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172 Cards in this Set

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What spine level is the sternal angle found?
What are the contents of the superior mediastinum?
Brachiocephalic vein
Aortic arch
Phrenic nerve
Vagus nerve
Sympathetic trunk
Thoracic duct
What are the subdivisions of the inferior mediastinum?
anterior, middle, posterior
Contents of the anterior mediastinum
Contents of the middle mediastinum
sup/inf vena cava
ascending aorta
pulmonary trunk
pulmonary veins
phrenic nerve
Contents of the posterior mediastinum
thoracic aorta
thoracic duct
vagus nerve
sympathetic trunk
What connects the aortic arch to pulmonary trunk?
Ligamentum arteriosum
Function of ductus arteriosus in developing fetus
Keep blood from going to the lungs bc they aren't developed yet
Function of foramen ovale in developing fetus
Allows blood to flow from right to left atrium
Part of the heart that is the site of the AV septum
coronary sulcus
Part of the heart at the site of the ventricular septum
interventricular septum
What arteries are found in the coronary sulcus?
right/left coronary artery
circumflex artery

posterior interventricular
What arteries are found in the interventricular sulcus?
LAD (anterior interventricular)
posterior interventricular
great cardiac vein
middle cardiac vein
Name of the muscles inside the right atrium
crista terminalis
What 3 venous openings are found in the right atrium?
coronary sinus
Another name for the infundibulum
conus arteriosus
Name of the muscles found in the right ventricle
trabeculae carneae
anterior/posterior/septal papillary muscles
moderator band
What are the 3 papillary muscles in the RV?
Where is the aortic vestibule found?
left ventricle
Referred pain from the heart will be at what levels of the spinal cord?
What makes up the tunica intima?
endocardium (endothelium)
What makes up the tunica media?
myocardium (cardiac muscle)
What makes up the tunica adventitia?
epicardium (connective tissue)
How long is an avg heart beat?
.8 sec
What valves are opened/closed during ventricular diastole?
mitral/tricuspid open
pulmonic/aortic closed
What valves are opened/closed during systole?
mitral/tricuspid closed
pulmonic/aortic open
Properties of stenotic valves
rigid, don't open completely
blood hits the unopened valve when flowing into the ventricle, pulmonic trunk, or aorta
When are murmurs heard in a stenotic valve?
prior to AV valve closure at systole
prior to semilunar valve closure at diastole
Properties of incompetent valves
flaccid, don't close completely
blood hits the valve when back flowing into the atria or ventricles
When are murmurs heard in an incompetent valve?
after AV closure at systole
after semilunar valve closure at diastole
What are the 3 types of coronary bypass?
saphenous vein
internal mammary artery
radial artery
What are the fissures found on the lungs?
horizontal and oblique on right lung and oblique on left
Where does the trachea bifurcate?
sternal angle
Another name for secondary bronchi
lobar bronchi
Where is the costodiaphragmatic recess found at the anterior mid-clavicular?
7th intercostal space
lung at 6th rib, parietal pleura at 8th
Where is the costodiaphragmatic recess found at the mid-axillary line?
9th intercostal space
lung at 8th rib, parietal pleura at 10th
Where is the costodiaphragmatic recess found on the posterior side?
11th intercostal space
