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30 Cards in this Set

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what type of anxiety disorders are the hardest to achieve remission in
general anxiety disorder
panic disorder
post traumatic stress disorder
what anxiety disorder is this

anxiety and worry for 6 months plus 3 of the following

restlessness, fatigue, on edge, poor concentration/mind goes blank, irritability, sleep disturbances, muscle tension
general anxiety disorder
what is the diagnosis of GAD
anxiety and worry for atleast 6 months and 3 of the following:

restlessness, fatigue, poor [], mind goes blank, on edge, irritability, sleep disturbances, muscle tension
why must you avoid stimulants (caffeine, diet pills, alcohol) in pts with anxiety
it may provoke anxiety
what are the 1st line drugs to treat General Anxiety Disorder
Escitalopram - best choice
Paroxetine - anti-CoA SE at high doses
what is the diagnosis of Panic Disorder
spontaneous panic attack with fear of having another w/in 1 month

plus fear of self doom during attacks, fear of losing control or dying and 4 physical symptoms (palpitations, sweating, SOB, nausea)
what are the 1st line drugs for Panic Disorder
all SSRI
what is the difference between SAD and PD
SAD - fear of being embarassed through social interactions

PD - fear of having another panic attack within 1 month
what is the diagnosis of Social anxiety disorder
fear of social performance situations (fear that they may act in a way that is humiliating or embarassing)

<18 years with symptoms present for 6 months
what are symptoms of social anxiety disorder
blushing is principle symptom
fear of public speaking or eating in front of others
being embarassed/humiliated
what are the 1st line agents for Social anxiety disorder
SSRI (fluvaxamine, sertraline, escitalopram, paroxetine)
SNRI (venlafaxine)
how are antidepressants dosed in SAD and PD
SAD use same dose as used to treat depression

PD use 1/4 dose used to treat depression
what is the diagnosis of post traumatic stress disorder
exposure to traumatic event (event that involved threat of death or injury to pt or pt responded with intense fear, helplessness, horror)
what are the 3 types of symptoms that a pt with PTSD could have
reexperiencing symptoms - memories, dreams of event, fear of event recurringt
hyperarousal symptoms - decreased concentration, easily startled, insomnia, angry outbursts
avoidance symptoms - can't recall aspects of events, avoid convos about event, don't want to think about event
what are the 1st line drugs for PTSD
what anxiety disorder are BZD not effective in
what is the diagnosis of OCD
obsessions: repetitive thoughts, images, impulses
compulsions: repetitive activites (hand washing) or repetitive mental acts (repeating words silently)
what is used to tx mild and severe OCD
mild OCD (CBT only)
severe OCD (CBT + SSRI)
what are the 1st line drugs to treat OCD

clomipramine after failure of 2-3 SSRI
when would clomipramine be used to treat OCD
after failure with 2-3 SSRI
what is the most potent BZD
what is the MOA of BZD
bind to GABA-a Rc
what are the PK of Clorazeptate, Diazepam, Lorazepam, Temazepam, Oxazepam
Clorazeptate, Diazepam - highly lipophilic and can cross BBB, undergo OXIDATION, reach peak plasma lvl rapidly, long t1/2

Lorazepam, Temazepam, Oxazepam - not very lipophilic therefore harder time crossing BBB, undergo CONJUGATION
what is used to treat BZD OD
can BZD be use during pregnancy
no don't use if pt pregnant (teratogenic don't use in 1st trimester)
what should be done to minimize withdrawal symptoms with BZD
25% decrease in dose until achieve 50% of dose
what is used to treat acute anxiety
what is the MOA of Buspirone
5HT1a partial agonist
what is the benefits of Buspirone
no dependence properties
minimal sedative effects
non BZD
good for substance abuse
what is the treatment algorithm for SAD
SSRI or Venlafaxine

partial response: augment with buspirone or clonazepam

response: continue tx for 12 weeks