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226 Cards in this Set

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Barrett's esophagus refers to an abnormal change (______) in the cells of the inferior portion of the esophagus.
The medical significance of Barrett's esophagus is its strong association with esophageal ________.
What is the BEST marker for Iron Deficiency anemia?
What is the first and second diagnostic test in pts with dysphagia?
1- barium swallow

2- endoscopy
Before taking a pt to surgery, what must you have?
Tissue bx!
Abdominal cancer mets is typically seen in the left supraclavicular node (called ________) via the thoracic duct.
Virchow's node
______ angina is typically brought on by exercise, relieved with rest and nitro.
______ angina typically has pain at rest, increased frequency, and change from previous angina.
Silent ischemia/atypical symptoms are seen in which populations?
What is the treatment of angina?
MONA -->
What is the standard of care for CAD?
_______ is caused by coxsackie B virus and is typically seen post-MI.
Describe the characteristics of a pericardial friction rub.
*sharp, stabbing pain
*relieved by sitting up/leaning forward
*worse with movement
Describe pleuritic pain.
Sharp & severe pain worse with deep inspiration and chest wall movement.
_______ has shearing pain, often radiating to the back.
Aortic dissection
______ typically presents with burning, retrosternal chest pain.
Acute _______ presents with sharp RUQ pain that comes and goes.
The pain of _______ is relieved by leaning forward and pulling knees to chest. May radiate to the back and be associated with N/V.
A large anterior MI is due to ischemia of which artery and changes will be seen in which ECG leads?
*left main
An anteroseptal MI is due to ischemia of which artery and changes will be seen in which ECG leads?
An anterolateral MI is due to ischemia of which artery and ECG changes will be seen in which leads?
*left circumflex
*I, aVL, V4-V6
An inferior MI is due to ischemia of which artery and ECG changes will be seen in which leads?
______ after an anterior MI present with pericardial effusion and eventually tamponade.
Free wall rupture
______ is elevated by skeletal muscle trauma & IM injections; increases 4-8 hrs after MI, and returns to normal in 48-72 hours.
Total CK
______ is elevated by electrical cardioversion or cardiac surgery, NOT by skeletal muscle.
Which cardiac marker is the first to rise?
______ markers rise in 3-12 hrs, return to normal in 7-10 days, and are not normally detected.
Troponin T & I
______ is the last cardiac enzyme to fall.
What are the causes of an elevated troponin?
*Acute infarct
*Severe PE
*Heart failure
*Renal insufficiency
What are the vitamin K dependent factors?
What is the treatment for coumadin overdose?
Vit K or FFP
PT measures ________ factors. PTT measures _______ factors.
PT --> extrinsic
PTT --> intrinsic

(PeT & PiTT)
What is seen on the CXR of a pt with pulmonary edema?
*Bat wing sign
*Enlarged pulmonary arteries
*B/L pleural effusion
*Fluid in fissures
*Kerley B lines
Persistent ST elevation in all leads along with depressed PR intervals is likely to be ________.
Rib notching = _______.
Coarctation of the aorta
What are the contraindications to beta-blocker therapy?
*Heart block
*Electrolyte imbalance
*Cocaine user
What is the therapy for a pt post-MI?
Aortic stenosis presents with ______ pulse pressure. Aortic regurg presents with ______ pulse pressure.
AS --> narrow
AR --> wide
What is the definition of orthostatic hypotension?
A drop of 20 mmHg systolic or drop of 10 mmHg diastolic w/in 3 min of standing (HR increase >20 bmp or dizziness).
BP < ____ + HR > ____ = dehydration.
On ophthalmological exam, a pt with recent onset HTN by show ______. A pt with months/years of HTN may have ______. A pt with severe/accelerated HTN may present with ________.
Recent --> copper wire
Months/years --> A-V nicking
Severe --> cotton wool spots, hard exudates
In a pt with HTN emergency, _______ may be seen on ophthalmological exam.
What are some causes of Secondary HTN? (ABCDE)
*Acromegaly, inaccuracy
*Cushing's, coarctation of aorta
_______ may present with labile HTN, tachycardia, sweating, tremors. What is is caused by?
*excess epi/norepi
_____ is a possible complication of strep pharyngitis that is NOT prevented by treatment.
What is the hallmark of peripheral vascular disease (PVD)?
intermittent claudication (pain in calves with walking)
What is the hallmark of renal disease?
If a pt shows LVH on EKG, what should be ordered next?
What are the second MCCs of CHF?
HTN & valvular disease
An S3 heart sound can be normal in which people?
*pregnant women
A fourth heart sound (S4) may be heard in pts with which conditions?
*mitral regurg
*decreased ventricular compliance
What are the systolic murmurs?
What are the diastolic murmurs?
________ is the term for when the heart beat is weaker during inspiration.
Pulsus paradoxus
_______ sign occurs when left ventricular pressure drops on inspiration.
What are some causes of High Output Heart Failure?
*thiamine deficiency
Rheumatic heart disease most commonly affects which heart valve?

