1. Ureteropelvic junction obstruction - intrinsic abnormalities, kinks, banda, etc

2. Ureteric stenosis

3. Ureterocele

4. Aberrant vessels

5. Fibrous bands

6. Ureteric valve

The commonest site of upper urinary tract obstruction is

The Ureteropelvic junction

At any age, heamaturia following

minor abdominal trauma is highly suggestive of


Hydronephrosis secondary is Ureteropelvic junction obstruction is relatively common.

Unilateral cases frequently involve the left kidney.

....... constituent the commonest cause of obstructive uropathy in male children

Posterior urethral valves