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54 Cards in this Set

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the loss of calcium and other materials from bone extracellular matrix


reduced bone mass due to a decrease in the rate of bone synthesis to a level too low to compensate for normal bone resorption; any decrease in bone mass below normal


bone cancer that primarily affects the osteoblasts and occurs most often in teenagers during growth spurt


the branch of medical science concerned with the prevention or correction of disorders of the musculoskeletal system

Vertebral Body

thick, disc-shaped anterior portion of the weight-bearing part of a vertebra

Vertebral Arch

two short, thick processes, the pedicles that project posteriorly from the vertebral body and unite with the flat laminae, extends posteriorly from the body of the vertebra


(C1), a ring of bone with anterior and posterior arches and large lateral masses, lacks a body and a spinous process


(C2), has a vertebral body, peg-like process called the dens or odontoid process projects superiorly through the anterior portion of vertebral foramen

Caudal Anesthesia

anesthetic agents that act on the sacral and cocygeal nerves and injected through the sacral hiatus


surgical procedure in which part of the cranium is removed


surgical procedure to remove a vertebral lamina

Spinal Fusion

surgical procedure in which two or more vertebrae of the vertebral column are stabilized with a bone graft or synthetic device

Pectoral Girdles

a clavicle and a scapula that attach the bones of the upper limbs to the axial skeleton


the intermediate region of the hand that consists of five bones


bones of the digits that make up the distal part of the hand

Bony Pelvis

the complete ring composed of the hip bones, pubic symphysis, sacrum, and coccyx that forms a deep basin-like structure


the measurement of the size of the inlet and outlet of the birth canal, which may be done by ultrasound or physical exam

Runner's Knee

Patellofemoral stress syndrome, when patella does not track normally and instead does so laterally as well as the normal superior and inferior movement


the intermediate region of the foot


weakened tendons and the ligaments in arch of foot cause a decrease or fall in arch


an inherited deformity in which the foot is twisted inferiorly and medially and the angle of arch is increased

Hallux Valgus

angulation of the great toe away from the midline of the body, typically caused by wearing tight shoes, also called a bunion


the study of joints


the study of the motion of the human body


a fibrous joint composed of a thin layer of dense irregular connective tissue: occur only between bones of the skull


used in surgical repair of torn cartilage, a lighted, pencil-thin fiber optic camera is used for visualizing the nature and extent of the damage


an acute or chronic inflammation of a bursa caused by irritation from repeated, excessive exertion of a joint


a decrease in the angle between articulating bones


an increase in the angle between articulating bones


the movement of bone away from the midline


the movement of bone toward the midline

Dislocated Knee

the displacement of the tibia relative to the femur


when joints that have been severely damaged by diseases are replaced surgically with artificial joints


pain in a joint


a dense sheet or broad band of irregular connective tissue that lines the body wall and limbs and supports and surrounds muscles and other organs of the body


a red-colored protein founding the sarcoplasm and only found in muscle that binds oxygen molecules that diffuse into muscle fibers from interstitial fluid


the contractile organelles of skeletal muscle


within myofibrils; contain thin and thick filaments, composed of actin and myosin, directly involved in contractile process

Rigor Mortis

condition in which muscles are in a state of rigidity

Motor End Plate

the region of the sarcolemma opposite the synaptic end bulbs

Botulinum Toxin

produced by the bacterium clostridium botulinum, blocks exocytosis of synaptic vesicles at the NMJ

Motor Unit

a somatic motor neuron plus all of the skeletal muscle fibers it stimulates


increased muscle tone (stiffness) associated with an increase in tendon reflexes and pathological reflexes

Anabolic Steriods

steroid hormones similar to testosterone that are taken to increase muscle size by increasing the synthesis of proteins in muscle

Enteric Plexuses

extensive networks of neurons located in the walls of organs of the GI tract, help to regulate


receiving or input portions of a neuron


propagates nerve impulses toward another neuron, a muscle fiber, or a gland cell


what makes up half the volume of the CNS, active participant in the activities of nervous tissue, multiply to fill in the spaces formerly occupied by neurons in injury

Myelin Sheath

a multilayered lipid and protein covering around some axons that insulates them and increases the speed of nerve impulse conduction


a cluster of neuronal cell bodies located in the PNS


a cluster of neuronal cell bodies located in the CNS


a bundle of axons that is located in the PNS


a bundle of axons that is located in the CNS

Bone Grafting

a surgical procedure that replaces missing bone in order to repair bone fractures that are extremely complex