What is the MC pediatric heart problem?
What are the S&S of left HF?
What are the S&S of right HF?
*peripheral edema
CHF has which characteristics on CXR? (ABCDE)
*Alveolar edema (bat's wings)
*kerley B lines (interstitial edema)
*Dilated prominent upper lobe vessels (cephalization)
*pleural Effusion
What is the diagnostic test of choice for atrial fibrillation?
What is the #1 cause of heart failure?
diastolic dysfunction
What is the #1 cause of diastolic dysfunction?
A fib is an irregularly _______ heart rhythm.
What is a major, but rare side effect of procainamide?
drug-induced lupus
Why might hemoptysis occur in mitral stenosis?
b/c the recurrent laryngeal nerve is impinged by the atrium
_______ is the tx for mitral stenosis but not for aortic stenosis.
Balloon valvuloplasty
If a pt develops a new murmur, it is most likely to be ________.
mitral regurg
A young female with atypical chest pain and a murmur most likely has ________.
mitral valve prolapse
A murmur in an elderly pt with syncope, angina and dyspnea is most likely to be _______.
aortic stenosis (SAD)
Valve replacement is required with _______.
aortic stenosis
Syphilis can cause which type of heart murmur?
aortic regurg
Bicuspid valve is susceptible to calcification and _______ later.
aortic stenosis
A mid-diastolic murmur with opening snap is ________.
mitral stenosis
A loud, holosystolic murmur that radiates to the axilla is ________.
mitral regurg
A mid-systolic ejection murmur best heard at the second ICS, with radiation to the carotids is _______.
aortic stenosis
A high-pitched diastolic blowing murmur best heard at 2nd ICS and is louder when leaning forward is ______.
aortic regurg
What are the characteristics of HOCM? (i.e. type of murmur, what echo shows, and which drugs to avoid).
*systolic ejection murmur
*decreases with squatting
*increases with valsalva
*echo shows septal hypertrophy & LVH
*avoid strenuous exercise
*avoid digoxin & nitro
What is/are the cause/s of myocarditis?
*Coxsackie A or B virus
*Chagas disease
What are some common causes of pericarditis?
*Dressler's syndrome
*Post-MI (24-48 hrs)
What are the most common S&S of pericarditis?
*pulsus paradoxus
*friction rub
*pleuritic pain
*ECG changes
A globular heart on CXR represents _______.
pericardial tamponade
What is the hallmark of pericardial tamponade?
What is Beck's triad and in which conditions is it usually seen?
*hypotension, muffled heart sounds, increased JVP
*pericardial tamponade, RV infarct
A rise in JVP on inspiration, aka Kussmaul's sign, may be seen in which conditions?
*constrictive pericarditis
*restrictive cardiomyopathy
*cardiac tamponade
What may be seen on the CXR of a pt with an aortic dissection?
*widened mediastinum
*prominent aortic knob
What is the tx of aortic dissection?
Nitride & BB
An aortic rupture near the carotids may be due to _______ and one near the heart is likely due to ______.

Cardiomegaly + straight moguls + prominent aortic knob + widened mediastinum = _________.
ascending aortic aneurysm
Which type of MI may present with bradycardia and N/V and why?
Inferior MI due to vagal nerve compression
A pt experiencing a right ventricular MI needs _____; NOT nitro.
What are the side effects of ACE-inhibitors?
*dry cough
*facial edema
What is seen on the x-ray of a pt with Croup?
Steeple sign
What is Croup caused by and what are some S&S?
*Parainfluenza virus

*Inspiratory stridor, barking cough
Epiglottitis will show ______ sign on x-ray.
What is epiglottitis caused by mainly and what are some S&S?
*Hemophilus influenza

