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96 Cards in this Set

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what is the upper boundary of the abdominopelvic cavity

pelvic diaphragm is the lower
Part of the abdomen located above the umbilical and below the chest
epigastric region
what plane:

passes through the inferior border of the 10th costal cartilidge
subcostal plane
what costal cartilidge does the subcostal plane pass through
What lines the internal surface of the abdominal wall and is innervated by somatic nerves?
PARIETAL peritoneum

visceral peritoneum surrounds abdominal organs and is innervated by visceral nerve supply and pain is poorly localized
functions of abdominal abdominal wall muscles
produce force for DEFECATION
where is the transpyloric plane located
at L1
what is formed where lateral margin of RECTUS muscle meets the SUBCOSTAL margin
transpyloric plane
what quadrant is the spleen, apendix, liver, and gall bladder located
spleen - LUQ
appendix - RLQ
liver, gall bladder - RUQ
what are the abdominal layers from external > internal
SQ fat
3 paired muscles (external oblique, internal oblique, transversus abdominus)
endoabdominal fascia
THe flat tendons known as the aponeuroses and flat tendon (aponeuroses) and in the midline form the _____
linea alba
transpyloric plane is formed when the lateral margin of the _____ muscle meets the _____ margin
transpyloric plane is formed when the lateral margin of the RECTUS muscle meets the SUBCOSTAL margin
what is the order of the abdominal exam?
1. Inspect
2. Auscultate
3. Percuss
4. Palpate
when palpating the pt during the abdominal exam, you stand on what side of the patient
Stand on the RIGHT SIDE of the patient
what is the normal size of the liver
6-12 cm
when palpating during the abdominal exam what should you note for
fixed vs mobile
movement with respiration
Costovertebral Angel (CVA) tenderness is usually a sign of
kidney infection
what are the normal findings for contour
spleen is located in what quadrant
liver is located in what quadrant
Rebound tenderness, psoas sign are indicative of
what muscles are responsible for temp regulation for spermatogenesis. theses also elevate testees in response to cold temperature.
dartos and cremaster muscles
for males, what contains the urethra
corpus spongiosum
what contains the cremasteric fascia (cremaster muscle)
spermatic cord
what are the constituents of the spermatic cord
vas deferense
arteries (testicular, cremasteric)
veins (pampiniform plexus)
what is the sperm pathway
seminiferous tubules > retes testes > efferent ductules > epididymis > ejaculatory duct > urethra
what is the function of the seminal glands
secretes alkaline secreteions and optimizes fertilization
what is the function of the prostate
contributes to volume of semen
match the following:
testees feel nontender, fluid in scrotal sac

hydrocele, varicocele, testicular torsion, cryptorchidism
match the following:
dilated pampiniform plexus, feels like a bag of worms

hydrocele, varicocele, testicular torsion, cryptorchidism
match the following:
twisting of spermatic cord

hydrocele, varicocele, testicular torsion, cryptorchidism
testicular torsion
match the following:
undescended testees

hydrocele, varicocele, testicular torsion, cryptorchidism
what are the parts of the uterus
match the following:
forward bending of uterus on vagina

anteverted or anteflexed
match the following:
uterine body is bent anteriorly relative to cervix

anteverted or anteflexed
what is the innermost part of the uterus involved in mestrual cycle and conception
which uterine tube is the site of fertilization and also the widest and longest part
what is salpingitis
inflammation of uterine tubes (may give positive pregnancy test reading)
what are some diseases of female reproductive system
ovarian cysts
what curvature is retained throughout life
thoracic - sacral
what is the curvature of the thoracic - sacral vertebral colum
concave anteriorly
what curvature does not become obvious until infancy
cervical - lumbar
what is the curvature of the cervical - lumbar vertebral column
match the following:
increase convexity or roundness of spines thoracic curve. humpback or dowager's hump.

kyphosis, lordosis, scoliosis
match the following: swayback, exageration of lumbar spine curve. hollow back. seen in pregnant/obsese pts

kyphosis, lordosis, scoliosis
match the following:
lateral curvature of spine. crooked or curved back.

