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21 Cards in this Set

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what are the high pressure systems of the vascular network?
arteries, they have thick walls to compensate for high pressure.
deficient supply of oxygenated blood, caused by any obstruction
total blockage of a blood vessel
Inefficient supply
a partial blockage of a blood vessel, usually presents as pain when exercising
which are more distensible and thin walled? arteries or veins?
How does the blood get back to the heart?
skeletal muscle assists
intraluminal valves (must be competent)
patent lumen
deep vein thrombosis can be caused from extended periods of
lack of skeletal muscle contraction, which assists in venous return
3rd piece of info about lymph dr. desjardin mentioned? (besides fluid return)
absorbs lipids from intestinal tract
Cyanosis is
bluish tint of skin
poor arterial supply to the legs will result in
less hair on the legs
especially concerned with a widening aortic pulse in people with what high risks? (3)
high cholesterol
Allen test
test to ensure ulnar artery is working, in the possibility that you damage the radial artery w/IV. (if ulnar artery does not work and you do not check, pt can lose their hand)
reasons for edema
deep vein thrombosis
chronic venous insufficiency/incompetent veins
lymphadema (doesn't pit)
orthostatic edema
congestive heart failure
manual compression test for varicosities
compress vein at knee and see if blood flows backwards towards ankle
intermittent claudication
usually in smokers
pain in calves after 15 minutes of walking, but dissipates when resting. indicator of chronic arterial insufficiency
Rubor:Really red feet indicate
arterial insufficiency
Homan's sign
support patients leg, dorso flex ankle and causes pain in calf. 35% of the time it indicates blood clots.
what type of insufficiency causes the following?
cool temp
pale skin or dusky red
decreased/absent pulse
Chronic Arterial Insufficiency
what type of insufficiency causes the following?
normal pulse/temperature
cyanotic or brown pigmentation and petechiae
Chronic Venous Insufficiency
what type of insufficiency causes the following?
marked edema
stasis dermatitis
possible thickening of skin
ulcers develop medially at sides of ankles, but with NO possibility of gangrene
Chronic Venous Insufficiency
what type of insufficiency causes the following?
mild->absent edema
thin shiny atrophic skin
loss of hair on foot/toes
nails thickened & ridged
ulceration occurs at toes/points of trauma and can develop gangrene
Chronic Arterial Insufficiency