*drooling, tripod position
Name some gram negative cocci.
*Neisseria meningitides
*Neisseria gonorrhea
Give some examples of gram negative rods.
*E coli
What is Bordatella usually the culprit of?
Pertussis (whooping cough)
Pseudomonas is seen in kids with ______.
Give some examples of gram positive cocci.
*Staph aureus
*Staph epi
*Strep pyogenes
*Strep pneumonia
Name some gram positive rods.
What is the MCC of CAP?
Strep pneumonia
What is the MCC of atypical pneumonia?
What are some causes of cavitary lesions in the lung?
*Squamous cell carcinoma
*Lung abscess
What are the side effects of Isoniazid (INH)?
*neurotoxicity (give B6)
What is/are the side effect/s of Rifampin?
What is/are the side effect/s of Pyrazinamide?
What is/are the side effect/s of Ethambutol?
optic neuritis
What are the side effects of Streptomycin?
How much induration would be considered a + test in an HIV pt and those in close contact with HIV pts? ___ mm is + in high risk populations such as health care workers, homeless, foreign-born. How much induration for all others would be positive?
5 mm --> HIV
10 mm --> high-risk
15 mm --> all others
If a pt has a +PPD and a negative CXR, what should be done?
6 months of tx with INH
What is the dx test for the diagnosis of CF?
Sweat chloride test
______ increases longevity in COPD pts.
What is the MCC of hemoptysis?
Chronic bronchitis
What is the MCC of right-sided heart failure?
Left-sided heart failure
Who is Primary pulmonary hypertension most common in? What is the treatment?
*young females with RHF
*tx is O2 and transplant
What is secondary pulmonary hypertension due to?
What is the treatment for Secondary pulmonary HTN?
Treat the underlying cause & O2
What is seen on CXR of pulmonary HTN?
prominent pulmonary arteries
What is the test of choice for pulmonary HTN?
What are the 3 parts of Virchow's triad?
*Hypercoagulable state
*Endothelial damage
_____ is the screening test of choice for a suspected DVT.
Venous US
What signs may be seen on the CXR of a pt with a PE?
*Westermark sign
*Hampton's Hump
What is the typical pattern that may be seen on EKG of a pt with a PE?
What is the diagnostic test of choice for PE?
Spiral CT
What is the gold standard for dx of a PE but is rarely done?
Pulmonary angiography
Which marker is elevated when coagulation has started?
_______ results in pleural plaques.
If a person has recurrent sinus infections think of ______ disease.
What are some of the granulomatous conditions?
*Wegner's disease
What are some conditions that cause erythema nodosum on the legs?
the granulomatous conditions and OCPs
What are some signs of pleural effusions on CXR?
white, meniscus sign, blunting of costophrenic angles
What are some causes of Transudative pleural effusions?
What are some causes of Exudative pleural effusions?
*Collagen vascular disease
What does Light's Criteria state about exudative pleural effusions?
*Pleural fluid protein : serum protein >0.5
*Pleural fluid LDH : serum LDH >0.6
*Pleural fluid LDH >2/3 upper limit of normal serum LDH
What is the gold standard for diagnosis of Sarcoidosis? Who is it more common in?
*tissue bx

*AA females
In a pt with sarcoidosis, what would PFTs show? A CXR?
PFT --> restrictive lung disease

CXR --> bilateral hilar adenopathy
What is the treatment for a PTX?
Thoracocentesis in 5th ICS
How is a PTX seen on CXR?
black (full of air)
What is the MCC of fever after surgery? Which other pt population is prone to getting the same condition?

How is atelectasis seen on CXR?
white (airless)
How might atelectasis be prevented after surgery?
incentive spirometry
What are some of the tx options for influenza?
*Zanamivir (Relenza)
*Oseltamivir (Tamiflu)
Hypoventilation and increased CO2 causes respiratory _______.
Hyperventilation and decreased CO2 causes respiratory _______.
Diarrhea causes _______ pH imbalance. Vomiting causes _______.
*Diarrhea --> metabolic acidosis

*Vomiting --> metabolic alkalosis
What are the three parts of Horner's Syndrome?
*partial ptosis
The characteristic physical sign of a _______ may be seen in pts with CO2 retention (resp failure).
flapping tremor
Where might breast CA spread to?
*axillary & supraclavicular nodes
What are Cheyne-Stokes respirations?
periodic breathing near death (i.e. heart failure, coma, neuro damage)
What are Kussmaul's respirations? Which conditions may it be noted in?
*fast, deep breathing
*metabolic acidosis, DKA, kidney or liver dz
What may be seen on the CXR of a COPD pt?
*flat diaphragm
*tubular heart
*increased retrosternal space
Interstitial lung disease has a _______ appearance on CXR.
ground glass
LVH may show ______ on CXR.
kerley B lines
How might bronchopneumonia show on CXR? Causes?
patchy infiltrates (mycoplasma, viral)
How might interstitial PNA be seen on CXR? Causes?
*fine diffuse infiltrates
*influenza, CMV, p. jirovecii
How does lobar PNA present on CXR? Causes?
*dense lobar consolidation
*S. pneumonia, h. flu, legionella
How does silicosis present on CXR?
egg shell appearance
What are the treatments for anemia, hypocalcemia, and hyperphosphatemia in the chronic renal failure pt?
*anemia --> EPO injections
*hypocalcemia --> Ca & vit D
*hyperphosphatemia --> dialysis
What is the hallmark of renal failure?
The serum creatinine may still be normal with <___% kidney damage.
Where is renin produced? How does renin affect BP?
*in the juxtogloberular apparatus (JGA) of the kidney
*renin release causes HTN
What are the 3 main functions of angiotensin?
1- constrict the arterioles
2- secrete ADH
3- secrete aldosterone
Where is ADH secreted from?
posterior pituitary gland
Where is aldosterone secreted from?
glomerulosa cells of the adrenal cortex in the adrenal gland
What effect does ADH have on BP?
ADH causes water retention which elevates BP
How does aldosterone affect BP?
Aldosterone retains sodium, which causes water retention, which elevates BP
What are the contents of the adrenal medulla?
Catecholamines (epi & norepi)
What are the contents of the adrenal cortex?
salt, sugar, sex
Primary aldosteronism causes secondary _____.
What is the tx of severe hyperkalemia?
*Ca gluconate
*insulin & glucose
What is aldosterone release dependent on?
An increase in angiotensin II concentration & an increase in plasma (K+).
What condition causes excess ADH and in turn results in a decrease in serum osmolarity?
What condition causes a decrease in ADH, an increase in urine output, and an increase in serum osmolarity?
What is it called when the pituitary gland doesn't release ADH?
Central DI
What is the condition called when the collecting ducts of the kidneys are unable to respond to ADH?
Nephrogenic DI
Excess secretion of ADH = _________.
What is the first line tx for enuresis?
Behavioral tx then DDAVP
A drug reaction rash will be ______.
systemic (not on just one arm)
If a pt has a Steven-Johnsons reaction to a drug, do not give them a ______ medication.
What is the most important intracellular buffer? Extracellular?