kyphosis, lordosis, scoliosis
the IV discs consist of __________ (outer fibrous part) composed of concentric lamellae or fibrocartilage and a ______ (nucleus pulposus)
the IV discs consist of ANULUSFIBROSUS (outer fibrous part) composed of concentric lamellae or fibrocartilage and a GELATINOUS CENTRAL MASS (nucleus pulposus)
as you get older what happens to your IV discs
the H2O content decreases and the nucleus becomes more fibrocartilaginous therefore more easily damaged
damage to the IV discs usually occurs in what region
cervical or lumbar
what test is performed to check for sciatica
straight leg raise test
connects muscle to bone
tendon (made of collagen fibers running in the same direction like a rope surrounded by a lubricating sheath)
connects bone to bone
sprains are tearing of
strains are tearing of
tendon fibers
what allows nodding of the head
atlanto occipital membrane (C1 - skull)
what is the most common type of tendon rupture
rotator cuff
what is the largest tendon in the body
what tendon is vital to pushing off with the foot (plantarflexion)
what joint is specefic for primates and humans, and has the function of ALLOWING US TO RAISE OUR THE ARM ABOVE THE HEAD
acromioclavicular joint (AC joint)
what are the joints of the shoulder girdle
what is the longest and heaviest bone in the body
____large weight bearing shin bone
___ slender bone that lies posterolateral to the tibia (NOT THE FEMUR)
just in case they ask know this
tarsus contains 7 bones:
calcaneus - heel bone
talus - only one to articulate with the leg bones
3 cuneiforms
fill in the blank

___ usually the proximal end of a muscle that is fixed during contraction

origin or insertion
fill in the blank

___ usually the distal end of the muscle that is movable

origin or insertion
what is the largest muscle in the body and where is it located
satorious muscle

located in the thigh
what are the muscles of the Rotator cuff (SITS)
teres minor
what is the largest nerve in the body and is the continuation of the main part of the sacral plexus
sciatic nerve
what is the safe and dangerous side of the buttocks for injection
lateral side - safe
medial side - dangerous
what are the muscles of the hamstrings
bicep femoris muscles
semimembranosus muscles
semitendinosis muscles
cervical spine ROM
- Bend head forward, chin to chest
- Bend head back, chin to ceiling
- Bend head to each side, ear to shoulder
- Turn chin to each shoulder
pain when doing the straight leg raise test indicates
elbow ROM
Instruct patient to flex elbow to a right angle and rotate hand from palm down (pronation) to palm up (supination)
what does the Phalen's test check for
carpel tunel syndrome

done by instructing patient to maintain palmar flexion for 1 minute
when doing the Phalen's test

numbness and paresthesia experience over palmar surface and 1st 3 fingers is a sign of positive
carpel tunel syndrome
match the following:

Herberden's nodes
Bouchard's nodes

DIP joints or PIP joints
Herberden's nodes - DIP joints
Bouchard's nodes - PIP joints
ulnar drift, swan neck, boutonnaire are indicative of
Rheumatoid Arthritis
match the following

non-inflammatory arthritis, nonsymetrical joint swelling

chronic inflammation of peripheral joints, symmetric joint swelling

RA or OA
OA - non-inflammatory arthritis, nonsymetrical joint swelling

RA - chronic inflammation of peripheral joints, symmetric joint swelling
tophi indicates?
malar (butterfly) rash is a symptom of
Systemic Lupus (SLE)
match the following ROM

patient moves joints actively

examiner moves joint without patient expending effort

test of muscle strength

active, passive, resistance
active - patient moves joints actively

passive - examiner moves joint without patient expending effort

resistance - test of muscle strength
Latissmus dorsi – know where it is in our body (in the picture)
match the following

belief in superiority of one's own group or culture and expressing disdain and contempt for other groups or cultures

ethnocentrism, prejudice, stereotype
match the following

preconceived judgement or opinion of another person based on direct or indirect experiences

ethnocentrism, prejudice, stereotype
match the following

fixed perception or image of a group that rejects the existence of individuality within that group

ethnocentrism, prejudice, stereotype
cause and effect
human body as a machine
western medicine

biomedical, naturalistic, magico-religious
humans only one part of nature and cosmos
must keep forces in balance and harmony to maintain health
eastern or chinese medicine (cassandra, 1/2 of jen, woo-woo, marcus)

biomedical, naturalistic, magico-religious
supernatural forces dominate the world
good vs evil
illness result of evil forces or failure to live piously

biomedical, naturalistic, magico-religious
Most common chest X ray
Posterior Anterior
rate the order of radiation from greatest to least

X ray
CT scan
Radiation: CT scan > X ray > MRI
Principles of Radiography – most soft tissue do not show up on Xrays, if you want to focus on organs, blood vessels or the GI tract you need _________
which type of dysphagia progressive from inability to swallow solids > liquids
obstructive dysphagia
esophageal cancer
difficulty swallowing solids and liquids at the onset is
motor dysphagia
what is globus hystericus
feels like something is stuck in my throat
just know that
prostatic hypertrophy feels like rubbery to boggy consistency, LOSS OF MEDIAN FURROW