lung at 10th rib, parietal pleura at 12th
What are the 5 sets of lymph nodes found in the lungs?
tracheobronchial (primary)
bronchopulmonary (secondary)
pulmonary (tertiary)
What nodes are found at the hilus of the lungs?
What spinal level do you find the suprasternal notch? Sternal angle?
Where do you find the intercostal vein, artery, and nerve?
In the costal groove of the rib
What are the 3 layers of the innermost intercostals?
transverse thoracis
What cutaneous nerves off the ventral ramus of spinal nerves provide sensory to thoracic wall?
anterior and lateral cutaneous nerves
What do the anterior intercostal arteries come off?
internal thoracic artery
What muscles fix the 1st rib?
anterior and middle scalene muscles
What muscle fixes the 12th rib?
quadratus lumborum
Another name for epicardium
serous visceral pericardium
What provides sensory innervation to the fibrous and serous parietal pericardium?
phrenic nerve
What provides sensory innervation to the parietal pleura?
costal and peripheral diaphragmatic
Between what 2 structures does the phrenic run?
fibrous pericardium and lungs
What does the phrenic nerve innervate? (both motor and sensory)
motor to diaphragm
sensory to diaphragm, mediastinal portion of parietal pleura, fibrous pericardium
What provides somatic sensation to the visceral pleura?
has NO somatic sensation
3 branches off celiac trunk
splenic, left gastric, common hepatic
What provides parasympathetic innervation to the liver and stomach?
anterior/left vagus
What provides parasympa innervation to all abdominal organs except liver and stomach?
posterior/right vagus
What provides parasympathetic innervation to organs supplied by the celiac trunk?
anterior/left vagus
posterior/right vagus
hepatic branch of left vagus
What nerve stimulates acid secretion in the stomach?
anterior/left vagus
What all does the greater thoracic splanchnic provide sensory innervation to?
lower esophagus
gall bladder
What makes up the celiac nodes?
left and right gastric
What does the celiac trunk and nodes receive lymph drainage from?
lower esophagus
What artery supplies the lesser curvature?
left gastric
What artery supplies the lower 1/3 of esophagus?
esophageal branches
What nodes drain the lower 1/3 of esophagus?
celiac nodes
What nodes drain the upper 1/3 of esophagus?
deep cervical
What nodes drain the middle 1/3 of the esophagus?
mediastinal nodes
What arteries supply the stomach?
right gastric (off proper hepatic)
right and left gastroepiploic
What ligaments are found in the lesser omentum?
hepatogastric ligament
hepatoduodenal ligament
What ligament is found in the greater omentum?
gastrolienal ligament
What arteries are found in the lesser omentum?
right and left gastric arteries
What structures are found in the Epiploic Foramen (Winslow)?
proper hepatic artery
common bile duct
portal vein
What arteries are found in the greater omentum?
right and left gastroepiploic arteries
Where are the short gastric arteries found?
in the gastrolienal ligament (part of the greater omentum)
What are the smooth muscle layers of the stomach?
outer longitudinal
middle circular
inner oblique
What ligament comes off beneath the falciform ligment?
ligamentum teres hepatus (round ligament)
Another name for the round ligament? (of the liver)
ligamentum teres hepatus
What is the porta hepatis? Contents?
on underside of liver, separates the caudate and quadrate lobes