If a pt presents with cola-colored urine and HTN, think of _______.
What are some causes of an elevated BUN?
*high protein diet
*upper GI bleed
A low flow rate is when ___% of urea is reabsorbed into blood.
What are some conditions with high ammonia levels?
*Liver failure
*End-stage cirrhosis
FeNa <1% = _______.
FeNa >2% = ________.
* Pre-renal failure (hypovolemia)
*renal failure
What is a normal GFR?
at least >60
A pt with N/V, headache, cherry red face, confusion, and fatigue along with other family members with similar symptoms = ______.
CO poisoning
What is a screening test for nephrolithiasis?
What is the diagnostic test of choice for a pt with suspected nephrolithiasis?
What should be done with a pt on metformin that needs to undergo a CT scan with contrast? Why?
Stop the metformin before systemic contrast due to risk of lactic acidosis.
A renal failure pt with elevated phosphate and decreased calcium = secondary _________.
Oliguria is a urine output < _____ cc/24 hrs. Anuria is a urine output < ____ cc/24 hrs.
Oliguria --> 500
Anuria --> 50
An elevation of serum creatinine and urea = ________.
______ is azotemia that leads to confusion and drowsiness.
For acute renal failure due to interstitial nephritis from abx, what should be ordered?
urine eosinophils
_______ casts are common and can be normal due to intense exercise.
RBC casts are seen in ________. WBC casts are seen in _______.
RBC --> GN
WBC --> pyelo
Granular/waxy casts are seen in ________.
Broad casts are seen in _______.
Granular --> ARF
Broad --> CRF
_______ is seen in nephritic syndrome.
Maltese cross
Which meds may cause pre-renal failure?
If lactate is present, think ______.
What type of anemia do renal failure pts get? Why?
Normocytic anemia -- EPO production slows & bone marrow becomes depressed
What is the first sign of ARF?
What are some common causes of CRF?
*Analgesic nephropathy --> get serum ASA levels
*Polycystic disease
*Interstitial nephritis
*Renal artery stenosis
*Kidney stones
What is an important diabetic lab test that should be done every 6-12 months?
Athletic pseudo-nephritis will show which type of casts in the urine?
hyaline and granular
Nephritic syndrome (inflammatory) is characterized by.... ?
*RBC casts
What is the triad of Nephrotic syndrome (leaky)?
The inability of the kidney to concentrate urine is called ______.
uremic syndrome
Minimal change disease in children is classified by....?
*fat, casts, & crystals
What is the tx of minimal change disease?
*low salt diet
What is the tx for PSGN?
*tx HTN aggressively
*AVOID steroids!
*Decrease protein & Na in diet
Broad casts seen in the urine of a renal failure pt = _______.
poor prognosis-- aka renal failure casts
Which immunizations should be given to renal failure pts?
What are some of the common organisms to cause UTIs?
*E. coli, proteus, enterobacter
*in hospital -- pseudomonas
What is the UTI drug of choice? In the pregnant pt?
What are the S&S of pyelonephritis?
*flank tenderness
What is the pyelo drug of choice?
In a male with prostatitis a DRE should not be performed. Why?
It could cause bacteremia
What is/are the prostatitis drug/s of choice?
*Bactrim of cipro for 21 days +
What is the MC type of kidney stone? 2nd? 3rd?
1- calcium oxylate stones
2- uric acid stones
3- struvite stones (infection)
How are uric acid kidney stones treated?
*low purine diet
*potassium citrate or allopurinol
How are struvite kidney stones treated?