right/left hepatic duct
right/left hepatic arteries
right/left portal veins
Boundaries of the Triangle of Calot? Contents?
cystic duct, hepatic duct
cystic artery and right hepatic artery
Blood supply to duodenum
superior and inferior pancreaticoduodenal
Blood supply to the pancreas
superior pancreaticoduodenal - head
inferior pancreaticoduodenal - head and uncinate process
splenic - body
Blood supply to spleen
splenic artery and vein
also celiac trunk
Where are 5 possible locations of ulcers?
posterior stomach
1st part of duodenum
duodenum into greater sac
lesser curvature into lesser sac
anterior stomach and greater curvature into greater sac
Where is the ureter with respect to the gonadal artery and vein?
below these vessels "water flows under the bridge"
Flow of blood within the kidney
renal pyramid, renal papilla, minor calyx, major calyx, renal pelvis
Muscle above iliac crest? Below?
quadratus lumborum
Lumbar plexus: T12
subcostal n.
Lumbar plexus: L1
iliohypogastric n.
ilioinguinal n.
Lumbar plexus: L4-L5
lumbosacral trunk
Lumbar plexus: L1-L2
genitofemoral n.
Lumbar plexus: L2-L3
lateral femoral cutaneous n.
Lumbar plexus: L2-L4
femoral n.
obturator n.
What are the 3 openings in the diaphragm?
inferior vena cava (T8)
esophageal hiatus (T10)
aortic hiatus (T12)
What are the 4 unpaired arteries off the abdominal aorta?
celiac trunk
superior mesenteric
inferior mesenteric
median sacral
When does the external iliac change names to femoral?
when it goes under the inguinal ligament
What does external iliac change into when it passes under the inguinal ligament?
What veins drain into the portal vein?
superior and inferior mesenteric
"PISS in the portal"
What nodes drain lower extremities, pelvic organs, kidney, testes, body wall?
lumbar (para-aortic) nodes
then to lumbar trunks then thoracic duct
What do the lumbar (para-aortic) nodes drain?
lower extremities
pelvic organs
kidney and suprarenal glands
body wall
What do the supreme intercostal arteries branch off? Found in what spaces?
costocervical trunk
spaces 1-2
What do the posterior intercostal arteries branch off? Found in what spaces?
spaces 3-11
Where are possible esophageal constriction sites? At what spinal levels?
cricopharygeus (C6)
arch of aorta and left primary bronchus (T4-T5)
inferior esophageal constrictor/esophageal hiatus (T10)
Blood supply to the esophagus
inferior thyroid
esophageal artery
esophageal branches of left gastric
Lymphatic drainage of the esophagus
deep cervical
Where do esophageal cancers generally develop?
inferior 1/3
Branches of the superior mesenteric artery
middle colic (left and right branches)
marginal artery
right colic
intestinal branches
What organs does the superior mesenteric supply?
small intestines
ascending colon
transverse colon
What structures are drained (lymphatic) by the superior mesenteric artery?
ascending colon
transverse colon
small intestines
Movement of lymph from intestines?
superior mesenteric nodes to intestinal trunk to thoracic duct
Name of the fatty folds surrounding the colon
appendicis epiploica
Ridges (?) on the descending colon
tenia coli
2 layers of muscle making up the large intestines
inner circular
outer longitudinal
McBurney's Point
associated with appendicitis; pain radiates from the right lower quadrant when it affects the parietal peritoneum
Meckel's diverticulum
a duodenal ulcer that may give similar symptoms as appendicitis
Branches of inferior mesenteric artery
marginal arteries
left colic
sigmoid arteries
superior rectal
organs supplied by inferior mesenteric artery
descending colon
sigmoid colon
upper 1/2 rectum
What structures are drained (lymphatic) by the inferior mesenteric nodes?
descending colon
sigmoid colon
upper 1/2 rectum
Referred pain from sympathetics will never be lower than ___
Ganglion associated with inferior mesenteric artery
inferior mesenteric ganglion
lumbar splanchnics L1-L2
Anything in the pelvis that is retroperitoneal, referred pain travels with ________
Splanchnic nerves are _______ by definition
Better term for prevertebral
Greater thoracic splanchnic nerves associated with what nerves? Ganglion?
Lesser thoracic splanchnic nerves associated with what nerves? Ganglion?
superior mesenteric
Least thoracic splanchnic nerves associated with what nerves? Ganglion?
Lumbar splanchnic nerves associated with what nerves? Ganglion?
inferior mesenteric ganglion
Celiac trunk nerves supply what organs?
gall bladder
proximal 1/2 duodenum
(via greater splanchnics)
Nerves along superior mesenteric artery supplies what organs?
distal 1/2 duodenum
transverse colon
ascending colon
small intestines

(via lesser splanchnics)
Nerves along renal artery supply what organs?
suprarenal gland

(via least splanchnics)
Nerves along inferior mesenteric artery supply what organs?
descending colon
sigmoid colon
upper 1/2 rectum

(via lumbar splanchnics)
What nerves travel to the hypogastric plexus?
sacral splanchnics (L1-L2)
pelvic splanchnics (S2-S4)

these then travel to the aortic plexus
What nerves travel to the aortic plexus?
thoracic splanchnics (T5-T12)
lumbar splanchnics (L1-L2)
Preganglionic parasympathetics in the aortic plexus?
Pre and postganglionic sympathetics in the aortic plexus?
Pelvic splanchnics - para or sympa?
Thoracic splanchnics: para or sympa?
Lumbar splanchnics: para or sympa?
Sacral splanchnics: para or sympa?
Visceral pain via sacral splanchnics: what organs?
fundus and body of uterus
Visceral pain via pelvic splanchnics: what organs?
prostate gland
lower 1/2 rectum
Umbilicus associated with what dermatome?
Xiphoid process associated with what dermatome?
Area above pubic symphysis associated with what dermatome? Other term for this?
L1 (iliohypogastric)
Scrotum and labia majora associated with what dermatome? Other term for this?
L1 (iliolingual)
Superficial lymph drainage above umbilicus goes to what?
axillary nodes
Superficial lymph drainage below umbilicus goes to what?
superficial inguinal nodes
Transpyloric plane cuts across what 3 organs?
pylorus of stomach
gall bladder
transverse colon
What are the 8 abdominal layers?
superficial fascia (camper's, scarpa's)
muscle (EAO, IAO, trans abd)
endoabdominal fascia (transversalis, iliacus and psoas fascia)
extraperitoneal fat and fascia
parietal peritoneum
peritoneal cavity
visceral peritoneum
2 layers of superficial fascia
Camper's (outer fatty)
Scarpa's (inner membranous)
2 layers of endoabdominal fascia
anterior - transversalis fascia
posterior - iliacus and psoas fascia
Parietal peritoneum innervated by what nerves?
thoracoabdominal nerves
Another name for falx inguinalis
conjoint tendon
Another name for conjoint tendon
falx inguinalis
Horizontal layers on the rectus abdominis
tendinous intersection
3rd layer of the spermatic cord
transversalis fascia
deep inguinal ring
spermatic cord (internal spermatic fascia)
inferior epigastric artery and vein
2nd layer of spermatic cord
conjoint tendon
spermatic cord (cremaster muscle)
iliolingual and iliohypogastric nerves
inguinal canal contents
1st layer of spermatic cord
EAO aponeurosis
inguinal ligament
spermatic cord (ext spermatic fascia)
superficial inguinal ring
Contents of superficial inguinal ring
lateral crural fibers
intercrural fibers
medial crural fibers
Roof of inguinal canal
transversus abdominis
Posterior wall of inguinal canal
laterally - transversalis fascia
medially - conjoint tendon
Floor of inguinal canal
laterally - inguinal ligament
medially - lacunar ligament
Anterior wall of inguinal canal
Contents of inguinal canal
spermatic cord
ilioinguinal n.
Layers of scrotum
dartos muscle/fascia
ext spermatic fascia
cremaster muscle/fascia
int spermatic fascia
tunica vaginalis
Contents of spermatic cord
genital branch of genitofemoral n.
testicular artery
pampiniform plexus
vas deferens
Where is the tunica vaginalis derived from?
Connective tissue surrounding the testes
tunica albuginea
Most common type of hernia
Inguinal hernia
most common
enters deep to inguinal ring; lateral to the inferior epigastric artery
Direct hernia
bulges anteriorly through posterior wall of the inguinal canal into Hesselbach's triangle
medial to inferior epigastric
about 15% of inguinal hernias
Boundaries of Hasselbach's Triangle
medial - inferior epigastric vessels
lateral - ext oblique aponeurosis, linea semilunaris
floor - inguinal ligament
Femoral hernias
pass posterior to inguinal ligament
lateral to pubic tubercle
in the femoral canal
most frequent in women due to shape of pelvic bones
Other types of hernias
umbilical (congenital, acquired)
divarication of the rectus abdominis